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S URVIVING A CADEMIC P ROBATION Tips and Success Strategies.

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Presentation on theme: "S URVIVING A CADEMIC P ROBATION Tips and Success Strategies."— Presentation transcript:

1 S URVIVING A CADEMIC P ROBATION Tips and Success Strategies

2 W HAT I S A CADEMIC P ROBATION ? First Semester Freshman and New Transfers: Placed on academic probation when their GPA falls below a 2.0 Must raise the cumulative GPA to a 2.0 OR Earn a minimum GPA of 2.3 during the probationary term Must participate in the Learning Contract Program Continuing Students: Placed on academic probation when their GPA falls below a 2.0 Must raise the cumulative GPA to a 2.0 OR Earn a minimum GPA of 2.3 during the probationary term

3 L EARNING C ONTRACT P ROGRAM Freshman and new transfer students with a GPA of 1.0-1.999 must participate in the Learning Contract Program during their second semester. Students are required to work with an academic advisor to discuss Students are encouraged to use the grade replacement system (up to 15 credit hours) Students must earn a semester GPA of 2.3 or a cumulative GPA of 2.0 If the student does not meet these goals, they will be placed on academic suspension.

4 A CADEMIC S USPENSION First Year Freshman and Transfer Students: GPA of <1.0 Will not be permitted to enroll in the University for 1 semester. After 1 semester, the student may reapply Continuing Students: Do not meet the goals set forth during academic probation Will not be permitted to enroll in the University for 1 semester. After 1 semester, the student may reapply

5 Y OUR P ROFESSOR IS Y OUR A LLY If you are struggling with a course, you should visit your professor immediately! They have office hours set aside for assisting students Bring questions about homework, problems presented in class, exam questions, etc. They are more than happy to help!

6 W HAT CAN YOU DO ? Visit your academic advisor for success strategies and tips. Visit the Academic Success Centers on campus Catamount Academic Tutoring Center (CAT Center) Hunter Library Ground Floor Room #30 Small group tutoring for 100 and 200 level courses Qualified Student Tutors Mathematics Tutoring Center ST 455 9-5 M-R; 9-2 F Drop-in or scheduled individual sessions Student Technology Assistance Center Assistance with hardware and software University Writing Center Hunter 161 Extremely helpful for assistance during the writing process

7 C OUNSELING AND P SYCHOLOGICAL S ERVICES Provides individual, couples and group therapy Group Therapy Women’s and Men’s Experiences Body image and eating disorder counseling Enhancing relationships Trauma and abuse recovery Self-esteem counseling Stress Management Discussions Substance abuse counseling Group therapy Schedules can be found at: all_09.pdf

8 C OUNSELING It is absolutely FREE to go to the campus counseling center It absolutely CONFIDENTIAL! It will be of great help if you are experiencing personal issues.

9 D ISABILITY S ERVICES A voluntary program for students with documented disabilities. Those with physical disabilities Those with learning disabilities Emotional or Mental disability Allows you to receive accommodations for your disability Extended examination times Note-taking assistance Assistance with class presentations

10 C ONFIDENTIALITY This service is absolutely confidential Use of this service is nothing to be ashamed of – it is put in place to help you! Even some of your professors use this service!

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