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Whose Community Is it: Mining Kentucky’s Common Wealth.

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Presentation on theme: "Whose Community Is it: Mining Kentucky’s Common Wealth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Whose Community Is it: Mining Kentucky’s Common Wealth

2 HOUSE BILL 1 Postsecondary Education Improvement Act of 1997 enacted May 30, 1997 established the Kentucky Community and Technical College System PRIMARY PURPOSES: PRIMARY PURPOSES:  Access throughout the Commonwealth to 2-year courses of study designed for transfer to baccalaureate programs  Training to develop a workforce with the skills to meet the needs of new and existing industries  Remedial and continuing education to improve the employability of citizens

3 Ashland Hazar d Maysville Gateway Bluegrass Jefferson Madisonville Somerset Big Sandy Bowling Green Henderson Hopkinsville Elizabethtown Owensboro Southeast West Kentucky 16 COLLEGES 68 Campuses Accessible, affordable, flexible, responsive

4 Public Postsecondary Education Enrollment Undergraduates – Fall 2010

5 73% of jobs between 2008-2018 will require an associate degree or postsecondary training, or some form of On-the-Job (OJT) training beyond the high school diploma - but less than a bachelor’s or postgraduate degree

6 600 Certificate Diploma Associate Degree Academic and Career Programs

7 KCTCS CREDENTIALS AWARDED ANNUALLY Associate Degrees, Diplomas, and Certificates

8 Serving Kentucky’s Common Wealth  Within 30 minute drive of 95% of all citizens  140,000 credit-seeking students  Trains the Commonwealth’s firefighters  31,000 nursing and allied health students  14,600 transfer students  50,000 students on line  17,000 dual credit/dual enrollment students

9 Serving the Commonwealth’s Diverse Communities


11 BEYOND THE NUMBERS: 2010-16 KCTCS Diversity Action Plan Framework In-depth/structured planning process Inclusive of key stakeholders Appreciative inquiry approach Anecdotal feedback Quantitative data review Aligns with the KCTCS 2010-16 Strategic Plan


13 Super Sunday Community/Faith-based partnerships Increase student diversity in KCTCS colleges Encourage parental involvement in educational planning Activate early college-going planning Connect educational attainment with employability Formal student advocacy targeted to persons of color System-wide effort towards a common purpose

14 Kentucky Community and Technical Colleges offer Kentucky what it needs right now…real opportunity for real people in real time.

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