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Introduction to ABET Accreditation

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1 Introduction to ABET Accreditation
Jamie Rogers, Ph.D., P.E. ABET President UT System Regents' Outstanding Teacher, Professor  & Associate Department Chair - The University of Arlington Industrial & Manufacturing Systems Engineering Dept. May 7, 2014

2 Topics Who is ABET? Value of Accreditation
Basics of ABET Accreditation Process Criteria Continuous Quality Improvement ABET’s Global Activities Becoming a Program Evaluator

3 Who Is ABET?

4 ABET Vision Provide world leadership in assuring quality and in stimulating innovation in Applied Science Computing Engineering, and Engineering Technology Education

5 ABET Mission (slide 1) ABET serves the public globally through the promotion and advancement of education in applied science, computing, engineering, and engineering technology. Similarly, ABET’s mission extends outside the borders of the U.S. Our stakeholders and constituents have global operations and look to ABET to assure the graduates they hire from around the world are receiving a high quality education. Our mission requires us to do that through our accreditation activities and assisting others in the development and advancement of education world wide.

6 ABET Mission (slide 2) Accredits educational programs
Promotes quality and innovation in education Communicates and collaborates with its constituents and the public Assists in the development and advancement of education worldwide Anticipates and prepares for the changing educational environment and the future needs of its constituents Manages its operations and resources in an effective and fiscally responsible manner

7 What Does ABET Accredit?
An academic program leading to a specific degree in a specific discipline Misconceptions clarified: Not institutions Not schools, colleges, or departments Not facilities, courses, or faculty Not graduates Not degrees

8 Accreditation in the U.S.
Non-governmental Voluntary Peer review

9 Who Recognizes ABET? In the U.S.
33 Member and Associate Member Societies of ABET Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) State Boards for Engineering & Surveying Licensure & Registration (over 55 jurisdictions) U.S. Patent Office U.S. Reserve Officers Training Corps Council of Engineering Specialty Boards (CESB) Board of Certified Safety Professionals (BCSP) Accreditors in other disciplines U.S. Trade Office U.S. State Department Employers (position announcements)

10 Brief ABET History 1932 Engineers’ Council for Professional Development (ECPD) established 1936 ECPD first evaluated engineering degree programs 1980 Name changed to “Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology” (ABET) 1980 Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) signed with Canada (1st international agreement) 1989 Washington Accord Agreement signed with Canada, UK, Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand 1994 Policies and Procedures for Substantial Equivalency evaluations (evaluations outside the U.S.) approved Major criteria reform (Engineering Criteria 2000) 2005 Name changed to “ABET” solely, no longer spelling out the former name 2006 Substantial Equivalency discontinued 2007 Accreditation of programs outside the U.S. began 2011 IFEES, GEDC Membership

11 ABET Organizational Design
ABET is a federation of 33 professional and technical societies. Neither institutions nor individuals are members of ABET. ABET relies on the services of almost 2,200 volunteers supported by 33 full-time and seven part-time staff.

12 ABET’s 33 Member Societies
Board Orientation - March 2011

13 Member Societies Represent “the profession” Develop program criteria
Over 1.5 million individual members Develop program criteria Appoint Board representatives Nominate commissioners Recruit and assign program evaluators

14 Organizational Structure
Volunteer-Driven: 2,200+ Volunteers Board of Directors Nominated by member societies Provide strategic direction and plans Decide policy and procedures Approve criteria 4 Commissions ASAC, CAC, EAC, ETAC Make decisions on accreditation status Implement accreditation policies Propose changes to criteria Program Evaluators Visit campuses Evaluate individual programs Make initial accreditation recommendations “Face of ABET” 100% of accreditation decisions are made by volunteers ABET Headquarters (Baltimore): ~40 full, part time staff

15 Industry Advisory Council Academic Advisory Council
ABET Organizational Structure Committees Board of Directors Accreditation Council Industry Advisory Council Academic Advisory Council Global Council ABET Headquarters Applied Science Accreditation Commission 73 accredited programs at 55 institutions Computing Accreditation Commission 405 accredited programs at 310 institutions Engineering Accreditation Commission 2,285 accredited programs at 468 institutions 620 accredited programs at 212 institutions Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission

16 ABET Board of Directors
5 Officers President, President-Elect, Past President, Secretary, Treasurer 1-year terms, except for Treasurer who serves for 2 years 39 Directors 1-3 Directors from each member society 3-year term, renewable for additional term 5 Public Directors Right to vote; no affiliation with member societies 2 Associate Member Representatives Privilege of the floor, but no vote

17 Sources of ABET Funding
ABET Member Societies Costs associated with governance Institutions Costs associated with accreditation Users (individuals, institutions, and societies) of professional services Costs associated with workshops, symposia Board Orientation - March 2011

18 85,000 students graduate from ABET-accredited programs each year!

