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Water Pioneers Water Quality Program Steve Jones, Director of the Robinson Scholars Program Lara May, Regional Director of the Robinson Scholars Program.

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Presentation on theme: "Water Pioneers Water Quality Program Steve Jones, Director of the Robinson Scholars Program Lara May, Regional Director of the Robinson Scholars Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 Water Pioneers Water Quality Program Steve Jones, Director of the Robinson Scholars Program Lara May, Regional Director of the Robinson Scholars Program Stephanie Jenkins, Program Director, KWRRI Doug McLaren, Cooperative Extension Service Blake Newton, Cooperative Extension Service

2 Water Pioneers Partnerships  UK Robinson Scholars Program  Eastern Kentucky PRIDE  UK ENRI Task Force  UK Cooperative Extension Service  KWRRI

3 Kentucky Water Resources Research Institute “To assist in assuring the Nation, at all times, of a supply of water sufficient in quantity and quality to meet the requirements of its expanding population, it is the Purpose of the Congress, by this Act, to stimulate, sponsor, provide for, and supplement present programs for the conduct of research, investigations, experiments, and training of scientists in the fields of water and of resources which affect water”

4 Robinson Scholars Program Serves 29 Eastern Kentucky Counties Serves 29 Eastern Kentucky Counties Provides 4 year scholarships to first generation college bound students Provides 4 year scholarships to first generation college bound students Empowers students to complete a baccalaureate degree at the University of Kentucky Empowers students to complete a baccalaureate degree at the University of Kentucky Develop future leaders of Kentucky Develop future leaders of Kentucky

5 Cooperative Extension Service Plant and Soil Science Plant and Soil Science Forestry Forestry Entomology Entomology

6 Goals of the Water Pioneers Program  Increasing awareness of pollution in small Appalachian communities;  Improving regional education about water quality and pathogen problems;  Partnering with government, non-profit, and local groups to increase awareness of water quality issues;  Potentially changing behaviors in focused areas;  Potentially impacting 3,000-5,000 Eastern Kentucky citizens; and  Improving Water Quality

7 Director Steve Jones Assistant Regional Dir Laura May Summer Staff – Educators Summer Staff – Certified Educators Robinson Scholars Program University of Kentucky Other Supporter Stephanie Jenkins (KWRRI) Doug McLaren (CES - Forestry) Amanda Abnee Gumbert (ENRI – Soils/Water) Ashley Osborne (ENRI – Soils/Water) Blake Newton (Entomology) Jessie (English- Journaling) Supervision Instruction Copperhead Consulting Kentucky Leadership Center Kentucky Division of Water Kentucky Water Watch Eastern Kentucky PRIDE

8 Instructional Program (June 2006 and 2007)  Watershed Investigation  Understanding the components of a watershed  Human Effects  Watershed Remediation  Biological Indicators/ Field Studies  Leadership and Outreach Activities


10 Community Service Project  Students will investigate the needs of a local watershed in their county  Students will partner with Eastern Kentucky PRIDE Coordinator, Solid Waste Coordinator, Water Watch Volunteer, and others  The students will participate and provide some leadership in organizing an event or project to improve water quality in their counties

11 Water Pioneers Summit  Students will provide an educational opportunity to increase awareness of Best Management Practices for water quality in their respective counties  Audience will include local officials, school administrators, interest groups, and parents

12  Provide students with an opportunity to communicate and educate students in another watersheds possibly Alaska and Hawaii  Compare and contrast local watershed issues with student in other states  Students will participate in a water quality “exchange” program with student from other watersheds Future Connections

13 Community Projects Tanner Stevens: Carter Cave Water Testing Project Tanner Stevens: Carter Cave Water Testing Project Kenny Craft: Hindman Elementary Workshop for 5th and 6th graders Kenny Craft: Hindman Elementary Workshop for 5th and 6th graders Regina Rice: Rockcastle Middle School 8th Grade Presentation Regina Rice: Rockcastle Middle School 8th Grade Presentation Miranda Lindsey: Wallens Middle School Presentation Miranda Lindsey: Wallens Middle School Presentation

14 Contact Us Steve Jones, Robinson Scholars Program, Steve Jones, Robinson Scholars Program, Laura May, Robinson Scholars, Laura May, Robinson Scholars, Stephanie Jenkins, KY Water Research, Stephanie Jenkins, KY Water Research, Doug McLaren, Cooperative Extension, Doug McLaren, Cooperative Extension, Blake Newton, Cooperative Extension, Blake Newton, Cooperative Extension,

15 Website Information (Kentucky Water Resources Research Institute) (Kentucky Water Resources Research Institute) (Robinson Scholars Program) (Robinson Scholars Program) (Department of Forestry, Extension) (Department of Entomology, Extension)

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