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Growing Opportunities for Sustainable Small Farmers in Washington & Idaho TM.

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Presentation on theme: "Growing Opportunities for Sustainable Small Farmers in Washington & Idaho TM."— Presentation transcript:

1 Growing Opportunities for Sustainable Small Farmers in Washington & Idaho TM

2 Sustainable Small Farms are… Environmentally sound –Promoting biodiversity –Preserving habitat –Conserving natural resources –Reducing dependence on fuel & chemical inputs

3 Sustainable Small Farms are… Economically viable –Providing a living wage for farmers and farm workers –Direct marketing, cooperatives, alternative crops…buy local campaigns

4 Sustainable Small Farms are… Socially responsible –Contributing to community food security –Ensuring safety and a positive quality of life for producers and workers

5 What is Cultivating Success TM ? A collaborative educational program for Idaho and Washington State Began in 2000 And funded through generous grants from: USDA Risk Management Agency, USDA SARE, USDA Higher Education Challenge Grants, and USDA CSREES Western Center for Risk Management Education

6 Goal of Cultivating Success TM Create and implement educational programs to increase the number and foster the success of sustainable small acreage farmers and ranchers in Idaho and Washington.

7 Achieving the Goals of CS… Offer a series of courses that provide beginning and existing farmers with –Planning and decision- making tools –Production skills –Support necessary to develop sustainable small acreage enterprises

8 Achieving the Goals of CS… Connect participants with farmers and expose them to real world situations Use a community-based, experiential approach Provide an optional Cultivating Success TM Certificate (Level I and Level II)- academic or community

9 Target Audience Audiences –Academic students –New and experienced farmers Incl. Latino & Hmong farmers –Agricultural professionals

10 Locations Courses are offered through –University of Idaho & Washington State University On Campus Compressed Video Online Hybrid –ID and WA Cooperative Extension 25+ locations –On farm Short courses Internships/Mentorships University Farms

11 Collaboration with Producers Representation on CS Leadership Team (one from WA & ID) Guest instructors Primary instructors Farmer Mentors Program & Curriculum development Input at all levels and stages

12 Program Modules Overview of Sustainable Small Farms* –Sustainable Small Farming and Ranching Business Module* –Agricultural Entrepreneurship Farm Based Learning* –On Farm Internship/Mentorship Sustainable Production Module –Organic Gardening And Farming –Organic Farming Practicum –Ecological Soils Management –Sustainable Small Acreage Livestock Production Sustainable Food Systems Module –Science, Society And Sustainable Food Systems –Field Analysis Of Sustainable Food Systems –World Agricultural Systems

13 Sustainable Small Farming and Ranching Overview Course details –Participants evaluate what type of small enterprise is right for them, complete a whole farm plan –Mix of classroom lecture, guests speakers and farm tours –Students have volunteered on a campus farm in exchange for credit –Culturally adapted Latino and Hmong curricula available


15 Agricultural Entrepreneurship: Building a Sustainable Small Farm Business Course details: –The “Next Step” –Hands-on, Ag focused business planning and market development –Guest speakers are experienced practitioners from the community & region »Students create a working business plan for their small farm enterprise


17 On Farm Internship/Mentorship Participants work one-on-one with a farmer-mentor & Faculty or Extension coordinator –Mutually agreed upon plan of study Hands-on experience in all aspects of production and marketing Seasonal or year-round, site specific Certified instructional mentors & farms 12 trained, 7 sites certified including UI & WSU organic farms Site-specific curriculum associated with the operation


19 Program Results Over 25 locations at county Extension offices and college campuses in WA and ID have offered or are currently offering Cultivating Success TM courses Over 2000 participants have attended at least one Cultivating Success TM course Over 60 trained instructors since 2001 81% of participants are farmers, ranchers, or agricultural professionals

20 Cultivating Success TM Women Leadership Team 10 members are all women, including both farmer representatives Instructors approximately 55% in WA and ID are women Students approximately 60% are women in WA and ID

21 Students surveys reveal… 100% increased their understanding of sustainable agriculture after completing Sustainable Small Farming and Ranching 100% of these students are likely to use what they learned on their farms or in their work 98% rated the program as effective in potentially increasing the number and success of small farms in ID and WA

22 To Find Out More…


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