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Nez Perce Tribe Air Quality Program Air Toxics Monitoring.

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1 Nez Perce Tribe Air Quality Program Air Toxics Monitoring


3 Community-Scale Air Toxics Study 2006-2007 Toxics Monitoring Around a Kraft Pulp and Paper Mill in Lewiston, Idaho

4 PartnersResponsibility Nez Perce Tribe, Environmental Restoration and Waste Management Division Air Quality Program Administer project Operate reservation sampling sites Idaho Department of Environmental Quality, Lewiston Office and Boise Modeling Group Operate off-reservation sampling sites and Modeling Washington State University, Laboratory for Atmospheric Research (Pullman, WA) Modeling RJ Lee Group, Inc., Center for Laboratory Sciences (Pasco, WA) Sample analysis Potlatch Corporation Idaho Pulp and Paperboard Meteorological data from facility tower and emissions data U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 10 Funding, Guidance

5 Sampling locations

6 Particulate metals PM10 Hi-Vol. Quartz microfiber filters EPA method IO-3.5 Volatile Organic Compounds ATEC 2200 sampler canisters EPA method TO-15 Carbonyls ATEC 2200 sampler DNPH cartridges EPA method TO-11A Benzene, carbon tetrachloride, chloroform, 1,3-butadiene, 1,2-dichloropropane, methylene chloride, tetrachloroethylene, trichlororethylene, vinyl chloride Arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, lead, manganese, nickel Formaldehyde, Acetaldehyde 24 h samples; EPA’s one in six day sampling schedule; 5/1/2006-4/30/2007

7 Nez Perce County Demographic Comparison Expect lower concentrations than in other U.S. data.

8 Potential Concern FormaldehydeAcetaldehyde BenzeneCarbon tetrachloride Tetrachloroethylene1,3-Butadiene ArsenicManganese >50% detects exceed the chronic screening threshold

9 Chronic Inhalation Cancer Risk Comparison 30-year chronic cancer risk screening values from EPA Region 3 and highest annual mean concentrations from any site in the Lewiston study were used to generate estimated risk numbers.


11 Regional Comparison La Grande, OR May 2006-April 2007 rural NATTS site Longview, WA May 2004-May 2005 Pulp & paper, urban setting Seattle, WA 2005 Spokane, WA 2005

12 Carbonyls

13 ATSDR health consultation

14 School Air Toxics Study 2009

15 PM10 sampler Sonic anemometer Carbonyl sampler




19 FaST Program 2011 DOE funded University professor and 2 students PTR-MS – 1 minute resolution of air toxics

20 VOC species to be measured by PTR-MS Ion (m/z) SpeciesNotes Oxygenated species 31formaldehyde direct emissions / photoproduct 33methanol solvents 45acetaldehyde direct emission / photochemical product 59acetone / propanal solvents 732-btuanone / butanal solvents Aromatic compounds 79benzene air toxic / vehicle emissions 93toluene vehicle emissions 105styrene industrial 107Sum of C 2 -alkylbenzenes (C 8 H 10 ) vehicle emissions 121Sum of C 3 - alkylbenzenes (C 9 H 12 ) vehicle emissions 135Sum of C 4 -alkylbenzenes (C 10 H 14 ) vehicle emissions Biogenic emissions 69isoprene (1) biogenic emission 71MVK + MACR (2) isoprene photoproducts 137monoterpenesbiogenic emission Others 54acrylonitrileair toxic: plastics industry 42acetonitrile CH 3 CN : wood smoke tracer (1) subject to positive interferences from other hydrocarbons at low isoprene mixing ratios (< 100 pptv) (2) methylvinyl ketone + methacrolein


22 Wet Mercury Monitoring

23 Mercury Deposition Network Sites

24 Nez Perce Tribe Air Quality Program 843-7375 Prepared for National Tribal Forum June 15, 2011 in Spokane, WA Presented by Mary Fauci

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