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Grade 3 Parent Night 3AL. Philosophy of Teaching My philosophy of teaching revolves around a strong belief that teachers must foster a sense of curiousity.

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Presentation on theme: "Grade 3 Parent Night 3AL. Philosophy of Teaching My philosophy of teaching revolves around a strong belief that teachers must foster a sense of curiousity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grade 3 Parent Night 3AL

2 Philosophy of Teaching My philosophy of teaching revolves around a strong belief that teachers must foster a sense of curiousity and inquisitiveness in their students. I believe that such an approach to teaching encourages students to become life long learners. Empowering students through… Meaningful Experiences Choice Dialogue Scaffolding Reflection

3 Essential Agreements What makes a successful classroom? How do we need to behave in order to be successful?

4 Contact Details and Procedures Please feel free to contact me: by email  Before 2:00 pm through the homework diary by making an appointment

5 Contact Details and Procedures Additional information: Please phone or email both myself and the ES secretary at if there is an illness or other absence for transport changes – inform Mr. Lai, our transport coordinator, of any changes directly but please copy me into the email

6 Independence & Responsibility Grade 3 – year of transition

7 Homework

8 30 minutes a night This includes 15 minutes of reading each night Homework from a variety of curriculum areas AssignedDue MondayWednesday TuesdayThursday WednesdayFriday ThursdayFollowing Monday

9 Reading at home Reading with compreh ension and understa nding * Readin g with fluency *Readin g with expressi on *Using more strategie s *Readin g in full sentenc es *Using a variety of strategi es For pleasure Shared reading – reading with an adult Home reader – independent reading level At school – instructional reading level

10 Other Relevant Information Birthdays: cupcakes or individual treats -Please notify in advance -I will provide plates Snacks: nut free school policy Money: only for lunch tickets or on snack sale days Mobile phones: not to be used during the school day 3AL Blog: updated weekly3AL Blog:

11 IB PYP Information Evening 12 th of September18:30 – 19:30 Centre for the Arts Come and discover what learning is like here at UNIS elementary school. Join us for a fun, hands on workshop. A chance to informally meet other mums and dads. International Baccalaureate IB Primary Years Programme

12 Any Questions?

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