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Iredell-Statesville Schools Alternative School Processes

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1 Iredell-Statesville Schools Alternative School Processes
Dr. Ron Hargrave, Deputy Superintendent Richard Armstrong, Executive Director HS Beth Bradley, Monticello School Principal Sheila Alston, Pressly School Principal

2 A challenge was issued by the Superintendent to apply an improved model for the alternative education in I-SS. For the past two years, the BOE has directed us to keep both schools open and to ensure that both are operating efficiently and effectively. The goal would be to have improvements in place by the start of the school year. Overview/History

3 A student’s needs cannot be met in a traditional setting:
To intervene and address problems that prevent a student from achieving success in the traditional educational setting To reduce the risk that a student will drop out of school by providing resources Driving Governance

4 A student’s needs cannot be met in a traditional setting:
To intervene and address problems that prevent a student from achieving success in the regular educational setting To reduce the risk that a student will drop out of school by providing resources To return a student to the traditional setting with the skills necessary to succeed in that environment To preserve a safe and orderly learning environment in the traditional educational setting Driving Governance

5 Issues with Restructuring Monticello & Pressly
Space Elementary Component Alternative Referral Committee Administrative Placements Rubric for “Drop-In” Program SAVE Program Transition Meetings Freshman Academy Special Case issues Consistency of Differentiated Program/ Diploma Graduation Resources/Materials Regular Education/ EC Staffing Scheduling Communication with Barium Springs Transportation Issues with Restructuring Monticello & Pressly

6 Issues with Restructuring Monticello & Pressly
Space Elementary Component Alternative Referral Committee Administrative Placements Rubric for “Drop-In” Program SAVE Program Transition Meetings Freshman Academy Special Case issues Consistency of Differentiated Program/ Diploma Graduation Resources/Materials Regular Education/ EC Staffing Scheduling Communication with Barium Springs Transportation Issues with Restructuring Monticello & Pressly

7 Monticello K-12 continuum to include elementary grades 3-5
Further Definition of Programming Changes in the ARC processes Make up of the ARC Differentiated diploma processes (eligibility and site location) Outcomes From Changes

8 I-SS Continuum of Alternative Ed
Day Treatment Pressly School Monticello School I-SS Continuum of Alternative Ed TRADITIONAL EDUCATIONAL SETTING



11 OSS Short Term Program Model
Designed to serve students grades 6-12 in an academic setting as an alternative to out-of-school suspension. Participation allows students to be counted in attendance at school Structured environment: students can be bounced Administration can reduce OSS time as an incentive for student to attend Monticello (ex. Reduce 10 days OSS to 7 days OSS) Two Locations NO transportation OSS Short Term Program

12 OSS Short Term Program Model
Designed to serve students grades 6-12 in an academic setting as an alternative to out-of-school suspension. Participation allows students to be counted in attendance at school Structured environment: students can be bounced Administration can reduce OSS time as an incentive for student to attend Monticello (ex. Reduce 10 days OSS to 7 days OSS) Two Locations 2 or more OSS days NO transportation OSS Short Term Program

13 15 Day Assessments Special Cases Scenarios
Also known as “special cases” Students come to Monticello for an assessment period prior to transitioning back into a traditional setting Monticello will have a liaison to community agencies to aid in this process Student comes from detention - to enroll call Beth Bradley Student comes from residential care, treatment facility, or wilderness camp - call Beth Bradley Outside Agency Concern – call Beth Bradley 15 Day Assessments

14 15 Day Assessments Special Cases Scenarios
Also known as “special cases” Students come to Monticello for an assessment period prior to transitioning back into a traditional setting Monticello will have a liaison to community agencies to aid in this process Student comes from detention - to enroll call Beth Bradley Student comes from residential care, treatment facility, or wilderness camp - call Beth Bradley Outside Agency Concern – call Beth Bradley 15 Day Assessments

15 Open to students who may be 1 or 2 cohorts behind and lack enough credits to be considered a sophomore Traditional High Schools get 3 spots per semester Parent/student must agree to placement Students receive direct instruction in our long term program Credit recovery lab is available to students - limited course offerings Freshman Academy

16 **** Certified Instructor to assist students multiple licensure areas
Virtual learning lab – individualized instruction as needed Junior and Senior focus to offer credit recovery and self paced courses Students are involved in district and state testing requirements Extended day option and flexible day option to students SAVE Program

