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Matthew 3:13-17 The Jordan River Click for next slide.

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Presentation on theme: "Matthew 3:13-17 The Jordan River Click for next slide."— Presentation transcript:

1 Matthew 3:13-17 The Jordan River Click for next slide

2 The baptism of Jesus. Matthew 3:13-17
Jesus asks John the Baptist to baptize him. Matthew 3:13 Click for next slide

3 The baptism of Jesus. Matthew 3:13-17
John realized that he needed to be baptized by Jesus. Matthew 3:14 Click for next slide

4 The reason for Jesus to be baptized. Matthew 3:15
That they (Jesus and John) would fulfill all righteousness by being obedient to God. Click for next slide

5 The reason for Jesus to be baptized. Matthew 3:15
That John the Baptist might know who Jesus really is. John 1: 29-34 Click for next slide

6 Click for next slide

7 The reason for Jesus to be baptized. Matthew 3:15
That Jesus might illustrate his mission to die, be buried and raised the third day. Click for next slide

8 “This is my beloved Son…”
The baptism of Jesus. Matthew 3:16-17 Click for next slide

9 “This is my beloved Son…” God, the Holy Spirit, in the air.
God, the Father, in Heaven “This is my beloved Son…” God, the Holy Spirit, in the air. God, the Son, in the water. The revelation of the Holy Trinity. Matthew 3: 16-17 Click for next slide

10 “This is my beloved Son…” God, the Holy Spirit, in the air.
God, the Father, in Heaven “This is my beloved Son…” God, the Holy Spirit, in the air. God, the Son, in the water. God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit all present in three different locations at the same time. Click for next slide

11 One God The Holy Trinity Father Jesus
Three Branches Holy Spirit Father Jesus Click on the Back arrow to go back to Web Page.

12 Thank you for viewing this slideshow.
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