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Single Family Housing Market Update Exploring New Single Family Financing ideas NCSHA 2014 Annual Conference Casey Biegelsen Director Barclays Capital.

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Presentation on theme: "Single Family Housing Market Update Exploring New Single Family Financing ideas NCSHA 2014 Annual Conference Casey Biegelsen Director Barclays Capital."— Presentation transcript:

1 Single Family Housing Market Update Exploring New Single Family Financing ideas NCSHA 2014 Annual Conference Casey Biegelsen Director Barclays Capital October 20, 2014 Confidential Presentation

2 Case-Shiller Regions LTV Analysis 2010 Estimated CURRENT Loan-to-Value for Case-Shiller Regions 1

3 Case-Shiller Regions LTV Analysis 2011 Estimated CURRENT Loan-to-Value for Case-Shiller Regions 2

4 Case-Shiller Regions LTV Analysis 2012 Estimated CURRENT Loan-to-Value for Case-Shiller Regions 3

5 Case-Shiller Regions LTV Analysis 2013 Estimated CURRENT Loan-to-Value for Case-Shiller Regions 4

6 Case-Shiller Regions LTV Analysis 2014 Estimated CURRENT Loan-to-Value for Case-Shiller Regions 5

7 Tax-Exempt / Taxable Ratios are Returning to Pre-Financial Crisis Levels Tax-Exempt / Taxable Ratios from 2004 to 2014* *Ratios as of October 15, 2014 6

8 Funding and Mortgage Rates Comparison Average Funding and Mortgages Rates from 2004 to 2014* *Interest rates as of October 16 2014 HFAs have TWO Advantages - High LTV first time home buyers - Tax-Exemption 7

9 Funding and Mortgage Rates Comparison Average Funding and Mortgages Rates from 2004 to 2014* *Interest rates as of October 16 2014 HFAs have ONE Advantage - High LTV first time home buyers 8

10 Funding and Mortgage Rates Comparison Average Funding and Mortgages Rates from 2004 to 2014* *Interest rates as of October 16 2014 9

11 HFAs have utilized alternative funding tools over the three past years Source: Moody’s : New Financing Tools Pose Few Risks to HFAs June 5, 2014 HFA Financing Activity from 2012 to 2014  Diversification allows HFAs to be competitive 10

12 Structures Utilized Today  Mortgage Revenue Bonds  Short average-life bonds  Consistent spreads to MMD  Subsidized with Indenture assets & cashflows  Pass-Through Bonds  Matched to the loan average life  Seven competed this year  No subsidy required – Spins off reliable cash flow to HFA  MBS  Upfront profit  No ongoing cash flow  No longer beats tax-exempt pass-through or MRB 11

13 New Money Bond Issuance Plays a Bigger Role in 2014 *Single Family Bond Issuance as of October 15, 2014  63% of the Bond Proceeds in 2013 were used for Refundings  However, 54% of the Bond Proceeds were used for New Money in 2014 2013 versus 2014 Bond Issuance Proceeds 2013 2014 New Money 37% Refunding 63% New Money 54% Refunding 46% Rates at their lowest 12 Source: SDC

14 Challenges We Face in the Future  Locking in Permanent Funding  As interest rates rise, HFAs may need to fund loans with reduced proceeds or provide subsidies  Warehousing Loans  Warehousing facilities allow HFAs to accumulate loan pools for eventual bond funding  Volume Cap  With tax-exemption comes the need for volume cap 13

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