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The Future of IT Enabled Healthcare Professor Michael Georgeff Healthcare WorldAustralia 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "The Future of IT Enabled Healthcare Professor Michael Georgeff Healthcare WorldAustralia 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Future of IT Enabled Healthcare Professor Michael Georgeff Healthcare WorldAustralia 2010

2 Results to Date

3 Making Care Planning Work Results from Barwon South Western (Vic) and Eastern Goldfields (WA) trials (n = 13, t-test, p < 0.01) 88-205% increase in GPMPs 80-201% increase in TCAs 310-385% increase in GPMP Reviews 220-224% increase in TCA Reviews PLUS all plans are best practice

4 Delivering Best Practice Care Results from Barwon South Western (Vic) trial (n = 99) 103% increase in patients receiving HbA1c tests 66% increase in microalbumin tests 80% increase in HDL tests 1595% increase in dietician services 253% increase in podiatry services 498% increase in medications review services

5 Team Care Collaboration Over 90,000 total page downloads Over 26,000 involve Allied Health, pharmacist, etc Over 200 interactions per patient per year CDMS Page Downloads by Provider Type

6 Collaborative Progress Tracking GP initiates Podiatrist requests plan change Diab Ed notes non-attendance Diab Ed notes non-conformance Diab Ed advises medications Optician advises results Diab Ed advises meds, non conformance, need to see GP GP alters meds in response Diab Ed advises medication CDMS Notes Shared across Care Team (example taken over 6 month period)

7 Next Steps: Leveraging the Network

8 Contact and Acknowledgements Michael Georgeff Precedence Health Care Email: Phone: +613 9023 0800 Mob: +614 1119 3247 This work is supported by funding from the Australian Government under the Clever Networks program and the Managed Health Networks program and by the Victorian Department of Innovation, Industry and Regional Development, Department of Human Services, and Multi Media Victoria.

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