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AHS Cheerleading 2015-2016 February 19 th, 2014. Thank you for coming! Make sure you have signed in!! You MUST sign in! All tryout forms are due no later.

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Presentation on theme: "AHS Cheerleading 2015-2016 February 19 th, 2014. Thank you for coming! Make sure you have signed in!! You MUST sign in! All tryout forms are due no later."— Presentation transcript:

1 AHS Cheerleading 2015-2016 February 19 th, 2014

2 Thank you for coming! Make sure you have signed in!! You MUST sign in! All tryout forms are due no later than 4:00pm on March 6!!! Turn in to Kelly Kendlehart in J206 (Fine Arts Office)

3 Eligibility A student is eligible to try out for cheerleader, Blue Crew member or mascot if the following conditions are met: To be eligible for tryouts, students must have passed all subjects the preceding grading period (T2) in order to participate in the tryout process. At the time of tryouts, the student is not serving a disciplinary placement (ISS, OSS, DAEP, JJAEP). At the time of the tryout, the student is enrolled in the Allen Independent School District and is trying out at the school where the student is registered to attend for the next school year.

4 Expectations Commitment Positive Attitude Teamwork Self discipline  Arriving on time, every time  Prepared (with proper attire)  Ready to work  Grades are based on performances, both in class and practice. ALL of these are MANDATORY if you are planning on being a member of AHS Cheer!

5 Expectations cont. Must attend all spring practices.  More than 2 unexcused absences from spring practices will be unable to attend camp. Must be able to attend summer camp  June 7-10 at SMU Practices in August and Touchdown Social Vacations?? Plan them during June 11 th -August 3 rd. READ THE CONSITUTION! Be prepared to abide by the constitution.

6 Expectations for parents Involved Support cheerleaders and coaches Positive example Positive attitude Attend booster meetings


8 What to expect this year Cheering at -  Football(home district and playoffs only)  Basketball (home district and playoffs only)  Volleyball (home district and playoffs only)  Regional Wrestling Tournament  Soccer (home district only) UIL Competition –  Currently set for Jan 16ish in Arlington

9 Squads 24 members on Varsity (10 seniors)  Attend Spring Practices, Summer Camp, Enrolled in the Cheer Class Period This is to be determined by the judges 5 certified NCA judges 20 members on JV and Freshman  Attend Spring Practices, Summer Camp, Enrolled in the Cheer Class Period This is to be determined by the judges 5 certified NCA judges Blue Crew – up to 10 members  Attend Spring Practices, Do NOT attend Summer Camp, NOT Enrolled in the Cheer Class Period  Selected by panel interview process Mascot – Max of 4 (2 Varsity, 1 JV, 1 Freshman) Attend Spring Practices, Summer Camp, NOT Enrolled in the Cheer Class Period

10 Selection Cheerleaders  1000 point maximum score Group of 4 – Fight Song Individual – Running Tumbling/Entrance Jumps (Toe Touch, Pike, Front Hurdler (right or left side) Cheer – Optional standing tumbling Mascots  1000 point maximum score based on a 2 min skit Creativity Use of Props Character Definition/Exaggeration Crowd Appeal Dance Incorporation of Music Spirit and Enthusiasm Blue Crew  Panel Interview

11 Day of tryouts Arrive at designated time (8:00 Varsity and Freshman, 9:00 JV and mascots)  Varsity candidates – white t-shirt (no visible logos), black or navy shorts, white socks, athletic shoes, hair up and secure with a white bow. No nail polish or jewelry. Check in at 8am.  JV Candidates - white t-shirt (no visible logos), black or navy shorts, white socks, athletic shoes, hair up and secure with a navy bow. No nail polish or jewelry. Check in at 9am.  Freshmen Candidates - white t-shirt (no visible logos), black or navy shorts, white socks, athletic shoes, hair up and secure with a red bow. No nail polish or jewelry. Check in at 8am.

12 Clinic week Monday 3/23Mandatory 4-6 Tuesday 3/24Mandatory 4-6 Wednesday 3/25Blue Crew Interviews G130 Thursday 3/26Mandatory 4-6 Saturday 3/28Tryouts starts at 8:00am  Arrival Times:Varsity: 8:00am Freshman: 8:00am JV: 9:00am Mascot: 9:00am All events are CLOSED to public

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