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1.PSE: A generic framework for student & teacher education 2.PSE & IAB 3.PSE & CPD at ERC.

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Presentation on theme: "1.PSE: A generic framework for student & teacher education 2.PSE & IAB 3.PSE & CPD at ERC."— Presentation transcript:

1 1.PSE: A generic framework for student & teacher education 2.PSE & IAB 3.PSE & CPD at ERC

2 to all colleagues at Educational Research Center & elsewhere, especially the team of International Arab Baccalaureate who made this work possible

3 Modeling Instruction: Teacher modeling practice Student gain on a conceptual test Posttest – Pretest 100 – Pretest

4 Education: one world, one framework Pre-service education In-service professional development Program of study Learning & Instruction Assessment

5 Teacher Education Institution SchoolCommunity

6 Novel research-based pedagogy developed at ERC: Education to empower learners with a profile for success in life (  school/university and workplace)


8 In both student & teacher education:  Big picture within and across disciplines: Depth- breadth balance / Less is more in Episteme  Critical Habits of Mind: Skills & Dispositions  Concentrate on Patterns & representative Systems  Cross-disciplinary epistemic & cognitive taxonomy

9 In both student & teacher education:  Preparation for lifelong education  Mediated, experiential learning  Authentic assessment for meaningful learning, not assessment of rote learning

10 System: Bohr’s model of the atom Benchmarks  Learning Outcomes Scope Domain Hydrogen atom and hydrogen-like (or hydrogenic) ions. Function Description and explanation of certain, but not other, aspects of a single electron bound on a circular orbit. Structure Composition A nucleus with one (hydrogen) proton or more (hydrogenic ions), and a single electron. Properties of interest include mass and charge of these entities, and state properties of the electron (e.g. velocity). Internal Structure Interaction between the nucleus and the electron partially represented by a central (binding) Coulomb force exerted by the proton(s) in the nucleus on the electron. External Structure Interaction between the atom in question and other neighboring atoms (molecular structure), or other types of environment (e.g., electromagnetic field).

11 Skills / processes:  Analysis  Criterial reasoning  Relational reasoning  Critical reasoning  Logical reasoning  Communication dexterity  Technological dexterity Dispositions:  Affects  Attitudes  Morals  Ethics  Values  Beliefs Scope PScope P Scope EScope E Scope Scope A Scope FScope Habits of Mind

12 Engagement:  Core-engagement Within fields of study  Eco-engagement With others & environment, at school & outside  Meta-engagement Self-management & learning how to learn

13 1.Initiation / Early awareness: Know that a system (physical or conceptual) exists, but know nothing about it, and cannot use it 2.Gestation / Recognition: Partially know the scope and structure of the system, and use it in limited, familiar situations (individual HoM’s) 3.Replication / Comprehension: Know the scope and structure of the system, and use it in familiar or similar situations (HoM & Engagement) 4.Innovation / Understanding: Know the scope and structure of the system, and creatively use it in novel situations

14 International Arab Baccalaureate:  School-based program, Grades 10-12 / K-12  Deployed with existing curricula for enrichment & to bring harmony within diversity  Monitoring individual students’ profile history  Relief from exit exams’ nightmare  Capacity building of teachers  Partnership / Ownership spirit

15 More than an item bank:  Robust but user-friendly, flexible engine & content  Uniformity of design & deployment of items and assessments  Various forms and types of assessment  On-line, on-demand, on-paper  Continuous monitoring & processing of all data  Respects ITC standards and others’

16 IAB 2010 Pilot:  Teachers at participating schools change practice  5 students ranked, for the first time, in one’s school history, among top 10 on national exams  Correlation between IAB and national exit exams:  Between.60 and.80 in individual fields .63 on cumulative scores in all fields

17 IAB 2010 Pilot:

18 Continuous Professional Development programs:  Aligned with international standards of teacher education:  NCATE, TEAC, NBPTS, INTASC…  EQF, QAA, TDA, Wales, Queensland, NAQAAE…  Blended courses, online & face-to-face, culminating in joint certificates and diplomas  Other platforms: PLC, action-research…

19 Together for Shaping the Future of Education

20 Thank you Ibrahim A. Halloun www.

21 Student Profile Paradigm Pedagogy Teacher Profile Educational System Learning & Instruction Program of study Assessment Benchmarks and/or Outcomes Society, Culture, Heritage Educational Vision & Tenets Higher Ed Workplace

22 Emergent Fundamental Core Conceptions & Habits Core Conceptions & Habits

23 Academic YearActionGradesSchools 2008 – 2009Pilot of Exit Exam12Selected schools 2009 – 2010 Pilot of Summative Exams e-platform R&D 10, 11, 12Selected schools 2010 – 2011 Formal implementation10Accredited schools Pilot11, 12Selected schools 2011 – 2012 Formal implementation10, 11Accredited schools Pilot12Selected schools 2012 – 2013 Formal implementation First IAB Diplomas 10, 11, 12Accredited schools

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