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14-19 Learning Networks Briefing on CQFW Adrian Sheehan, Gavin Thomas, Katy Burns and Lynne Thomas Katy Burns - CQFW Briefing 14-19 learning networks Sept.

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Presentation on theme: "14-19 Learning Networks Briefing on CQFW Adrian Sheehan, Gavin Thomas, Katy Burns and Lynne Thomas Katy Burns - CQFW Briefing 14-19 learning networks Sept."— Presentation transcript:

1 14-19 Learning Networks Briefing on CQFW Adrian Sheehan, Gavin Thomas, Katy Burns and Lynne Thomas Katy Burns - CQFW Briefing 14-19 learning networks Sept 10 v10

2 Current Challenges for Partnerships Building on existing good practice in partnerships Implementing 14-19 Learning Pathways and the Learning and Skills (Wales) Measure 2009 Planning the local curricula for 14 to 16 and 16 to 18 year olds through collaboration Achieving efficiency and effectiveness in the local delivery of 14-19 provision Raising standards and achieving consistently high quality Katy Burns - CQFW Briefing 14-19 learning networks Sept 10 v10 2

3 Curriculum Challenges in Wales 14-19 Learning Pathways The Welsh Baccalaureate Qualification Essential Skills Wales The Reform of Vocational Qualifications CQFW / QCF Pathways to Apprenticeships Reaching Higher: Widening Access to HE; Foundation Degrees. Katy Burns - CQFW Briefing 14-19 learning networks Sept 10 v10 3

4 The Credit & Qualification Framework for Wales (CQFW) New curriculum framework for Wales Part of the wider UK vocational reform programme Internationally recognised standards and processes linked to a European Qualifications Framework A framework to deliver flexibility, choice and progression Katy Burns - CQFW Briefing 14-19 learning networks Sept 10 v10 4

5 Qualifications and Curriculum Framework (QCF) The new vocational Framework for creating and accrediting qualifications in England, Northern Ireland and Wales Recognising achievement through the award of credit for units and qualifications Enabling learners to build up qualifications bit by bit Helping learners achieve skills and qualifications that employers need Ensuring that vocational qualifications are more responsive to the needs of employers and learners. Katy Burns - CQFW Briefing 14-19 learning networks Sept 10 v10 5

6 CQFW Katy Burns - CQFW Briefing 14-19 learning networks Sept 10 v10 6

7 CQFW includes Higher Education (HE) units and qualifications from Level 4 up to Level 8 Quality Assured Lifelong Learning (QALL) learning and training units designed to meet specific needs Qualification and Credit Framework (QCF) units and qualifications from Entry level to Level 3. Katy Burns - CQFW Briefing 14-19 learning networks Sept 10 v10 7

8 CQFW embraces All learning programmes including taught courses, distance learning, work related learning, community related learning and other education / training activities All providers including schools, colleges, work- based trainers, community-based providers, industry, voluntary and other bodies offering learning or training Katy Burns - CQFW Briefing 14-19 learning networks Sept 10 v10 8

9 QCF Architecture Katy Burns - CQFW Briefing 14-19 learning networks Sept 10 v10 9

10 School / College / WBL Awarding organisations Qualification How will QCF work? (Source: City and Guilds) Banked credit New credit New credit New credit New credit Katy Burns - CQFW Briefing 14-19 learning networks Sept 10 v10 10

11 Rules of combination Majority of 14-19 learners will still complete qualifications defined in the rules of combination The combination of units to complete a qualification List mandatory and optional units, plus any other QCF qualifications recognised by the regulatory authorities (Ofqual, DCELLS, CCEA) Designed by AOs and SSCs / SSBs Credit can come from more than one level with more than 50% at the qualification level Specified exemptions Katy Burns - CQFW Briefing 14-19 learning networks Sept 10 v10 11

12 Recognition of Prior Learning Learners are entitled to have previous qualifications, skills, experience and understanding formally recognised Easier to do this at unit level Can minimise the duplication of training Opportunity to fast track some learners Models are being developed to fit different circumstances Katy Burns - CQFW Briefing 14-19 learning networks Sept 10 v10 12

