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Published byChrista Kettlewell Modified over 10 years ago
HACC in Victoria & National Reform Jane Herington PSM Director, Ageing and Aged Care, Department of Health Victoria.
HACC in Victoria & National Reform National Disability Insurance Scheme (DisabilityCare Australia) - agreement between the Victorian and Commonwealth Government included an agreement to broader revision of roles and responsibilities for people 65 and over and people aged under 65 (and indigenous people over/under 50) The Agreement will affect the HACC Program in Victoria, which is currently funded by both the Victorian and Commonwealth Government the program will be split, with funding and management of services for people over 65 transferring to the Commonwealth The Heads of Agreement state that: “the Commonwealth and Victoria will work together to retain the benefits of Victoria’s current Home and Community Care service system.”
Timelines Transition being overseen by a CW/State Steering Group Commonwealth PM&C, Treasury, DoHA Victorian P&C, DTF, DH First meeting to discuss terms of reference and timelines for transition plan – June 2013 Transition plan agreed (and approved by Victorian Cabinet) early- mid 2014 – key milestones, funding and activities agreed Transition implementation activities over 2014-2015 identification of agency splits – funding for over/under 65 y.o clients agreement around other funding types – FSR, SSR and projects integration/interface with C’w Home Support Program C’w funding agreements for service delivery agencies commence 1 July 2015 C’w Home Support Program intended to commence 1 July 2015
Impacts 2013-15 What will be the impact in the short term? no immediate impact on HACC clients or service providers seeking undertakings about current service delivery arrangements (“stable state”) transition plan will document milestones to enable agencies to make decisions and to plan for change What will happen over the next 2 years to 30 June 2015? HACC will continue to be funded jointly by the Commonwealth and Victorian Governments and managed by the Victorian Department of Health decisions about growth funds and indexation each year will continue to be taken by both Governments in the context of their respective Budgets growth consultations for 2013-14 to commence next two weeks DH will continue to pursue the directions in Victoria’s Triennial Plan 2012-15
Key elements of Steering Group considerations “ The CW and Victoria will work collaboratively to ensure successful communication and implementation of the transition of HACC and related services for older people in Victoria from 1 July 2015.” “The CW and Victoria will work together to retain the benefits of Victoria’s current HACC service system.”
Commonwealth/State discussions to include: The unique arrangements for HACC in Victoria How Victorian HACC will inform development of Commonwealth Home Support Program introduced from July 2015 in all states future integration/interface issues with Victorian HACC Financial arrangements, including split of funds over/under 65 budget neutrality (neither govt better or worse off as a result) pricing issues relationship with related programs and NDIS
Victoria’s view of the benefits of the Victorian HACC system significant role and involvement of local government in HACC local government role in positive ageing, planning for age- friendly communities and community support services Partnership approach to developing and managing service system Local area planning and population based resource allocation Framework and structure of assessment (inc. care planning, care coordination) Range of services available, including investment in community nursing and allied health Victoria has spent more on home nursing and allied health than any other jurisdiction
The benefits of the Victorian HACC service system (cont.) Focus on HACC as locally connected prevention and support services Policy directions, including wellness and reablement; diversity planning Sector wide service development eg. statewide training; ASM industry consultants; access and equity for CALD and ATSI; wound care management; regional planning and projects Relationships between health services, community health and community aged care to provide more integrated services for older people Service coordination encouraging electronic referral protocols and networked services working together around the client Investment in infrastructure eg. local government buildings, transport vehicles, Community Chef, workforce, funding for minor capital
Towards a Victorian position Maintain stable and planned platform Continuation of base funding to existing providers exc. underperformance/closure and new types of services Schedule F to NHA included undertaking to ‘not substantially alter service delivery mechanisms for period of 3 years, and “there is no requirement for services to be delivered under competitive tender processes” Growth funds continue to be directed into key services and sectors, on equitably planned basis note recent C’w advertising of growth in other jurisdictions Continued investment in community nursing and allied health – consideration being given to retention by State Retention of current network of HACC Assessment Services interacting with national Gateway service, and maintaining face to face assessment where appropriate
Towards a Victorian position (cont.) Recognise role of ACAS in both health services and aged care services, and build on existing links with HAS Embedding ASM approach to reablement objectives – building on Victoria’s participation in NAF trial Consultative planning (C’w, State, Local Govt, service providers) Seek C’w to endorse evidence-based approach to resource allocation recognising existing service networks, demand pressures and rates of older population growth, and allowing for population diversity Develop mechanism for continued sector wide service development initiatives Discuss C’w approach to program management
What does this mean? Discussions with C’w will continue Significant work to be undertaken by DH/DoHA, reporting to Steering Committee Bilateral discussions re design of Commonwealth Home Support Program – proposing C’w/State workshop Context is a national approach to delivery of CHSP and need to rationalise very different (prior) approaches in different jurisdictions C’w response to our propositions yet to be tested
Next steps Further engagement peak bodies stakeholder group meeting 25 July -MAV, RDNS, ECCV, VACCHO, NDS, LASA, AAV, CarersVic, VHA, AMA, GPV, PCP Network - development of position paper for endorsement Joint communication with DoHA to the sector Regional forums Suggested DoHA meeting with local government Transition Team established - Calvin Graham, Deb Warren, Sarah Wilson Transition information will be posted at:
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