17 Students who have previously dropped from a traditional high school
Meet with Monticello counselors to determine next steps Graduation mapping is collaborative Drop – In

18 Long Term Program ARC SUSPENSIONS
Students who are placed at Monticello that have come through the ARC process Grades 3-12 Students that have been long-term suspended from their home school (45, semester, ROY, 365) BOE Recommendation Grades 3-12 Long Term Program

19 I-SS Continuum of Alternative Ed
Day Treatment Pressly School Monticello School I-SS Continuum of Alternative Ed TRADITIONAL EDUCATIONAL SETTING

20 Pressly School Community Classroom
The Community Classroom provides an individualized academic program for up to 82 elementary, middle, and high school at-risk youth (grades K-12). The staff to student ratio for this program is roughly 1 to 6 and offers students the opportunity to experience a non-traditional learning environment. Students are referred to this program through the district Alternative Referral Committee (ARC). Pressly School Community Classroom

21 I-SS Continuum of Alternative Ed
Day Treatment Pressly School Monticello School I-SS Continuum of Alternative Ed TRADITIONAL EDUCATIONAL SETTING

22 Highlights of Day Treatment
Customized learning approaches Self-management/Interpersonal Skills Training Functional Application of Academic Skill Positive Based Motivation (Teaching Family Model) Availability of Individual and Family Counseling. Highlights of Day Treatment

23 Day Treatment (Continued)
This is a partnership between Barium Springs Home for Children and ISS. Both agencies have input into admission and continued placement decisions. Parents/Guardians must be willing for the student to attend and participate in treatment. The student must meet state day treatment eligibility. This program operates on the same ISS school calendar. Day Treatment (Continued)

24 Alternative Referral Process

25 School Site School site team meets to determine intervention steps
Student exhibiting problem behavior School site team meets to determine intervention steps School Site

26 Student exhibiting problem behavior
School site team meets to determine intervention steps NOT LIMITED TO FBA, BIP (EC), individual counseling, small group counseling, outside referral, TIER II and TIER III interventions, home visit, threat assessment, IEP team meeting School Site

27 This step may be repeated
Student exhibiting problem behavior School site team meets to determine intervention steps School site team meets to determine progress or lack of School Site


29 Students returning to home school

30 Student exhibiting success
ALP contact School ADMIN contact Once the student has met the attendance, academic progress, and behavioral goals successfully, they are eligible to return to their home school. ALP admin will contact the student’s home school admin contact to discuss the return transition. Before the student returns to the home school, the alternate school principal and/or counselor will take the student to their home school for a visit and an informal discussion as to what skills they have developed while in the alternate school that they can transfer to the regular school setting. A transition packet showing the goals that were met, along with interventions used will be completed by the alternate school and given to the home school as a tool for assisting the student in their return transition. Usually occurs at semester and school year breaks Transition Process

31 Transition Process Student exhibiting success
ALP contact School ADMIN contact Usually occurs at semester and year end breaks Once the student has met the attendance, academic progress, and behavioral goals successfully, they are eligible to return to their home school. ALP admin will contact the student’s home school admin contact to discuss the return transition. Before the student returns to the home school, the alternate school principal and/or counselor will take the student to their home school for a visit and an informal discussion as to what skills they have developed while in the alternate school that they can transfer to the regular school setting. A transition packet showing the goals that were met, along with interventions used will be completed by the alternate school and given to the home school as a tool for assisting the student in their return transition. Usually occurs at semester and school year breaks Transition Process

32 Transition Process Student exhibiting success ALP contact School
ADMIN contact Transition visit is scheduled Exchange of information between schools Once the student has met the attendance, academic progress, and behavioral goals successfully, they are eligible to return to their home school. ALP admin will contact the student’s home school admin contact to discuss the return transition. Before the student returns to the home school, the alternate school principal and/or counselor will take the student to their home school for a visit and an informal discussion as to what skills they have developed while in the alternate school that they can transfer to the regular school setting. A transition packet showing the goals that were met, along with interventions used will be completed by the alternate school and given to the home school as a tool for assisting the student in their return transition. Usually occurs at semester and school year breaks Transition Process


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