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Sacraments of Initiation
UNIT THREE Sacraments of Initiation
I. All Sacraments
A. Sacrament- a sign given to us by Jesus to share God’s life with us.
I. All Sacraments A. What are sacraments? Sacrament- a sign given to us by Jesus to share God’s life with us.
I. All Sacraments B. What they do Sanctifying grace- the gift of sharing in God’s life that we receive in the Sacraments
B. 2. All Sacraments strengthen us and make us more holy What they do
I. All Sacraments B. What they do 2. All Sacraments strengthen us and make us more holy
C. 1. Baptism- frees us from sin and welcomes us in to the church.
I. All Sacraments C. Sacraments of Initiation 1. Baptism- frees us from sin and welcomes us in to the church.
C. 2. Confirmation- we receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
I. All Sacraments C. Sacraments of Initiation 2. Confirmation- we receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
C. 3. Eucharist- we receive the Body and Blood of Christ.
I. All Sacraments C. Sacraments of Initiation 3. Eucharist- we receive the Body and Blood of Christ.
I. All Sacraments D. Sacraments of Healing Reconciliation- our sins are forgiven and our relationship with God grows stronger.
I. All Sacraments D. Sacraments of Healing 2. Anointing of the Sick- we receive God’s grace when we are ill or suffering.
E. Matrimony- a man and a woman become husband and wife.
I. All Sacraments E. Sacraments of Service Matrimony- a man and a woman become husband and wife.
I. All Sacraments E. Sacraments of Service 2. Holy Orders- men are ordained to serve as bishops, priests, and deacons.
II. Christian Initiation
II. Christian Initiation
Joining the Church Christian Initiation- the process of becoming a member of the Church.
II. Christian Initiation
Joining the Church 2. Catechumenate- Time when people prepare to join the Church.
II. Christian Initiation
Joining the Church 3. R.C.I.A- Classes taken by adults who are joining the Church.
III. Baptism B. How to join 1. Babies can join by getting baptized.
III. Baptism B. How to join 2. Adults who have not been baptized take R.C.I.A. classes, then receive all 3 Sacraments of Initiation.
III. Baptism B. How to join 2. Adults who are baptized in another Christian go through R.C.I.A., but are not baptized. Take Confirmation and receive their 1st Communion.
III. Baptism
III. Baptism A. Words to know Original sin- our desire to be selfish and sinful that we were born with.
A. 2. Chrism- Perfumed holy oil that is blessed by the bishop.
III. Baptism A. Words to know 2. Chrism- Perfumed holy oil that is blessed by the bishop.
III. Baptism A. Words to know 3. Salvation- forgiveness of our sins and restoring our friendship with God.
A. 4. Eternal life- living in happiness with God forever in heaven.
III. Baptism A. Words to know 4. Eternal life- living in happiness with God forever in heaven.
B. 1. Anyone who has not been baptized yet. Who receives it
III. Baptism B. Who receives it 1. Anyone who has not been baptized yet.
C. 1. Anyone who is baptized can baptize someone else
III. Baptism C. Who baptizes others 1. Anyone who is baptized can baptize someone else Unless it’s an emergency, please let your priest or deacon do this
D. Gives us salvation from original sin and forgives all of our sins.
III. Baptism D. What it does Gives us salvation from original sin and forgives all of our sins.
III. Baptism D. What it does 2. Brings us new life in Christ.
D. Welcomes us into the Church. What it does
III. Baptism D. What it does Welcomes us into the Church. We join all others who have been baptized.
III. Baptism D. What it does 4. Helps us to serve like Jesus as a priest, prophet, and king. Helps you be like a “little Jesus”
D. 5. Makes it possible for us to have eternal life. What it does
III. Baptism D. What it does 5. Makes it possible for us to have eternal life.
III. Baptism E. Symbolic actions The person is presented and blessed with the sign of the cross. Dedicates them to God.
E. Symbolic actions 2. The person professes their faith in God.
III. Baptism E. Symbolic actions 2. The person professes their faith in God. Profess your faith- Say what they believe Also say they reject the devil. Babies have this said for them.
E. 3. Water is poured over them 3 times. Symbolic actions
III. Baptism E. Symbolic actions 3. Water is poured over them 3 times. Words of Baptism: I baptize you in the name of the father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
