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Why Is Food Safety Important? Where Do the Rules Come From? 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Why Is Food Safety Important? Where Do the Rules Come From? 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why Is Food Safety Important? Where Do the Rules Come From? 1

2 Magnitude of Foodborne Illness Estimated annual occurrence: 48 million cases of foodborne illness 128,000 hospitalizations from foodborne illness 3,000 deaths from foodborne illness (Scallan, et al., 2011) 2

3 What Is Your Chance of Getting a Foodborne Illness? The population of the U.S. is 310 million people in 2010 310,000,000/48,000,000 = 6.5 This means that approximately 1 in every 6 people suffer from a foodborne illness during the year 3

4 4 The Good News... 500 to 900 billion safe meals are served in food service establishments every year

5 Cost of FBI to an Establishment Loss of customers and sales Loss of good reputation Lawsuits resulting in lawyer and court fees Increased insurance costs Lowered employee confidence; increased absence of employees Need for re-training employees Embarrassment 5

6 6 I need 250 get well cards! HALLMADE CARDS

7 Personal Account of FBI Audio clip provides a woman’s experience with botulism that she got from a baked potato that was held too long at room temperature by a restaurant 7 Click on speaker to start audio clip Used with permission from Oregon State University

8 S.T.O.P. 8

9 Individuals at Higher Risk for Getting a Foodborne Illness 9 Young children and the elderly Those with weakened immune systems Infants and pregnant women

10 10 Federal Government Recommendations Food Code

11 Idaho’s Food Safety Rules Idaho Food Code 11

12 Using the Idaho Food Code Does a produce stand selling boxes of apples qualify as a “food establishment?” 12 No (Answer found in Section 1-201.10(B) 36.c.ii) The term “food establishment” does not include: A produce stand that offers only whole, uncut fresh fruits and vegetables

13 Using the Idaho Food Code Can potentially hazardous food be thawed on the counter? 13 No (Answer found in Section 3-501.13) Potentially hazardous food shall be thawed: Under refrigeration Under running water During cooking

14 14 Using the Idaho Food Code Is the wearing of jewelry restricted when working in a food service establishment? Yes (Answer found in Section 2-303.11) While preparing food, employees may not wear jewelry, including medical information jewelry, on their arms and hands. This section does not apply to a plain ring, such as a wedding band.

15 Idaho’s Training Manual Idaho Food Safety and Sanitation Manual 15

16 Using the Idaho Food Safety and Sanitation Manual Can potentially hazardous food be thawed on the counter? 16 No (Answer found in Chapter 5, page 36) Potentially hazardous foods must be thawed as fast as possible to limit bacterial growth during the process. Three methods are acceptable. Under refrigeration Under running water As a part of continuous cooking Thawing at room temperature is not acceptable No (Answer found in Chapter 5, page 36) Potentially hazardous foods must be thawed as fast as possible to limit bacterial growth during the process. Three methods are acceptable. Under refrigeration Under running water As a part of continuous cooking Thawing at room temperature is not acceptable

17 Using the Idaho Food Safety and Sanitation Manual Can someone who has diarrhea work as a food handler? 17 No, unless the cause of diarrhea has been determined to be not communicable (Answer found in Chapter 6, page 40)

18 18 Rule Enforcement Idaho Food Code enforced by Environmental Health Specialists (also known as Health Inspectors) Environmental Health Specialists work for one of the seven Idaho Health Districts

19 Food Establishment Inspection Report 19 Food establishments are regularly inspected. Code violators can be closed

20 Resource for hourly employees 20

21 21 Food service employees have the responsibility to deliver safe, quality food to the person eating it The Person In Charge (PIC) also has the responsibility of training employees in correct procedures Responsibilities

22 Understanding Check! The U.S. has very safe food, yet approximately 1 in every ______ people suffers a foodborne illness each year 22 6

23 Understanding Check! If a restaurant causes a foodborne illness the results can be 23 Loss of customers Loss of good reputation Lawsuits Increased insurance costs Reduced employee confidence Need to re-train employees Embarrassment

24 Understanding Check! What is the name of the Idaho food safety rules for food establishments? 24 Idaho Food Code

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