13 Benefits & Opportunities Formal recognition for all types of learning or training – vocationally within QCF and other learning through QALL Flexible acquisition of qualifications through credit for smaller units of learning Opportunity to meet learners’ needs through more effective delivery arrangements involving partnerships Learning recognised within CQFW is consistent with UK and European standards Katy Burns - CQFW Briefing 14-19 learning networks Sept 10 v10 13

14 What Needs to Change? Put in place key strategies to successfully implement CQFW at all levels Achieve more effective collaboration among providers Develop and implement new systems, plans and administrative support Communicate consistently the details of CQFW Ensure that the potential benefits for learners are achieved Be innovative and make efficiency gains Katy Burns - CQFW Briefing 14-19 learning networks Sept 10 v10 14

15 What Areas are likely to be most affected? Curriculum and Assessment Quality Assurance Information Services Information, Advice and Guidance Partnership Arrangements Communication and Employer Engagement Katy Burns - CQFW Briefing 14-19 learning networks Sept 10 v10 15

16 Curriculum & Assessment What are the main changes to the qualifications in each vocational area? Have you considered the guided learning hours of the qualifications, the content, the rules of combination, the assessment and grading? How will the learning partnership deliver these units and qualifications? How will they contribute to the local curricula offer? Have you established mechanisms and processes for the Recognition of Prior Learning Katy Burns - CQFW Briefing 14-19 learning networks Sept 10 v10 16

17 Quality Assurance Are quality assurance systems being modified to meet the new regulatory requirements and the needs of Awarding Organisations? Are the quality implications of delivering a CQFW curriculum within partnerships being addressed? Are mapping and tracking and administration systems being put to facilitate the implementation of CQFW? How might the award of credit be reflected in performance measures? Katy Burns - CQFW Briefing 14-19 learning networks Sept 10 v10 17

18 Challenges to Information Systems Investigating the capacity of MIS systems to deliver CQFW successfully Updating systems to exchange information with other CQFW stakeholders’ systems Reviewing their information systems in line with the LRS and LLWR systems to ensure the provision of accurate, reliable and timely data for managers Katy Burns - CQFW Briefing 14-19 learning networks Sept 10 v10 18

19 Challenges to Learning Partnerships How does the 14-19 partnership plan to achieve the benefits of CQFW? What roles do the partners have in the implementation of CQFW? How does the partnership intend to communicate CQFW effectively to its staff, local employers, parents and learners? Katy Burns - CQFW Briefing 14-19 learning networks Sept 10 v10 19

20 Information, Advice & Guidance Are all providers putting in place mechanisms to provide learners with the guidance, support and information needed to deliver CQFW? Are advice and guidance staff being trained and developed to provide the support that learners and others require to maximise opportunities under CQFW? Katy Burns - CQFW Briefing 14-19 learning networks Sept 10 v10 20

21 Refreshments break Katy Burns - CQFW Briefing 14-19 learning networks Sept 10 v10 21

22 What is the Learning Records Service (LRS)? 22 Katy Burns - CQFW Briefing 14-19 learning networks Sept 10 v10 It is part of the Skills Funding Agency (formerly the Learning and Skills Council) which is responsible for all publicly funded adult skills training in England outside of higher education. The Skills Funding Agency is implementing the QCF across the post-19 FE and Skills system in England and collaborating with the devolved administrations to deliver QCF and the Personal Learning Record in Wales and Northern Ireland, supporting public and privately funded learning. The Learning Records Service was known as MIAP and the new name is designed to more accurately reflect what it does and provides.