19 Topics Who is ABET? Value of Accreditation
Basics of ABET Accreditation Process Criteria Continuous Quality Improvement ABET’s Global Activities Becoming a Program Evaluator

20 Value of ABET Accreditation

21 Value of ABET Accreditation
ABET-accredited programs recognized globally Commitment to quality education Outcomes-based approach “What is learned” vs. “what is taught” Emphasis on continuous quality improvement Criteria encourages innovation

22 ABET Value Students and Parents
Helps students select quality programs Shows institution is committed to improving the educational experience Helps students prepare to enter “the profession” Enhances employment opportunities Establishes eligibility for financial aid and scholarships

23 ABET Value Institutions
“Third-party” confirmation of quality of programs Prestige, recognition by “the profession” Attract the strongest students Acceptability of transfer credits Some external funding depends on accreditation status

24 ABET Value Faculty Encourages “best practices” in education
Structured mechanisms for self-improvement Institution is serious and committed to improving quality Facilities, financial resources, training, etc.

25 ABET Value Industry Ensures educational requirements to enter “the profession” are met Aids industry in recruiting Ensures “baseline” of educational experience Enhances mobility Opportunity to help guide the educational process Program’s industrial advisory groups Professional, technical societies

26 ABET Value Society Helps ensure public safety
Supports professional licensure, certification Graduates are ready for the profession Engages multiple constituents Academe, industry, public Identifies programs for investment of public and private funds Some assurance to taxpayers Funds for higher education are appropriately spent

27 Topics Who is ABET? Value of Accreditation
Basics of ABET Accreditation Process Criteria Continuous Quality Improvement ABET’s Global Activities Becoming a Program Evaluator

28 Basics of ABET Accreditation

29 Faculty Workshop on Accreditation Processes
April 2010 Generally Accepted Accreditation Principles Accreditation is voluntary Non-governmental organization Fair and impartial peer review process Requires self-assessment by the program/school Continuous process (reviewed every n years) Failure of single criterion results in loss of accreditation Deficiencies in one area CANNOT be compensated by strengths in other areas. Copyright 2010

30 What Programs Do ABET Accredit?
Academic program leading to a specific degree in a specific discipline Assigned commission depends on program name Applied Science (ASAC): AS, BS, MS Examples: Health Physics, Industrial Hygiene, Industrial & Quality Management, Safety Sciences, Surveying & Mapping Computing (CAC): BS Computer Science, Info Systems, Info Technology Engineering (EAC): BS, MS Engineering Technology (ETAC): AS, BS

31 ABET Accreditation Process What Does It Involve?
Criteria developed by member societies, practitioners, and educators Self-Study Report by the institution and program On-site evaluation by peers From education, government, and industry Publication of lists of accredited programs Periodic re-evaluation (maximum 6 years)

32 Faculty Workshop on Accreditation Processes
April 2010 ABET Accreditation Process Objectives Assure that graduates of an accredited program are adequately prepared to enter and continue the practice of applied science, computing, engineering, and engineering technology Stimulate the improvement of technical education Encourage new and innovative approaches to technical education and its assessment Copyright 2010

33 Faculty Workshop on Accreditation Processes
April 2010 Basic Requirements Programs must have graduates Institution must assess entire program Appropriate institutional accreditation or governmental approval U.S. Department of Education, or Regional accreditation agency, or National accreditation agency, or State authority Outside the U.S. Appropriate entity that authorizes/approves the offering of educational programs Copyright 2010

34 ABET Accreditation Process
4/12/2017 ABET Accreditation Process Programs prepare Self-Study Report for evaluation team Documents how the program meets criteria Program review conducted by team of peer colleagues Faculty, industry and government professionals, and administrators in the profession Review the Self-Study Report, conduct the review visit ABET Program Evaluators (PEVs) 2,200+ volunteers from academe, industry, and government (individual members of ABET Member Societies)

35 Peer Review Evaluation conducted by team of peer colleagues:
4/12/2017 Peer Review Evaluation conducted by team of peer colleagues: Faculty, industry and government professionals, and administrators in the profession Review the Self-Study Report and conduct review visits ABET resource pool of visitors consists of approximately 2,200 faculty, industry, and government representatives

