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This course will develop your ability to research, critically read and effectively integrate academic and popular sources. Specifically in Freshman II.

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2 This course will develop your ability to research, critically read and effectively integrate academic and popular sources. Specifically in Freshman II you will be guided through the research process of:  selecting a topic  formulating an analytical research question  finding and evaluating sources  generating an original thesis  drafting  revising (using self, peer and instructor review)

3 Freshman II is a hybrid course which combines between face-to- face instruction and online learning. Such a system offers you numerous benefits as outlined below. You will:  develop independence as a learner.  have flexibility to decide what you want to learn, when and how you wish to learn it.  become techno-savvy, acquiring skills essential for the 21 st century.

4 For this course you will have access to:  A course wiki: This wiki provides explanations, examples, activities, and links to useful resources.  Turnitin: This program allows you to submit assignments to your instructor and see how effectively you have integrated your  Email. In addition to pre-arranged class sessions and office hours, you can communicate with your instructor via email.

5 You will meet your instructor several times during the term as announced on the course wiki/course calendar and communicate with him/her online on a regular basis. Please be informed that:  Your instructor will provide you with his/her email account during the first week of classes.  Excluding the weekend, instructors will respond to student enquiries within 24 hours via email.  Instructors will provide feedback on your work and return it to you for revision via email.  Remember to practice proper netiquette when corresponding with your instructor online.

6 In this online course you are expected to:  Read course content and assignments on the wiki thoroughly.  Communicate with your instructor via email or during office hours to discuss course content and your work.  Submit assignments on time to  Check the course wiki and your email regularly for updates.

7 Please be sure to carefully read the next few slides which detail the university policies in regards to:  Attendance  Submission of work  Academic Honesty

8 As Freshman II is a hybrid course, there will be many weeks during which you do not need to attend classes. Over the course of the semester you will be expected to:  Attend planned sessions (classes marked on your course calendar)  Submit work due on time  Communicate regularly with your instructor Remember that you are expected to maintain a presence and continue working independently. When absent for 1 week you will receive a warning, after 3 warnings then an F will be given. Remember also that you cannot drop this course, and you will receive an F if you do not participate, attend and submit your work.

9 You are expected to submit all work to Turnitin on the due date as set by your instructor (not as stated on Turnitin, which has different dates for administrative purposes only). Late Submission  1 day = 10 % deduction of mark  2 days = 20 % deduction of mark  3 days = 50 % deduction of mark  More than 3 days late, the assignment is given a zero. You must still submit the assignment so that your first and final drafts of the research paper will receive a grade. If you do not submit the assignment then you will not be entitled to marks on your first and final drafts of your research paper, i.e. you will lose 30 marks!

10 The University reserves the right to suspend or dismiss a student whose conduct is found to be in conflict with the principle of academic honesty. Academic dishonesty includes but is not limited to:  Submitting work to an instructor which is not your own  Multiple Submission: submitting work to an instructor which you have already submitted for another class.  Plagiarism: using part(s) of the work of others without proper citation. Students who are found to have committed an act of academic dishonesty, or participated in academic dishonesty by giving their work to others, will be subject to severe penalties including an “F” for the course and action by the university disciplinary board.

11 MonthDateWeek No.Assignment February262Topic for instructor approval March114Final Sources 154Final Proposal 256Final Outline April17Final Annotated Bibliography 128First Draft of Research Paper May13-1710Presentation s June313Final Brochure (Non-Science Students) 313Final Draft Research Paper

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