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Presentation on theme: "ROMANIA – BRAILA SCOALA GIMNAZIALA “ECATERINA TEODOROIU”"— Presentation transcript:



3 Early education (0-6 years) Ante preschool level Preschool level Primary education Preparing grade I-IV grades Secondary education Lower secondary – gymnasium – grades V-IX Upper secondary – high school- grades X-XII /XIII :theoretical, technological, vocational. Professional education for a period between 6 months and 2 years Tertiary education

4 Compulsory general education is composed by lower primary and secondary level Technical education comprises grades XII and XIII from the professional, technical and vocational upper secondary school The professional and technical education is formed by: Professional education Technical education Post upper secondary school education

5 AgeGradeISCEDEducation Levels Qualifications Level >19 5656 University Level 5454 4 Pre-university Level / Non University Levels (technical and vocational ) 3 18XIII 3 Technologic al high - School 3 17XII Theoratical High - School Arts, Sports,The ological High- School Technologi cal High- School 16XI Completion Year 2 15X 2 Theoratical Education Arts, Sports, Theologica l Education Technologi cal Education 1 14IX 13VIII Comprehensive Education 12VII 11VI 10V 9IV 1 8III 7II 6I 5-6 Kindergarten – Pre-Primary 0 3-4 Kindergarten 0-3 Nursery

6 School after School Program By the decision of the School Administration Board there can be carried on activities such as “School after School” in partnership with the local public authorities, with the parents associations, NGO’s with competences in this area Educational, recreational activities, consolidating the learning competences or their acceleration, remedial learning activities. The Government can finance the School after School Program

7 School Network The school network is formed by the total number of the accredited school units, respectively the temporary authorized units. The school consortia represent contractual partnerships between school units that ensure: The mobility of the personnel between the member schools; The usage of the facilities of the member schools; Enlargement of the learning opportunities offered to pupils and mutual recognition of the learning results

8 Study Formations Ante preschool education- 7 children, 5/9 Preschool education – 15 preschoolers, 10/20 Primary education – 20 pupils, 15/25 Lower secondary education – 25 pupils, 20/30 Upper secondary education – 25 pupils, 25/30 Special education for pupils with minor deficiencies- 10 pupils, 8/12 Special education for pupils with severe deficiencies- 5 pupils, 4/6

9 Curriculum The national curricula produced in accordance with: The specific needs for personal development; The needs of the labor market and of the community; Subsidiarity principle

10 Curriculum The number of hours: 20 hours – primary education 25 hours- lower secondary education 30 hours- upper secondary education Compulsory subjects 80% for the compulsory education 70% for the upper secondary education Within each subject 75% of the syllabus covers the teaching and evaluation classes 25% at the disposal of the teacher for remedial learning, individual learning plans.

11 Curriculum For early education- centered on physical, cognitive, emotional and social education, precocious repair of the possible development deficiencies; For lower and upper secondary education- centered on 8 competence domains which determine the pupil’s formation profile;

12 Competence Domains Communication competences in Romanian language; Communication competences in foreign languages; Basic competences for mathematics, sciences and technologies; Digital competences; Social and civic competences; Entrepreneurial competences; Sensitivity and cultural expression competences; Lifelong learning competences;

13 Curricula approach The graduate’s profile; The national frame of the curricula (curricula domains); Teaching plans Schools syllabuses Textbooks

14 E-learning. On-line learning communities There will be set up the Virtual School Library and E-learning School Platform which will contain: School syllabuses Lesson examples Methodological guides Examples of evaluation tests

15 Evaluation The objective of the evaluation is to orientate and optimize learning; All evaluations are made on the basis of national standards for evaluation for each school subject; The control of the usage and respecting of the national evaluation standards by the teachers is made through the school inspection

16 Evaluation Marking students without using and respecting the national standards and evaluation methodologies represents a disciplinary deviation and it is sanctioned according to the present law The evaluation is centered on competences, offers real feed-back to students and is located at the basis of the individual learning plans There will be created an unique bank of evaluation instruments with an guiding function

17 Evaluation – Educational portofolio Educational portfolio comprises all the diplomas, certificates and other official registrations obtained following the evaluation of the acquired skills or participation to learning activities, in different contexts. The educational portfolio is the central element of the evaluation of the learning Its usage starts with the preparing class and represents the pupil’s educational identity card

18 The structure and the characteristics of the evaluations At the end of the preparing class- individualized At the end of the 2nd grade- at school level; At the end of the 4th grade-at national level, by sampling; At the end of the 6th grade- at school level; At the end of the 9th grade-at national level; At the end of the 12 th -13 th grade- at national level.

19 At the end of the preparing class The teacher makes an evaluation report of the physical education, socio- emotional, cognitive, language and communication, capacity development and learning attitudes.