36 Review Team Membership
One Team Chair For large teams: Team Chair and Co-Chair Typically one program evaluator for each program being evaluated Minimum of 2 for a single program Possibly one or more observers International partners, U.S. state licensing boards, new program evaluators, ABET staff Team members are volunteers and not compensated for their work

37 On-Site Visit Direct observations Complements the Self-Study Report
4/12/2017 On-Site Visit Direct observations Program facilities Student work, materials Interview faculty, students, administrators, and other professional supporting personnel Complements the Self-Study Report Provides direct, observable evidence that cannot be obtained from the Self-Study Report

38 Accreditation Timeline 18-Month Process
4/12/2017 Accreditation Timeline 18-Month Process March - June Team members assigned, dates set, Self-Study Report submitted May - June Necessary changes to statement, if any, are made January Institution requests accreditation for programs December - February Draft statements edited and sent to institutions August Institutions notified of final action Year 1 Year 2 September - December Visits take place, draft statements written and finalized following 7-day response period February - May Institution prepares self-evaluation (Program Self-Study Report) February - April Institutions respond to draft statement and return to ABET July Commission meets to take final action October Accreditation status publically released

39 Faculty Workshop on Accreditation Processes
April 2010 Governing Documents Accreditation Process ABET Criteria for Accrediting Programs in [ASAC, CAC, EAC, ETAC] Program Management Assessment Curriculum Resources and Support ABET Accreditation Policy and Procedure Manual [APPM] Eligibility for Accreditation Conduct of Evaluations Public Release of Information Appeals Copyright 2010

40 Self-Study Basics and Context
Institutions and programs prepare the Self- Study Report documenting how they comply with ABET policy and criteria Presents the program to the evaluation team Affords team its first impression of the extent to which the program meets the criteria Gives an impression of the institution’s preparation for the upcoming visit

41 The Guiding Principles of Accreditation Decisions

42 Faculty Workshop on Accreditation Processes
April 2010 Overview of Criteria Goals Ensure the quality of educational programs Foster the systematic pursuit of quality improvement in educational programs Develop educational programs that satisfy the needs of constituents in a dynamic and competitive environment Copyright 2010

43 April 2010

44 Faculty Workshop on Accreditation Processes
April 2010 Engineering Criteria 2000 “EC 2000” Philosophy: “Outcomes-Based” Institutions and programs define mission and objectives to meet their constituents’ needs Outcomes: preparation for professional practice Demonstrate how criteria are being met Wide national and international acceptance Commitment to Continuous Improvement Process focus: outcomes and assessment linked to objectives; input from constituencies Student, faculty, facilities, institutional support, and financial resources linked to program objectives Copyright 2010

45 Faculty Workshop on Accreditation Processes
April 2010 Program Names Determines: Which ABET Accreditation Commission is responsible ASAC, CAC, EAC, ETAC Which professional society is responsible Appropriate program evaluators Which criteria are applicable “General Criteria” for all programs “Program Criteria” for certain disciplines Copyright 2010

46 Faculty Workshop on Accreditation Processes
April 2010 Baccalaureate Level Programs Criteria Students Program Educational Objectives Student Outcomes Continuous Improvement Curriculum Faculty Facilities Institutional Support Copyright 2010

47 Program Criteria Each program must satisfy applicable program criteria that may, depending upon the commission, amplify: Objectives Outcomes Curricular topics Faculty qualifications

48 Master’s Level Programs Criteria
Fulfillment of baccalaureate-level general criteria One academic year of study beyond the baccalaureate level Ability to apply master’s level knowledge in a specialized area related to program area Fulfillment of program criteria appropriate to master’s specialization area Develop, publish, and periodically review educational objectives and student outcomes

49 Continuous Quality Improvement

50 Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI)
ABET criteria have been developed on the principles of continuous quality improvement. On-going process at institution to improve quality of student’s educational experience Systematic process: documented, repeatable Assess performance against criteria Take actions to improve program Accreditation is a part of CQI. Verification that program meets certain level of quality, and CQI is part of the quality process.

