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 More classes to choose from  Many extracurricular activities in which to participate  More independence and responsibility  More people to meet and.

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Presentation on theme: " More classes to choose from  Many extracurricular activities in which to participate  More independence and responsibility  More people to meet and."— Presentation transcript:


2  More classes to choose from  Many extracurricular activities in which to participate  More independence and responsibility  More people to meet and get to know  The time to plan for your future whether it’s college or a career.  More challenges because of tougher academics and more homework.

3  Start off right academically!  Develop new relationships! Meet new people!  Take part in healthy activities! Join an athletic team, the band, the journalism staff, a club or do theater!  Resist peer pressure!  Resolve conflicts peacefully. If a situation gets tense, control your anger, listen to the other person, try to find a solution and if not, talk to your parent, counselor or teacher.  If you feel bullied or harassed, please tell an adult.

4  Be familiar with PLHS academic requirements and policies so you can help advise your students.  Talk to your student! Ask about school and social pressures. Don’t avoid alcohol or drug use conversations!  Set clear limits. Your teen needs more independence but be clear about responsibilities and consequences.  Listen. Respect your student’s point of view!  Be a good example. Talk about school positively. Show up for events!  Plan family activities.  Offer reassurance and support. Your student still needs you!

5  - do homework!  -keep up with homework, get involved, do what you want to do  -learn to take notes and pay attention  -don’t slack off - “stay on top of things”

6  Get organized!!  Create a daily to-do list.  Give each task a rating…prioritize what you need to do.  Choose a quiet, comfortable, well-lit place - with no distractions.  Review notes and important class materials  Share notes.  Find a classmate and ask each other questions.  Get extra help if you need it!

7  Every class counts. .5 = semester class  1 = year class  Failures count as no credit toward a diploma.  Required classes must be repeated.  Employers and colleges will look at your transcript.

8  Cumulative GPA’s are an average of all of the classes you’ve taken throughout high school.  Semester GPA’s reflect your grades for the semester you just finished.  Grade Point Averages are used for:  Class ranking – Cumulative GPA’s  Honor roll – Semester GPA’s  Graduation honors –Cumulative GPA’s  Scholarships – Cumulative GPA’s  Entrance into schools or programs-Cumulative GPA’s

9  4 Units Language Arts - Required: English I, II, and III  3 Units Mathematics  3 Units Science - Required: Earth/Space Science, Biology, General Science or Chemistry I  3 Units Social Science- Required: Foundations in Social Studies, U.S. History, U.S. Government  1 Unit Physical Education and Health  1 Unit Fine Arts Visual Arts, Musical Arts, Drama  2 Units from at least two of the following: Business / Technology, Family and Consumer Sciences, Foreign Language, and Industrial Technology  8 UnitsElectives  ________________________  25 UnitsTOTAL

10  Each KS resident who has graduated from a KS high school and who wishes to be admitted to a Kansas state university must achieve at least one of the following:  A)The applicant has completed the pre-college curriculum prescribed by the board of regents with a minimum (unweighted) grade point average of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale, or  B)The applicant has a composite American college testing program (ACT) score of not less than 21 points; or  C) The applicant ranks in the top 1/3 of the applicant's high school class upon completion of seven or eight semesters.

11  4 Units of English: English I, II, III, British Literature College Prep Composition  3 Units of Math: Three units of math at or above the level of Algebra Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, (Trigonometry – if Alg. I completed in 8 th grade)  3 Units of Social Science : Foundations in Social Studies U.S. History U.S. Government Electives from: World History/Geog/ Econ.  3 Units of Science: Earth/Space Science Biology Chemistry or Physics  1 Unit of Computer Technology: Computer Application II Information Computer Technology  Highly recommended : Foreign language (2 years)

12 Students who complete this curriculum will receive a certificate from the State of Kansas. To be eligible to be named a Kansas Scholar a student must have a high ACT, strong GPA and have completed the curriculum. The 2009 average ACT score was 29 with an average GPA of 3.89.  4 Units of English –English I, II, III, British Lit / College Prep Comp  4 Units of Math –Same as qualified admissions  3 Units of Science ‑ Biology, Chemistry and Physics  3 Units of Social Science ‑ same as qualified admissions  1 Unit of Computer Technology ‑ same as qualified admissions  2 Units of Foreign Language ‑ Two units of one foreign language

13  ·Work hard to get good grades.  ·Become involved in activities. (Keep a record for senior year!)  ·Do well on the required Work Keys exam. Scores count toward qualifying to go to KATS (Kaw Area Technical School) and toward earning a PLHS diploma. (The MAPS testing is in September and Work Keys in early spring)  ·Enroll carefully for sophomore year. Take courses that prepare you for college, KATS or the career path that you developed on your 4 year plan.

14  · Continue to work hard to get good grades.  · Stay involved in activities and develop leadership skills.  · Take the PLAN test at PLHS, which is voluntary for sophomores. This test is used to help show academic strengths and weaknesses that you can utilize and work on 10-12. It’s format is just like the ACT.  · Take the PSAT if you are college bound and are interested. This is the qualifying test for National Merit Scholarship. For sophomores it is practice only.  · Start to explore college options and think about interest areas.  · Apply for KATS in February, if you wish to attend junior/senior year. You will need good Work Keys scores to qualify.  · Enroll carefully for junior year. Keep updating your 4 year plan.  · Plan summer activities that are meaningful, like volunteer work, and that might relate to a college major or career field.  · Update your high school activities list!

15  · Keep working on grades and your GPA.  · Stay involved in classes (i.e. music) or activities. Colleges and organizations like to see consistency and commitment on resumes from scholarship candidates.  · Sign-up for the PSAT in October, if you are interested. Junior year is the qualifying year. It is good to practice for this test so you are familiar with the format.  · Take the ACT prep class. Practice is proven to increase test scores!  · Look into post-secondary options such as colleges, the military or career/technical schools. It’s time for the family to talk money and realistic options for post-secondary options.  · Register for the ACT during the second semester. The ACT is required by most Kansas colleges.  · Make college visits, particularly if you are interested in attending schools out of state.  · Enroll in meaningful and helpful courses for your senior year. The old “pud” senior year philosophy is not the wisest choice. If you are college bound scholarship and admission people want to see that you’ve worked hard and made strong choices and will continue to work hard.  · Update your high school activities list. 

16  Visit with your counselor often. Ask questions. Your counselor can’t guess what your needs are so you must communicate!  Take the ACT (fall semester) if you have not taken it. If you hope for any scholarships you really must take the test for the last time in December.  Continue to work hard on your grades. Stay consistent and motivated so schools, scholarship organizations or employers can see you at your best.  Set up a calendar for the year with scholarship deadlines, test dates, application deadlines, etc.  Complete college/scholarship applications by deadlines. PLHS local scholarships have spring deadlines.  Attend Financial Aid Night. (early December) Learn about the process of applying.  In January, complete financial aid and scholarship forms asap.  Finalize your activities list! You’ll be very happy you kept this list 9-12.  Know who you will use as references or who will write recommendation letters. It is proper and polite conduct to ask those people before you list their names on your forms. Also, give people writing letters as much time as possible to write the letter by its due date. Some people write a lot of letters and will ask for a list of activities to help them write a better letter about you. 

17 We all have the same goal! We want your student’s years at PLHS to be great! If we all work together we create an even better high school experience for our students! GO KAWS!!

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