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Alameda Articulation Area Facilities Proposal Creating Schools to Meet the Growing Needs of our Communities.

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Presentation on theme: "Alameda Articulation Area Facilities Proposal Creating Schools to Meet the Growing Needs of our Communities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alameda Articulation Area Facilities Proposal Creating Schools to Meet the Growing Needs of our Communities

2 Tonight’s Purpose Share information on a proposed plan to address student enrollment growth and create an aligned 7-10 program with our community. Gather your insight/feedback and ideas to help evaluate the proposed plan.

3 Alameda Area Enrollment Concerns Over-enrolled Deane Elementary, Kendrick Lakes Elementary, Lasley Elementary, Stein Elementary  Factors Affecting Growth: Multi-Generational Households, Low Priced Housing, High Mobility, High Free & Reduced Enrollment, New Construction  Deane ES 2014-15 Enrollment 479, 102% utilization  Stein ES 2014-15 Enrollment 737, 164% utilization  Lasley ES New housing development  O’Connell MS 2017-18 Projected 60% utilization

4 Alameda Area Enrollment Concerns SchoolEnrollment/Utilization 2014-15*2015-162016-172017-18 Deane ES 479492497502 102% (4)75%76%77% Kendrick Lakes 442452425410 109% (3)94%89%85% Lasley ES 511556565573 99% (2)85%86%84% Patterson 379535527513 79% (1)77%76%74% Stein ES 737773780776 164% (13)91% All 23 temporary classrooms are used to calculate utilization. Patterson & Stein Pre-K not included in enrollment, located off-site. Boundary changes will be required in order to attempt to balance enrollment. *2014-15 utilization numbers do not include temps

5 Stein Elementary Current Concerns Lack of adequate instructional and intervention space. Insufficient teacher work area(s). Playground, parking, and cafeteria overcrowding. Temporary buildings are permanent.

6 Proposed Plan Creating a new International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program elementary school at the current O’Connell Middle School location. Combining the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program (MYP), which serves students in grades 7 through 10, into a single site on the Alameda International High School campus. Moving all 11th and 12th graders, including the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (DP), to a separate wing on the Alameda International High School campus.

7 Alameda Articulation PK/K-6 7-8 9-12 AIHSO’ConnellDeaneK-LakesLasleyPattersonStein PK/K-6 7-12 AIHSDeane Kendrick Lakes LasleyPattersonStein New School

8 Why a 7-12 High School for Alameda? International Baccalaureate Program – Middle Years Program for All Students: 7 th through 10 th Grade. Research supports – Fewer transitions for students = improved achievement and reduced drop-out rates. – Longer years in a facility positive correlation for students and staff. – Access to more resources for students and staff.

9 Alameda International HS Building Plan for 7-12 Configuration

10 Why a New Elementary School? Timely response for: – Improved classroom and common area conditions specifically for Stein elementary school. – The school district to accommodate additional student enrollment in the Alameda area. Maintain community partnerships – Boys and Girls club, clinics, adult education, pre- school programs.

11 Key Benefits of the Proposed Plan Ensures kids have safe, welcoming schools and classrooms. Serves the growing educational needs for the Alameda community. Provides a timely plan to meet the area needs.

12 Every decision we make needs to keep students at the center.

13 All Voices Matter At your table groups: – Discuss the questions on your note-catcher. – Write down your responses and questions. We will gather your feedback to inform the Board of Education and district staff in meeting the needs of the Alameda community.

14 Visit alameda_plan/

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