51 Faculty Workshop on Accreditation Processes
April 2010 Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI Process) CQI process includes a clear understanding of: Mission (your purpose) Constituents (your customers) Objectives (what one is trying to achieve) Outcomes (learning that takes place to meet objectives) Processes (internal practices to achieve the outcome) Facts (data collection) Evaluation (interpretation of facts) Action (change, improvement) Copyright 2010

52 Assessment How Well Are We Doing?
Establish Purpose and Set Goals Define/Refine Objectives and Outcomes Design and Conduct Assessments Evaluate Assessment Findings Use Results for Decision Making Institutional support Student advising Faculty Curriculum Program goals Customers How students learn What students learn

53 Assessment Common Issues (slide 1)
Faculty and/or staff fail to put adequate attention to what data need to be gathered to assess and evaluate, especially for student outcomes. Common mistake: gathering much more data than needed Failure to logically evaluate data prevents reasonable conclusion that an objective or outcome is being attained

54 Assessment Common Issues (slide 2)
Many large programs hand off all assessment activities to a staff person (some qualified, some not). Program evaluators look for faculty knowledge of processes and results. Experience shows that most (preferably all) faculty members must be involved for the requirements of Criterion 4 (Continuous Improvement) to be fully met.

55 Resources Program Assessment Workshops ABET Symposium
Institute for the Development of Excellence in Assessment Leadership (IDEAL) Intensive, Interactive Daylong Workshops Program Assessment Workshops ABET Symposium April of each year Over 70 sessions Four educational tracks Accreditation track Self-Study Reports Various topics Multiple offerings No cost Website:

56 Topics Who is ABET? Value of Accreditation
Basics of ABET Accreditation Process Criteria Continuous Quality Improvement ABET’s Global Activities Becoming a Program Evaluator

57 Global Engagement

58 ABET’s Global Activities Consistent with ABET’s Constituents
Students/Young Professionals: Increasingly multicultural and mobile ABET Member Societies: Nearly all have international membership/chapters Higher Education: Trend toward establishing international campuses, distance learning Employers: U.S. industry increasing its global presence

59 ABET IS Engaged Globally Consistent with ABET’s Mission and Vision
Accredits programs outside the U.S. Assistance: MOUs with 15 national agencies Mutual Recognition Agreements Engineers Canada International Engineering Alliance (IEA) Seoul Accord Membership in Global Organizations Global Engineering Deans Council (GEDC) Intl Federation of Engineering Education Societies (IFEES)

60 Global Accreditation Activities As of 1 October 2013
Accredited 3,367 programs at 684 colleges and universities in 24 countries Non-U.S. Programs Accredited 365 programs at 72 institutions in 23 countries Uniform accreditation criteria, policies and procedures used for all visits, regardless of location

61 Mutual Recognition Agreements
International agreement Among bodies responsible for accrediting technical degree programs Recognizes “substantial equivalency” Of accrediting systems Graduates of accredited programs are prepared to practice engineering at the entry level of the profession.

62 International Engineering Alliance
Washington Accord* Engineering Sydney Accord* Engineering Technology Dublin Accord* Engineering Technician APEC Engineer Agreement Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Engineers Mobility Forum Professional Engineers Register Engineering Technologist Forum * ABET is a signatory.

63 Washington Accord Engineering
ABET: U.S. (1989) IEAust: Australia (1989) CEAB: Canada (1989) IEI: Ireland (1989) IPENZ: New Zealand (1989) EngC: UK (1989) HKIE: Hong Kong (1995) ECSA: South Africa (1999) JABEE: Japan (2005) IES: Singapore (2006) IEET: Chinese Taipei (2007) ABEEK: South Korea (2007) BEM: Malaysia (2009) MUDEK: Turkey (2011) AEER: Russia (2012)

64 Mutual Recognition Agreements
Periodic review of assessment processes For every member organization Every 6th year Self-Study Report + observer teams Campus evaluations, decision meetings Signatories’ website lists recognized programs Graduate attributes Exemplars for graduates of accredited programs (next slide)

65 Mutual Recognition Agreements Sydney Accord (Engineering Technologist)
Australia – IEAust Canada – CEAB Hong Kong China – HKIE Ireland – IEI New Zealand – IPENZ South Africa – ECSA United Kingdom – EngC United States – ABET

66 Topics Who is ABET? Value of Accreditation
Basics of ABET Accreditation Process Criteria Continuous Quality Improvement ABET’s Global Activities Becoming a Program Evaluator

67 Becoming a Program Evaluator

68 The Big Picture ABET accredits 3,367 programs at 684 institutions in 24 nations At present, more than ABET 2,200 volunteers From academia, industry, government, and the profession Volunteers serve many roles in ABET Quality and consistency of the accreditation process is derived from strength of the PEV pool.

