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Please bring out a pencil and be ready to write some notes.

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Presentation on theme: "Please bring out a pencil and be ready to write some notes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Please bring out a pencil and be ready to write some notes

2 Graduation Requirements English 4 years, 40 credits Math 2 years (Alg1 and Geom), (Math 1 and Math 2) 20 credits Science2 years (Physical and Life w/lab), 20 credits Additional year of math or Science1 year, 10 credits Social Science3 years (W. Cultures, US Hist., Gov’t, Econ) 30 credits Foreign Language1 year, 10 credits Physical Education3 years, 30 credits 2 sports can take place of PE starting next year. Fine Art1 year, 10 credits Freshman Seminar 1 semester, 5 credits World Geography 1 semester, 5 credits Elective Credits85 credits 5 credits are issued for every course you pass, per semester. 265 Total credits required to graduate

3 You should have the following courses English Math Science PE 9 th grade requirement Elective

4 CREDITS 9 th grade (35 credits + 35 credits= 70 credits) 10 th grade (35 credits + 35 credits= 70 credits) 11 th grade (35 credits + 35 credits= 70 credits) 12 th grade (35 credits + 35 credits= 70 credits) 280 possible credits 280 possible- 265 required= Can only fail 3 courses over all four years of high school without having to attend summer school, winter school, or adult school to make up credits.

5 Attendance You are limited to 8 unexcused period absences before losing credit An NC grade will be issued for a course where 9 or more period absences are reached. Saturday school will take care of one day of absences Parents calling in does not clear an absence. They are unexcused. Bring in Doctor and Dentist notes asap to the attendance office


7 9 th grade page

8 Career Center

9 Why visit the Counseling and Career Center WebPages? Information: Scholarships Grade level Colleges and Financial Aid SAT/ ACT(college entrance tests) Lots of information

10 Bulletin Listen to the bulletin for information Testing: (PLAN, PSAT, ASVAB, ACT, SAT) College Night (Jr. and Sr. Year) Scholarships College Reps Club Meetings Volunteer Opportunities

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