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LHTAC Overview of LPA in Idaho July 24, 2013 Local Public Administration.

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Presentation on theme: "LHTAC Overview of LPA in Idaho July 24, 2013 Local Public Administration."— Presentation transcript:

1 LHTAC Overview of LPA in Idaho July 24, 2013 Local Public Administration

2 LHTAC L ocal H ighway T echnical A ssistance C OUNCIL

3 Agenda Why LHTAC? LHTAC Umbrella Local Public Administration Programs Process Milestones

4 Why LHTAC? Jurisdictions  290 Local Highway Jurisdictions  1 Idaho Transportation Department Representation  1994 Legislature Created LHTAC  Funded by portion of local highway’s share of Idaho Highway Distribution Acct.  Organized Council

5 There is a Council Three City Mayors Three County Commissioners Three Highway District Commissioners A representative from each Association  Idaho Association of Highway Districts (IAHD)  Association of Idaho Cities (AIC)  Idaho Association of Counties (IAC)

6 LHTAC Umbrella Local Federal Aid Administration Local Highway Safety Program Local Rural Highway Investment Program Idaho T2 Center Publications Technical Assistance

7 Federal Aid Administration Local Public Agency Staffing  Some Jurisdictions have only 2 staff  Elected officials change with elections  Smaller Jurisdictions might have a project funded every 5 to 10 years  Process and regulations change ITD - FHWA Stewardship Agreement  Two other agencies in Idaho have Stewardship Agreement with ITD  LHTAC & Ada County Highway District

8 LPA Staffing LHTAC can staff as necessary Federal Aid Design Managers  4 Administrators  Currently Administer over 70 projects  Design Development Process Construction Managers  2 Administrators – 1 Resident Engineer  Currently managing nearly a dozen

9 Project Administration 2001+ 120 Rural Projects Approved 45 Urban Projects Approved  25 ARRA Stimulus projects complete  32 Governor’s Discretionary Stimulus projects  9 provisional projects 65 Bridge Projects Approved

10 Need some help with a Road? So did Saint Anthony. Yellowstone Highway (2001)

11 Local Federal Funding Picture Federal Funds for LHJ’s from FHWA STP-Urban (Tweeners) $ 4 Million STP-Rural $13 Million Bridge Funds Local Bridge $5M Off-System Br. $4M (Approximate Annual Values)

12 STP-Local Rural Program Federal Aid Funding for:  Cities under 5000 population  Plus Counties & Highway Districts  Collector or Arterial Streets Around $13 million annually statewide (it varies).

13 STP-Local Urban Program Federal Aid funding for:  Cities over 5000 population  Collector or Arterial Streets LHTAC represents those cities over 5000 and under 50,000 population About $4 million annually.

14 Need some help with a Road? So did Saint Anthony. Yellowstone Highway (2003)

15 How do Sponsors get this help? 1. Prepare for success with a Transportation Plan, 2. Apply. 290 Local Highway Jurisdictions. Applications mailed in September. Applications due in January.

16 Understand… Understand the What the Council wants: Improve the local highway system, Use this money efficiently (thus the Transportation Plans), Get funding to the roads. Realize this is Federal Funding; it will take time and money…

17 Project Progress The Reason PM’s Drink. NTP PS&E 0 100

18 Need help with a Bridge?

19 Bridge Local & Bridge off-system About $9 million per year Bridge must have a sufficiency rating less than 50 for replacement Federal Aid money at 93/7 match rate Applications upon request.

20 Lolo Creek Bridge New Lolo Creek Bridge Old Lolo Creek Bridge in a new location

21 Project Process Applications submitted by Sponsor Applications rated by Council Enter top rated projects in draft STIP Communicate to Sponsors When Programed, Execute State/Local Agreement for Project Development

22 Project Process Work with Sponsor to Select Consultant  From ITD Term Agreement Under $100,000 – Direct Select $100,000 - $500,000 – Short List & RFI  By RFP Help Define Scope of Work Negotiate Scope effort ITD Approval of Negotiations and Contract Consultant contracts with Sponsor

23 Project Design Milestones Notice to Proceed from ITD Design Kick-off Meeting  Identify Responsibilities Sponsor Consultant LHTAC & ITD  Set Schedule

24 Project Design Milestones Concept Report Preliminary Design Review Environmental Document Approved Hearing Completed Situation & Layout (Bridge) Agreements Complete (Utility) Initiate ROW Purchase Process Final Design Review

25 Project Design Milestones ROW Certifiable Environmental Re-evaluation PS&E Submittal Resident’s File Submittal Execute State/Local Agreement for Construction with Local Match ITD bids and awards Project

26 Project Design Milestones If LHTAC is Administering construction  Work with Sponsor on selecting Consultant for Construction Engineering and Inspection (CE&I)  Define Scope of Work  Negotiate CE&I Contract Pre-Construction Meeting  Identify Responsibilities Sponsor Consultant LHTAC Construction

27 Agenda Why LHTAC? LHTAC Umbrella Local Public Administration Programs Process Milestones

28 Planning Rule Seven ‘P’ Rule  Prior  Proper  Planning  Prevents  Piss  Poor  Performance

29 Questions? Lance Holmstrom Administrator Scott Ellsworth, PE, PLS Federal Aid Manager Website: Phone: (208) 344-0565 (800) 259-6841

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