III. Baptism E. Symbolic actions 4. Anointed with chrism.
E. 5. Receive a white garment and a candle. Symbolic actions
III. Baptism E. Symbolic actions 5. Receive a white garment and a candle. Shows our new life as a Christian.
III. Baptism F. Other types of baptism Baptism of blood- people who were martyred, but not baptized in life.
III. Baptism F. Other types of baptism 2. Baptism of intention- for people who died before they could be baptized.
III. Baptism F. Other types of baptism 3. Baptism of desire- for people who lived holy lives but were not baptized.
IV. Confirmation
A. Holy Spirit- 3rd person of the Blessed Trinity. Words to know
IV. Confirmation A. Words to know Holy Spirit- 3rd person of the Blessed Trinity. Holy Spirit = God
IV. Confirmation A. Words to know 2. Gifts of the Holy Spirit- 7 special gifts God gives us to live a holy life
IV. Confirmation A. Words to know 3. Age of reason- when you are old enough to understand what you are doing.
IV. Confirmation B. Gifts of the Holy Spirit 1. Wisdom
IV. Confirmation B. Gifts of the Holy Spirit 2. Understanding
IV. Confirmation B. Gifts of the Holy Spirit 3. Right Judgment
IV. Confirmation B. Gifts of the Holy Spirit 4. Courage
IV. Confirmation B. Gifts of the Holy Spirit 5. Knowledge
IV. Confirmation B. Gifts of the Holy Spirit 6. Reverence
IV. Confirmation B. Gifts of the Holy Spirit 7. Wonder and Awe
C. 1. Baptized Catholics who are at the age of reason. Who receives it
IV. Confirmation C. Who receives it 1. Baptized Catholics who are at the age of reason. In Baltimore, most Confirmations are in 8th-10th grade or higher.
D. 1. Bishops give people Confirmation. Who Confirms others
III. Baptism D. Who Confirms others 1. Bishops give people Confirmation. A priest can give Confirmation if the Bishop gives him permission.
E. Seals us with the gifts of the Holy Spirit. What it does
IV. Confirmation E. What it does Seals us with the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
E. 2. Completes the graces you received in baptism. What it does
IV. Confirmation E. What it does 2. Completes the graces you received in baptism. We become a bigger part of the Church.
E. 3. Makes you spiritually STRONGER! What it does
IV. Confirmation E. What it does 3. Makes you spiritually STRONGER! Marks your soul, and is good for the rest of your life.
F. Profess your faith. Symbolic actions
IV. Confirmation F. Symbolic actions Profess your faith. Like baptism, but this time you make the promises.
IV. Confirmation F. Symbolic actions Bishop lays his hands on you and prays that you receive the Holy Spirit. Same blessing passed down from Jesus.
F. 3. Anointing with Chrism Symbolic actions
IV. Confirmation F. Symbolic actions 3. Anointing with Chrism Words: “Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit”
G. Used to be the same Sacrament as Baptism. Other Facts
IV. Confirmation G. Other Facts Used to be the same Sacrament as Baptism. Many ways they are similar.
G. 2. Like Baptism, you only receive this once. Other Facts
IV. Confirmation G. Other Facts 2. Like Baptism, you only receive this once.
G. 3. Choose a sponsor to prepare and present you. Other Facts
IV. Confirmation G. Other Facts 3. Choose a sponsor to prepare and present you. Many people choose their godparents.
G. Other Facts 4. In some Churches, you choose a confirmation name.
IV. Confirmation G. Other Facts 4. In some Churches, you choose a confirmation name. Like a 2nd middle name.
V. Eucharist
V. Eucharist A. Words to know Passover- Jewish feast celebrating when God saved them from Egypt. Jesus celebrated this at the Last Supper.
A. Words to know 2. Sacrifice- a gift offered to God by a priest.
V. Eucharist A. Words to know 2. Sacrifice- a gift offered to God by a priest. Jewish people did this in Jesus’ time. Jesus became our sacrifice.
A. 3. Real Presence- How Jesus is fully present in the Eucharist.
V. Eucharist A. Words to know 3. Real Presence- How Jesus is fully present in the Eucharist.
A. 4. State of grace- to be free from mortal sin. Words to know
V. Eucharist A. Words to know 4. State of grace- to be free from mortal sin. If you commit a big sin, go to Reconciliation first.
B. The bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Jesus
V. Eucharist B. The Real Presence The bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Jesus Keeps the look and taste of bread and wine.
B. 2. This is the MOST IMPORTANT Sacrament! The Real Presence
V. Eucharist B. The Real Presence 2. This is the MOST IMPORTANT Sacrament! AKA: Source and Summit AKA: The Big Cheese!
B. 3. Eucharistic Adoration- worshiping Jesus in the Eucharist.
V. Eucharist B. The Real Presence 3. Eucharistic Adoration- worshiping Jesus in the Eucharist.
C. 1. Baptized Catholics who are in a state of Grace. Who receives it
V. Eucharist C. Who receives it 1. Baptized Catholics who are in a state of Grace. You don’t want to receive if you are not Catholic (or Orthodox).
III. Baptism D. Who Gives Eucharist. 1. Bishops and priests preside over the Mass and consecrate the Eucharist. Everyone else participates.
V. Eucharist E. What it does We directly receive Jesus.
E. 2. Nourishes our bodies, minds, and souls. What it does
V. Eucharist E. What it does 2. Nourishes our bodies, minds, and souls.
E. What it does 3. We are joined together with all of the Church
V. Eucharist E. What it does 3. We are joined together with all of the Church Become the Body of Christ
V. Eucharist F. Symbolic actions Introductory Rites- Welcomes us in and unites us as a community.
V. Eucharist F. Symbolic actions Liturgy of the Word- we listen and respond to the Bible.
V. Eucharist F. Symbolic actions 3. Liturgy of the Eucharist- we transform and receive the Eucharist.
V. Eucharist F. Symbolic actions 4. Concluding Rites- Blesses us and sends us out to serve God.
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