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Enrollment Management Warwick Arden, Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor Louis Hunt, University Registrar and Vice Provost, Enrollment Management and.

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Presentation on theme: "Enrollment Management Warwick Arden, Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor Louis Hunt, University Registrar and Vice Provost, Enrollment Management and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Enrollment Management Warwick Arden, Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor Louis Hunt, University Registrar and Vice Provost, Enrollment Management and Services Duane Larick, Sr. Vice Provost for Academic Strategy and Resource Management

2 Aligning Strategic and Enrollment Objectives Strategic Plan 2020 Enrollment Plan Demographics Demand Fiscal Environment College Resources Financial Aid Faculty/Staff Facilities Technology Support Services

3 2020 Enrollment Plan Goals Improve the quality and standing of NC State’s academic programs Ensure access for North Carolinians to programs that are unique within the UNC System, while emphasizing competitive excellence in programs offered by other campuses

4 A New Enrollment Strategy Slower enrollment growth: 37,000 by 2020 Stabilize undergraduate enrollment and increase graduate enrollment 2020 enrollment targets: Total Undergraduate24,180 Total Master’s6,070 Total Doctoral4,060 Total DVM390 Total Non-Degree2,300 Photograph: Randy Faris/CORBIS

5 NC State Total Enrollment History (with year-to-year changes) Source:

6 Enrollment Becoming the Key Revenue Driver: Institutions Focused on Rightsizing Enrollment

7 Budgeted Enrollment Expansion

8 2020 Undergraduate Enrollment Plan Spring 2014 Progress Report

9 2020 Undergraduate Enrollment Plan: Objectives and Strategies Limit freshman enrollment to improve selectivity and student success. Develop recruiting, orientation, and student support programs designed specifically for transfer students. Take deliberate steps to improve graduation rates. Reduce barriers to intra-campus transfers. Increase out-of-state and international undergraduate enrollments.

10 Performance-Based Funding Metrics Core Measures Freshman to sophomore retention 6-year UG graduation rate UG degree efficiency Bachelor’s degrees awarded to Pell recipients UNC-FIT composite index Campus-Specific Measures Total research expenditures 6-year DR completion rates Annual giving STEM & health degrees (%) UG hours attempted at graduation

11 10-Year UG Enrollment History (with year-to-year changes) Source:

12 Fall 2013 Undergraduate Enrollment New student enrollment: Met or exceeded targets for new freshmen and external transfers Total student enrollment: Approximately 385 fewer undergraduates than projected –Largely a result of increased graduation numbers and decreased time to degree

13 Mitigating the Enrollment Impact Enrollment Planning Committee actively re-evaluated NC State’s enrollment targets for Fall 2014 Small increase in qualified new freshman and transfer students admitted for Spring 2014. –Spring 2013: 45 new freshmen and 384 new transfers enrolled –Spring 2014*: 66 new freshmen and 400 new transfers enrolled *Preliminary data

14 New Cohorts (Fall 2009 – Fall 2013) Source: Total new freshmen has decreased by 10.2% since 2009. Total new transfers has increased by 10.8% since 2009.

15 Freshman Profile (Fall 2009 vs. Fall 2013) Source: 20092013 Applied 18,50221,619 % Accepted 55.4%46.9% Enrolled 4,6374,165 % Enrolled 45.3%41.1% HS GPA 4.194.43 Top 10% Rank 41.1%50.3% In State Enrollment 41433476 % In State 89.3%83.5% Out of State Enrollment 424548 % Out of State 9.1%13.2% International 70141 % International 1.5%3.4% SAT Total (V+M) 11841242 SAT Verbal 572604 SAT Math 612639 SAT Writing 561585 ACT Comp 2528

16 2009 vs. 2013 NFR* Cohort Total SAT Change *NFR = New Freshman

17 Graduation Rates by NFR Cohorts Total SAT Ranges

18 Graduation Rates by NFR Cohorts First Term TGPA

19 1999 to 2007 NFR Cohorts Six Year Graduation Rate Source:, EMAS: 2005, 2006, and 2007

20 Improvement is not compulsory […] neither is survival.” Defects are not free […] Somebody makes them, and gets paid for making them.” Professor W. Edwards Deming “ “

21 2007 New Freshmen Cohort Students that did not enroll for Fall 2008 by College and First Year GPA First Year GPA CALSCEDCHASSCNRCOEDNDUAPMGMTPAMSTEX Grand Total 3.001 and above234223162271356121 2.001 - 3.00016314322 1582386 1.001 - 2.0001214324 2031472 0.001 - 1.0009 5326 1112 57 0 GPA5 216 3 2 19 NO GPA - WITHDRAWN 11114 711219 Grand Total669481498283261315374

22 2007 NFR: Did Not Graduate 2007 cohort size: 4,791 students 1,198 (25%) did not graduate from NC State –681 had a GPA above 2.0 when they left NC State –250 enrolled at an NC community college after leaving NC State –250 enrolled at UNC system school after leaving NC State –384 were last enrolled at NC State (37% have TGPA < 2.0) –Only found 387 who graduated with any degree w/in 6 years

23 2009 NFR: Retention Data 2009 cohort size: 4,637 students 562 (12%) had their first semester GPA under 2.0 –198 (35.2%) of these did not return in the next four fall semesters 510 (10.9%) had their first year GPA under 2.0 –224 (43.9%) of these did not return in the next four fall semesters 298 (6.4%) were suspended at the end of Spring 2010 –133 (44.6%) of these did not return in the next four fall semesters.