20 At the end of the 2 nd grade Evaluation of the fundamental competences at: -writing-reading; -mathematics Evaluation results are used in order to elaborate the individualized learning plans It is communicated to the parents

21 At the end of the 4 th grade National evaluation, by sampling, of the acquired fundamental competences in primary level According to the international model Has its aim the diagnosis of the system

22 Students’ evaluation at the school level by two trans- disciplinary tests Language and communication; Mathematics and sciences The results of the evaluation are used in order to elaborate the individualized plans and for the school pre-orientation The results of the evaluation are communicated to parents and registered in the educational portfolio

23 At the end of the 9 th grade Compulsory national evaluation for all students, score according to the international model Written examination at Romanian literature and language Trans-disciplinary written examination at mathematics and sciences Written examination at an international language; Practice examination regarding computer skills, held during the school year Trans-disciplinary oral examination in order to evaluate the civic and social competences, held during the school year The results of the evaluation are registered in the student’s educational portfolio

24 Admission in upper secondary school (high-school) On the basis of the educational portfolio if the number of the places is equal to the number of the candidates; On the basis of the educational portfolio, of the graduation average, of the average at the national evaluation- a proportion of 70% 30% from the grade obtained at the admission established by the education institution

25 Baccalaureate examination(school graduate examination) Examination A- the evaluation of the oral communication competences in Romanian language; Examination B- the evaluation of the communication competences in mother tongue Examination C- the evaluation of the communication competences in two international languages Examination D- the evaluation of the digital competences; Examination E written- - the evaluation of the competences which were formed during the upper secondary school(high-school) years

26 Examination E 1.Written examination at Romanian literature and language 2. Written examination at mother tongue 3. Two differentiated written examinations: 1)Real profile Mathematics Science trans-disciplinary examination 2) Humanities profile An international foreign language Interdisciplinary examination from geography, history, socio-humanities 3)Technological profile Written examination specific to the profile Trans-disciplinary examination Vocational profile


28 The management of the education institutions The institutions are managed by an administration board formed by 7,9,13 members After the formation of the AB there is chosen a session president, for an year Monthly meetings Attributions – public responsibility for the achievements of the education institution, together with the principal

29 Financing and material resources of the education institutions Basic financing Complementary financing Supplementary financing

30 Competitions Between schools- institutional evaluation-classification of the schools on 5 levels: Excellent Very good Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Among teachers- the Teacher of the Year


32 Initial and continuous training. Didactic career Theoretical initial training Didactic master for a period of 2 years A scholarship which is equal with the net salary of a beginner teacher Practice for a year, in an education institution, under the guidance of a mentor teacher

33 Didactic career Having a didactic position during the practice period Contest for free/reserved positions Distribution by School Inspectorate on the positions which remained free The teachers that are hired for a determined period of time can benefit of continuity on the position they have if they have the approval of the administration board

34 Career Evolution Didactic level II Didactic level I Teacher emeritus

35 Professional development Developing competences and keeping up to date in the area of specialization; Developing competences for career evolution, through the system of preparing for and obtaining the didactic levels Acquiring or developing management competences Acquiring new competences by conversion programs for specializations and/or having new didactic positions Acquiring complementary competences Obtaining a new didactic specialization by attending corresponding courses, different from the current specialization is considered lifelong training

36 Didactic positions occupancy The tenure(permanent)didactic personnel keeps their right obtained through the national tenure examination, at the release date of the present law The tenure didactic personnel who obtained this position by government assignment has the opportunity to keep this right

37 The settlement of the activity downsizing The mutual consented transfer between the education institutions The assignment on vacant positions, coordinated by School Inspectorate, according to the methodology elaborated by MECTS until 15 th November

38 Very important The non-tenured teachers that have participated at the tenure unique national contest in the last 3 years, anterior to the release of the present law, and who have obtained at least 7 and had a position within the school they become the tenures of the respective position if: There is certified the availability of the position The administration board of the school approves

39 Modalities of hiring the didactic personnel The positions are occupied following a contest at the level of the education institutions Vacancy of the position is made by the administration board at the principal’s proposal The School Inspectorate analysis, corrects in collaboration with the education institutions and approves the free/reserved didactic positions offer The list is made public by posting it at the School Inspectorate and education institutions

40 Modalities of hiring The contest organized at the level of the education institution/consortium The contest consists in: Practice examination or special inspection in the class Written examination at the didactics of the specialization- for the didactic personnel with individual work contract Presenting a curriculum vitae and job interview for the associated personnel or retired

41 The role of the School Inspectorate Centralizes the didactic positions and the classes which remained vacant and which will be assigned as follows: To tenure teachers from an education institution in order to complete the norm Beginner teachers who are doing their internship To the candidates that did not obtain any position as a consequence of the contest organized at the school level Pensioners, respecting the criteria of professional competence

42 Management positions The position of principal is occupied through a public contest by teachers who are members of the National Experts Body in Educational Management The contest is organized at the education institution level by the administration board The principal signs an educational management contract with the mayor/the president of the County Board of the territory administrative unit During their mandate the principal and the deputy principal cannot be president or vice president of any political party

43 Didactic Norm 40 hours a week: Didactic activities of teaching-learning-evaluation, practice, exams for the end of a level of study Methodological scientific preparation activities Education activities which are complementary to the process of teaching: mentorship, school after school, lifelong learning.

44 Regulatory acts ROFUIP Continuous training methodology Didactic personnel movement methodology AB functioning methodology Personnel evaluation methodology Constitution of the mentors body methodology The regulations for the organization of the school inspection

45 Application deadlines 1 st of January 2012- introduction of the standard cost per pupil 1 st of January 2012- assignment of 6% of PIB 2012-2013- inclusion of the preparation class in the primary education level 1 st of January 2013- to grant 500 euro for permanent education of each new-born Beginning of the school year 2014-2015- admittance methodology in upper-secondary education- 10 th grade, according to the new law (for pupils who are in the 7 th grade) 2015-2016- inclusion of the 9 th grade in the lower secondary education (the generation which started the 5 th grade in school year 2011-2012)

46 A few conclusions The vision of the law Centered on the beneficiary Taking responsibility for the offered services Institutional descentralization Equal chances Quality assurance Coherence The predictability and the stability of the system The full application of the law takes about 4-5 years The involvement of the teachers in elaborating the methodological methods for the application of the law


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