69 A Growing Need for PEVs Projected need for up to 2,500 volunteers within five years Major ABET priorities: Work with societies to recruit PEV volunteers Refine/improve training Retain new PEVs

70 Why Become an ABET Volunteer?
Ensure global program quality Contribute to technical education program delivery Individual professional development Gain best practice experience from programs other than one’s own Influence academic conversation and relationship with industry

71 Program Evaluator (PEV) Competency Model
Program evaluators are the “face of ABET” and need to: Uphold the highest quality Improve consistency “Walk the talk” of continuous improvement Approved by Board and implemented in 2005

72 What Is a Competency Model?
A set of behaviors that encompass the knowledge, skills, and abilities of highly successful program evaluators

73 PEV Competencies Technically Current Effective Communicators
Professional Interpersonally Skilled Team-Oriented Organized

74 How is the ABET PEV Competency Model Used?
Recruiting Informs nominators and candidates of expectations Selection Allows assessment of candidates against minimum criteria and competencies Training Focuses on the competencies needed for PEV success Performance Appraisal Provides standards that enable continuous improvement Competency models are standard practice in the industries served by ABET programs.

75 What’s in It for You? Help ensure the quality of higher education
Unique professional development opportunity Use your specialized knowledge to improve educational experience for thousands of students. Network with other professionals A great source of experience-based knowledge Keep up to date and have input on the criteria Service to the community of people who are trying to help maintain quality education Serve your profession, “give back”

76 What’s in It for You? For Those from Academe
Help other institutions/programs improve Helps you prepare for an ABET visit See accreditation from the “other side” What happens to your Self-Study Report after it leaves your institution? What kind of issues may be raised? How you can make the PEV’s job easier (and in the process make your visit go more smoothly)? How can you reduce unnecessary anxiety about visits? How are other schools handling some of the issues you find to be difficult?

77 PEV Pre-Visit Effort Pre-Visit (10-28 hours)
Training updates (1-2 hours) Reviewing the Self-Study Report (4-8 hours) Completing required forms (2-6 hours) Participating in team conference calls (2-4 hours) Communicating with the program and team chair prior to the visit (1-8 hours)

78 PEV Visit and Post-Visit
Campus Visit: Sunday through Tuesday Travel Saturday, Tuesday evening Review materials Based on your assessment of Self-Study Report Tour facilities Meet and interview faculty, students, and others Participate in team meetings Extensive discussions – team-based decisions Write short report of findings Post Visit (1-2 hours) As requested by the team chair No direct contact with school after visit

79 PEV Annual Cycle Experience
360° review of each visit PEVs evaluated by program chair and team chair PEVs evaluate other PEVs and team chair Results provided to PEV after completion of review cycle Update status each spring Code of conduct agreement Availability for visits New conflicts of interest Training Refresher training Just-in-time training prior to each visit ABET Workshops and Symposia (complimentary registration for PEVs) Repeat as desired

80 Potential ABET Career Trainee Observer Program Evaluator
Accreditation Commission Member (i.e., team leader) Accreditation Commission Executive Committee Member Board of Directors Member Board of Directors Officer

81 Initial Training Three Separate Steps
Online learning experience Face-to-face facilitated instruction Society-specific training (if applicable)

82 Online Training Online portion of PEV Candidate Training typically takes hours Requires written work and the completion of three end-of-module quizzes

83 Face-to-Face Training
Pre-Work (4-8 hours) Review of process and requirements Evaluation of partial Self-Study Report Mentor support/feedback Face-to-Face Training (~2 days with travel) Full-day Saturday, half-day Sunday Teams of 5-6 PEV candidates with Support Facilitator Variety of activities Presentation of information Team activities Play-acting demonstrations Individual statement writing exercise

84 Personal Travel Expenses
ABET pays all reasonable and appropriate travel expenses Face-to-Face Training Campus visits

85 Training Period The entire PEV candidate training process begins in March and ends in June. The online training must be completed at least three weeks before the Face-to-Face Training.

86 Additional Training Notes
New PEVs are assigned a mentor who provides feedback throughout training. Support Facilitator at the Face-to-Face Training also provides feedback. Some societies require an observer visit before a PEV serves on an actual visit. PEVs do online just-in-time training prior to visits each year as a reminder about tasks and changes. Professional Development Hours (PDHs) can be awarded for participation.

87 Start With Online Application
When you apply, you must select the appropriate commission. Applied Science Accreditation Commission (ASAC) Computing Accreditation Commission (CAC) Engineering Accreditation Commission (EAC) Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission (ETAC) Your member society will review your application and contact you if you are selected for training. Each society has different selection cycle and may take several months.

88 ABET’s 33 Member Societies
Board Orientation - March 2011

89 Nomination by Your Professional / Technical Society
PEV candidates who successfully complete both the online training and the Face-to-Face Training may be nominated by his or her member society to serve as a program evaluator. Some societies require additional specialized training and conduct that separately, often online.

90 Link to Application

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