24 2020 UG Enrollment Plan: Next Steps Maintain freshman and transfer enrollment trajectories. Continue recruitment and yield efforts with additional emphasis on enhancing diversity. Continue to promote existing programmatic efforts to support student success. Increase utilization of existing early warning systems and develop new monitoring efforts, as appropriate. Develop consistent and effective intervention programs for students experiencing difficulty in transition. Continue to develop CODA and new internal transfer strategies.

25 2020 Graduate Enrollment Plan Spring 2014 Progress Report

26 Goal: Increase graduate enrollment as long as there is sufficient demand that we can meet with resources adequate to sustain the quality of education Key strategies: Set ambitious doctoral enrollment targets Build professional master’s programs that provide career development opportunities 2020 Graduate Enrollment Plan

27 Why Focus on Doctoral Growth? As a one of two UNC Very High Research Activity universities, expansion of graduate education – particularly doctoral education – is our highest priority for enrollment growth –Doctoral graduate students provide the intellectual input and activities essential to advance research. –When graduate students complete their training, they are the work force of tomorrow and help recruit the next generation of scholars.

28 Graduate Enrollment by Classification 2001-2013

29 Graduate Enrollment by Status 2003-2013

30 Graduate Student Support Type

31 Types of Funding through NC State FY 2010-2013, Fall 2013

32 7,3247,9098,4168,437 8,365Total graduate students 2,1422,3212,5292,6012,616Total full-time doctoral students 1,8171,9422,0722,2072,177Full-time doctoral students supported 39.32%38.51%37.60%38.82%38.53% graduate students supported 84.83%83.67%81.93%84.85%83.22% full time doctoral students supported Doctoral Students Supported by NC State Fall 2009-2013

33 Fall 2013 Graduate Enrollment New graduate student enrollment (on-campus): –On target for new master’s enrollment (1,636 actual; 1,610 target) –Below target (-75) for new doctoral students (537 actual; 612 target) Total graduate student enrollment (on-campus): –Below target (-263) for total master’s enrollment (3,545 actual; 3,808 target) –On target for total doctoral enrollment (3,112 actual; 3,116 target). Since we’ve missed new enrollment targets two years in a row, we don’t anticipate being able to maintain total enrollment w/o attention DE enrollment for degree seeking graduate students: –Above target (1,677 actual; 1,518 target)

34 Mitigating the Enrollment Impact Enrollment Planning Committee actively re-evaluated NC State’s enrollment targets for Fall 2014 We strongly urged graduate programs to consider Spring 2014 admission of any qualified masters or doctoral applicants –Spring 2013: 519 new graduate students (375 masters, 77 doctoral, 67 certificates) –Spring 2014*: 531 new graduate students (413 masters, 69 doctoral, 49 certificates) 2014 Doctoral Recruitment Plan *Preliminary data

35 Fall 2014 Enrollment Planning Class Target Fall 2013 Census Fall 2013 Δ Orig. Target Fall 2014 Rev. Target Fall 2014 New Master's-OC 1,6101,636261,6381,711 New Master's DE 478400(78)497427 Total New Master's 2,0882,036(52)2,1352,138 Total Master's 5,1515,001(150)5,1595,058 New PhD, EdD-OC 612537(75)641664 New PhD, EdD-DE 202(18)200 Total New PhD, EdD 632539(93)661664 Total PhD, EdD 3,1963,191(5)3,2513,309 Degree Seeking Total 8,3478,192(155)8,4108,367

36 2014 Doctoral Recruitment Plan One-time funding model targeting doctoral enrollment in programs that indicated they can meet the following criteria: –Capacity for Fall 2014 doctoral enrollment growth (faculty, space, etc.) –Capacity to provide research funding to convert all additional new Fall 2014 students to external (non-state supported) funding in year two and beyond

37 2014 Doctoral Recruitment Plan These one-time recruiting stipends are being offered based on the following funding model: –Funding will only be provided if the program actually accomplishes an increase in enrollment of new doctoral students –Students will be appointed on a one-year RA paid from state appropriated funding provided from the Provost’s Office –Stipend levels will be "competitive" to attract students –GSSP coverage (first year) is included –Students will be expected to be exposed (lab rotations, etc.) to faculty with active research programs to maximize the likelihood of external funding support for year two and beyond

38 2014 Doctoral Recruitment Plan Financials –Goal: Increase new doctoral enrollment by a minimum of 55 students –Initial cost (2014-15) will be ~$2.5M ($1.5M salary/benefits + $1.0M GSSP) –Potential to generate ~$1.76M in enrollment funding annually –Doctoral students will register as full- time for up to 4 years, generating ~$7M total in enrollment funding.

39 Future Plans to 2020 and Beyond GSSP re-design –Prioritize doctoral enrollment –Enhance sustainability (i.e. increase as enrollment increases) Increase number and level of doctoral stipends available –Currently not competitive with peers –Eliminate reversion of state funded assistantships –Incentivize inclusion of doctoral stipends in grant proposals –Continue Doctoral Recruitment Plan and expand to 75 (2015) and 100 (2016 and beyond) –Make Doctoral Student support a Campaign Priority »Chancellor’s Fellowship

40 Wrap-up and Discussion

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