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Gospel of Mark 1.1-15: The Baptism of Jesus at the Jordan Jan Carter Jamie Nevill Patrick Roberts Jacob Williams.

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1 Gospel of Mark 1.1-15: The Baptism of Jesus at the Jordan Jan Carter Jamie Nevill Patrick Roberts Jacob Williams

2 Key Points/ Topic Location of this passage in the overall literary context of the Gospel of Mark. Relation of this passage to other biblical stories and themes developed in the Hebrew Bible. Mark's use of this passage with the way it is developed by other gospel writers. Relation of this passage to other biblical stories and themes developed elsewhere in the New Testament. Importance of this passage in relation to the basic point of the New Testament.

3 Adds dramatic tension to Mark’s Gospel by: Gives the reader knowledge of Jesus’ divine purpose that the Apostles don’t have. Foreshadows Jesus’ future conquering of death and sin through defeat of Satan in the wilderness. Places the baptism at the river Jordan thus symbolically linking Jesus in Jewish minds with Elisha and Joshua Gospel of Mark 1.1-15: The Baptism of Jesus at the Jordan

4 Prepares for future themes by drawing parallels: Jesus as successor to John the Baptist Elisha succeeds Elijah Joshua succeeds Moses Jesus’ divine purpose and rule over sin defeating Satan’s temptation for 40 days in the wilderness

5 Joshua Succeeds Moses as Jesus succeeds John the Baptist Happens at Jordon River Jesus is the Greek form of the Hebrew name Joshua Joshua delivers the Israelites to the Promised Land. Jesus will do the same

6 Elisha succeeds Elijah as Jesus succeeds Baptist Happens at Jordon River Clothing of John the Baptist similar to that of Elijah Passing the Mantle Elisha does greater works than his predecessor as does Jesus

7 Old Testament Use of the Number Forty Moses was with God in the mount, 40 days and nights (Exodus 24:18). The rains (in Noah's day) fell for 40 days and nights (Genesis 7:4). Moses was again with God 40 days and 40 nights (Exodus 34:28). David reigned over Israel for 40 years (2 Samuel 5:4, 1 Kings 2:11). Solomon reigned same length as his father; 40 years (1 Kings 11:42). And many others


9 Common Themes of New Testament Jesus Lordship as introduced by John the Baptist and recurring throughout New Testament teachings God’s preparation for his people – “Prepare the way” as instructed to John – Messengers prepare the way for the promised land, the temple, Jesus birth and others (Exodus 20:23; Malachi 3:1; Luke 1:26) The role of the Holy Spirit – Descended upon Jesus – Led Jesus into wilderness – Came upon Mary to bring Son of God to man – Continues today to guide man to righteousness

10 Commonality of Message with other New Testament Writers Jesus is Lord Repentance and forgiveness of sin – Baptism representing death to old life – Raised to be filled with the Holy Spirit and acknowledged by God Justification by faith and not the law

11 Passage Summary and significance to New Testament teaching Mark 1:1-15 New Testament basic teaching: – Jesus is God’s son, He is Lord and divine in nature – Salvation comes through Jesus – For forgiveness of sin, repentance and acknowledgment of Jesus Lordship is necessary – Man can only be justified through faith in Jesus Christ This passage introduces Jesus and his ministry emphasizing his divinity and purpose. He begins his ministry and message through John’s words, the Holy Spirit’s intervention and God’s acknowledgement of His Son.

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