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Internationalising Education through the cross curriculum priority of Asia Learning from the L21CSV program Lindy Stirling – Internationalising Education.

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Presentation on theme: "Internationalising Education through the cross curriculum priority of Asia Learning from the L21CSV program Lindy Stirling – Internationalising Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 Internationalising Education through the cross curriculum priority of Asia Learning from the L21CSV program Lindy Stirling – Internationalising Education Unit, DEECD

2 our students are globally competent, inter culturally aware and connected with others as responsible local and global citizens; they are well-prepared to thrive in a global society and work in a global economy; our education system is an international leader, our education professionals collaborate with and learn from the best, and education contributes to Victoria’s international capability and reputation. Victoria’s vision for internationalising schools

3 Victoria’s School Reforms Towards Victoria as a Learning Community Professional trust and practice –clear expectations and professional practice Autonomy –curriculum Accountability Quality and evidence-based support –tools and models Partnerships that support effective learning –Asia engaged - EMR

4 Victoria’s School Reforms Vision for Languages Education Long term commitment Introduce compulsory languages education for all government school students from Prep to Year 10 by 2025.

5 Context: DEECD Strategic Plan 2013-17 Early Childhood and School Education Group International Division Lead the internationalisation of the Victorian school education system. Promote Victorian Government schools as the preferred destination for international students. Establish and support education partnerships and exchanges with overseas governments, jurisdictions and institutions and Ensure school education is a key component within Victorian Government international engagement initiatives.

6 Context: Internationalising education activities International Student ProgramLanguages Program Sister School ProgramBilingual program Internationalisation of the school curriculum Language Assistant Program Student mobility and exchange programsOverseas teacher and student study tours (to Victoria) Teacher mobility and exchange programs such as the International Teaching Fellowship Program (ITF) Internationalising education in school strategic plans and vision statements Leading 21st Century Schools Victoria: Engage with Asia Program Community service projects with an international focus or dimension Access Asia Schools initiativeCouncil of International Schools (CIS) accreditation International BaccalaureateBRIDGE Program School-based language centreSchool-based cultural programs and activities Hosting of overseas delegationsInternational collaborative learning projects

7 Context: Australian curriculum Learning Areas: English, History, Science, Maths General Capabilities: Cross Curriculum Priorities: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history and culture Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability

8 A snapshot Systemic and professional association participation Strong systemic support and participation across the three sectors. The Victorian principals associations continue to provide a high level of commitment, advocacy and participation in the project. 20% of all Government schools, 13% of Catholic schools, 8% of Independent schools and 17% of all Victorian schools are engaged with the L21CSV project. The 5 cohorts now total 376 principals extending to over 17,000 teachers whose influence extends to nearly 295,000 students. Training and support for principals A 1½ day training forum delivered to principals received ‘excellent’ evaluations A further ½ day training and reporting forum for principals also received 100% positive ‘effective’ or ‘highly effective’ evaluation responses.

9 A snapshot from Round 3 Teacher capacity building The level of teacher expertise in studies of Asia has nearly trebled in Round Three schools. The project has resulted in a significant increase in the inclusion of Asia across the curriculum. The majority of principals have supported teacher professional development and resource acquisition. 156 teachers representing 78 schools participated in the new professional development program for curriculum leaders in 2012 350 Victorian teachers participated in DEECD led professional development programs focused on studies of Asia. Effective investment The majority rate the project as highly effective or effective. Principals and stakeholders recommend continuation of the project.

10 A snapshot from Round 3 School policy and support of school communities 49% of respondents reported that school policy documents now give importance to studies of Asia – important in sustainability 91% say the L21CSV project is supporting their capacity to deliver against the Australian Curriculum cross curriculum priority of Asia. 91% report school community support for studies of Asia in curriculum. Student learning outcomes 86% of respondents are aiming for significantly increased rigor and depth in student learning outcomes related to studies of Asia in 2013. Support for Asian Languages 92% report a positive attitude amongst the school community to the inclusion of an Asian Language in their schools. Significantly, 38% of participating schools have commenced delivery of an Asian language since joining the project.

11 Background and overview

12 Research and theory of change

13 5 Step plan 1. Make studies of Asia a priority for school change 2. Provide the school leadership team with a rationale and implementation strategies for studies of Asia to support school level decision-making and action 3. Provide a practical model that provides high quality teacher professional learning 4. Support teachers responsible for in-school or cluster professional learning with resources to assist implementation 5.Continue to provide materials and resources for teachers

14 Guiding advice it must command a high profile and high status - thus seek the support and participation of their professional associations at the national and state levels. It must be supported by high level policy. It must recruit principals only It must provide opportunities for principals to share their experience and collaborate.

15 Outcomes Effective cross sector partnership for Asia literacy Strong advocacy and participation from Victorian principal associations Provision of PL to principals Raise awareness in school communities of the importance of Asia literacy Conduct audits to establish current level of Asia literacy in participating schools Schools develop plans to increase Asia literacy Schools implement plan to increase Asia literacy Increase in teacher capacity to include studies of Asia in the curriculum Evaluation of school achievements Increased level of teaching/learning resources to support studies of Asia Building a statewide, cross sector learning community of principals focused on building Asia literacy in schools.

16 Longer term impacts Increased school communities’ understanding of the importance of Asia literacy in schools Asia literacy included in school policy to support a whole school approach and sustainability Increased studies of Asia in schools’ curricula Increased teacher confidence and capacity Increased capacity of principals to lead change Increased school capacity to implement the Australian Curriculum’s X-C priority of Asia & general capability of Intercultural Understanding Increased levels of student knowledge/ awareness/understanding relating to Asia Increased numbers of schools teaching an Asian language The increasing number of participating Victorian principals is moving Asia literacy from a peripheral trend into the mainstream education agenda

17 Program supports Professional development of teachers/curriculum leaders A dedicated wikispace Year Total visits to the studies of Asia wikispace Visits to units of work wikispace Total visits per year 200922,9454,08527,030 201042,3666,95249,318 201153,91315,05368,966 201242,43518,19160,626

18 Connections L21CSV – enhancing internationalising education, intercultural understanding and Asia literacy

19 Monitoring Degree of depth in student learning outcomes relating to Asia Response Survey 1 Response Survey 2 Intention for 2013 No Asia Festivals flags food Positive attitudes towards cultures and people of Asia Deep learning progressing across the years 8% 65% 21% 6% 0% 38% 53% 9% 0% 2% 72% 26%

20 Monitoring In which curriculum areas is Asia included? Response survey 1 Response survey 2 Intention for 2013 The Arts48%85% 86.2% English32%72% 84.5% The Humanities - all59%68% 79.3% Economics5%18% 27.6% Geography50%63% 62.1% History36%53% 67.2% Languages36%52% 67.2% Mathematics3%18% 27.6% Science0%10% 29.3% None7%0%

21 Monitoring What is the general level of staff expertise in studies of Asia? Response survey 1Response survey 2 High1%2% Medium26%72% Low73%26%

22 Most Significant Change Process


24 L21CSV and Internationalising Education Marlborough Primary School on the road to Internationalising through Asia Literacy.


26 More information can be found at: DEECD International Education website at: nagement/Pages/international.aspx Studies of Asia wikisite at: where the three reports are located. Case studies, comments networks and materials connected to the project are also available on the site. Lindy Stirling or telephone 9637

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