23 A randomly generated ten digit number allocated to learners by learning providers. Allows learners to build a lifelong record of their learning participation and achievements, which they can access and choose to share. Being allocated to every person in education and training aged 14+ in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. More than 10.8 million learners already have a ULN. Over 6,000 providers – Learner Registration Bodies (LRBs) – are registered with the Service. The Unique Learner Number A lifelong number that is required to be shared 23 Katy Burns - CQFW Briefing 14-19 learning networks Sept 10 v10

24 The PLR presents an electronic record of learners’ achievements which is securely accessed by learners and registered learning providers over the Internet. Qualifications and achievement data is recorded against individual ULNs. It will become an individual’s lifelong record of qualifications and achievement in education. This year the PLR was made available on line to limited numbers of providers and learners to test services and processes. It is being rolled out to more providers now and PLR web services have been introduced Learners will be able to access their PLR themselves, as long as their ID has been verified, and share it with third parties if they wish to do so. The Personal Learning Record Access to the PLR is controlled by the Learner 24 Katy Burns - CQFW Briefing 14-19 learning networks Sept 10 v10

25 Changes are being made to the PLR to support the additional services around credit accumulation and transfer for the QCF. Awarding organisations will be supplying achievement data for credit and qualifications in the QCF, which will be validated against accreditation data from the regulators and learner data held in the record. The Service will be providing products and support applications for the sector Enhanced functionality is being developed to support learning providers in delivering the QCF and help learners to identify routes to achievement, accumulate credit and build units towards qualifications. Supporting delivery of the QCF 25 Katy Burns - CQFW Briefing 14-19 learning networks Sept 10 v10

26 What’s happening in Wales? Over 133,250 learners in Wales have a ULN The ULN is the enabler for initiatives in the education sector including the Welsh Baccalaureate, QCF and CQFW. All FE Colleges in Wales are getting ULNs for learners from this September. ACL and WBL organisations in Wales are starting to use the service. A solution is being developed by DCELLS for schools in Wales to obtain ULNs using PLASC data. DCELLS is establishing proof of concept around importing Welsh learners’ award data into the PLR from schools and FE data bins. Access to the PLR by learners and IAG professionals will be embedded in wider services offered by Careers Wales Online. The ULN is not currently mandated in Wales but will be requested in the LLWR return for all WBL providers from September 2011. 26 Katy Burns - CQFW Briefing 14-19 learning networks Sept 10 v10

27 .... 09 / 2010 …...……..... 09 / 2011.................… 09 / 2012 …… The Learning Records Service Supporting Programmes and Partnerships in Wales Careers Wales Online goes live with Welsh PLR Pilot CQFW Electronic Learner Record HE/ UCAS data transfer More AOs and more awards data Pilots of ULN for WBQ Careers Wales 14- 19 Pre 16 with UPN ULN in WBL and FE with QCF AOs updating data bins with QCF units First QCF PLR available to the learner Rollout of RITS, DAQW consolidated Schools to get ULNs New PS3 WBL Contract mandates ULN Careers Wales supports 14-19 Measure Post16 with ULN AOs updating data bins with more Awards ULN replaces LLWR ULI? Wales Awards Data Bin? Link to HE Achievement Report? 27 Katy Burns - CQFW Briefing 14-19 learning networks Sept 10 v10

28 What about UK Higher Education? A HEFCE-JISC funded Pilot has just reported A ULN field has been established in HESA and UCAS datasets. Around 6% of students from state-funded schools, FE and sixth form colleges are providing their ULN as part of the UCAS ‘Apply’ process. The ULN will allow UCAS to share verified qualification data for applicants avoiding data re-entry. HEIs are starting to use the LRS to assign ULNs to students (that don’t already have them). Over 40 HEIs are registered LRBs including Bangor and Glamorgan. DCELLS and HEFCW are considering a small scale pilot with Welsh HEIs. 28 Katy Burns - CQFW Briefing 14-19 learning networks Sept 10 v10

29 Contact Information Helpline Telephone: 0845 602 2589 Opening hours: 8.00hrs – 20.00hrs Monday to Saturday e-mail: Website: Implementation Manager in Wales: Lynne Thomas LRS Project Manager in Wales: Gary Williams (DCELLS) Learning Provider Register: Additional information and guidance material on WAG website 29 Katy Burns - CQFW Briefing 14-19 learning networks Sept 10 v10

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