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Slides before 1st Section Divider Business Groundwork General non- Business Requirements Unused Section Space 1 Engineering Unused Section Space 2 Unused.

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Presentation on theme: "Slides before 1st Section Divider Business Groundwork General non- Business Requirements Unused Section Space 1 Engineering Unused Section Space 2 Unused."— Presentation transcript:

1 Slides before 1st Section Divider Business Groundwork General non- Business Requirements Unused Section Space 1 Engineering Unused Section Space 2 Unused Section Space 3 Business Statistics & CIS/OPIM

2 Notes & Caveats Student in Wharton & SEAS, with privileges Focusing on Wharton here (similarity) Minimum credits = 46 Check with advisors, keep emails Best resource for advice  Upperclassmen Imperfect categories Grab handouts before we begin

3 Wharton

4 pptPlex Section Divider General non-Business Requirements The slides after this divider will be grouped into a section and given the label you type above. Feel free to move this slide to any position in the deck.

5 General Education & Global Environment Gen. Ed Required: 2 Can not be from Science & Technology Cluster Only 1 AP/IB P/F Language Classes count Globals Required: 2 A Gen. Ed with an international focus  World Music  Greek Mythology  Others? Also 1 AP/IB  World History, Euro etc Not P/F

6 Writing Seminar & Language Competency Writing Seminar Required: 1 All Penn students List available online When you take it does not matter  Try for freshman/ sophomore year Language Competency Ways to demonstrate  AP/IB/SAT (before Penn)  Departmental Exam  Can reduce number of classes you need to take  Classes  Usually equivalent of four  P/F

7 pptPlex Section Divider Business Groundwork The slides after this divider will be grouped into a section and given the label you type above. Feel free to move this slide to any position in the deck.

8 Economics & Math Econ Required: 2  ECON 010  FNCE 103 for JWS  ECON 001/002 with AP credit for other  BPUB 250 or ECON 101  Recommendations? Math Required: at least 2  MATH 104, 114 (Calculus I)  To waive: AP/IB Backwards Credit Caution  SEAS will likely require at least one more  MATH 240, 241

9 Leadership & Societal Environment Leadership Required: 1  MGMT 100  Mixed Reviews  Don’t panic if you don’t like it too much  You should have taken it Societal Environment Required: 1  LGST 101  LGST 210  BPUB 203 Single degree Wharton students take 2

10 pptPlex Section Divider Business The slides after this divider will be grouped into a section and given the label you type above. Feel free to move this slide to any position in the deck.

11 Business Fundamentals & M&T Requirement Business Fundamentals Required: 9  ACCT 101  ACCT 102  FNCE 100  FNCE 101  MGMT 101  MKTG 101  *STAT 430 or ESE 301  *STAT 431 or ESE 302  *OPIM 101 (CIS110/105) M&T Required: 1  MGMT 237  Take with your class during 2 nd semester soph. year  Taught by Dr. Hamilton  MGMT 101 is a prerequisite (take freshman spring or sophomore fall)  Lots of double counting- ask upperclassmen

12 Concentration & Business Breadth Concentration Required: 1  Consists of 4 upper level courses Breadth Required: 2  Upper-level courses taken outside of your first concentration  MGMT 237 can count as one if your first concentration is not MGMT  No other double counting  If doing 2 concentrations, 1 from 2 nd concentration can apply

13 pptPlex Section Divider Statistics & CIS/OPIM The slides after this divider will be grouped into a section and given the label you type above. Feel free to move this slide to any position in the deck.

14 STAT/ESE & CIS/OPIM STAT/ESE Required: 2  STAT 430 or ESE 301  STAT 431 or ESE 302  Which one?  Doesn’t matter  Recommendations?  M&T Requirement  Some SEAS majors may not require this, but it is still required for M&Ts Per John Keenan Fulfills math req CIS/OPIM Required: 1  If your SEAS major does not have a CIS requirement  OPIM 101 will satisfy this  Otherwise  CIS 110, 120  ESE 112  CIS 105 (might need petition-rec for MEAM)  Irrelevant for CIS majors

15 pptPlex Section Divider Engineering The slides after this divider will be grouped into a section and given the label you type above. Feel free to move this slide to any position in the deck.


17 Social Science and Humanities (SSH) Number of credits in this depends on SEAS major Usually not a concern, Wharton/Gen Ed classes fills in  LGST 101  ECON 010  BPUB 250  LGST 210 – ethics  MGMT 237

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