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Presentation on theme: "Attention to viewers: To advance the presentation to the next slide, and each slide there after, use your mouse left click button. You may end the presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Attention to viewers: To advance the presentation to the next slide, and each slide there after, use your mouse left click button. You may end the presentation at any time, by pressing the “esc” button. Thank you for viewing and be blessed!

2 Lonoke Missionary Baptist Church Rev. Alvin Lee Hunter, Pastor 702 South Hazel P. O. Box 397 Hope, Arkansas 71802-0397 (870) 777-6467 (888) 323-1117 Toll Free __________ One Mind,One Church,With Singleness of heart

3 The Church Defined OF A GOSPEL CHURCH - We believe that a visible church of Christ is a congregation of baptized believers associated by covenant in the faith and fellowship of the gospel; observing the ordinances of Christ; governed by his laws; and exercising the gifts, rights, and privileges invested in them by his word; that its only Scriptural officers are bishops, or pastors, and deacons, whose qualifications, claims, and duties are defined in the epistles of Timothy and Titus. PURPOSE

4 Mission Statement We present Jesus Christ as the absolute solution to sin. ______________________ * Holistic * Holistic – of a planning approach viewing the situation as a whole. Including Including or involving all of something, especially all of somebody’s –physical, –mental, –mental, and –social –social conditions, not not just physical symptoms, symptoms, in the treatment of illness. As His servants, we will provide services which will consistently meet the holistic* need of people and God’s expectation. As His servants, we will provide services which will consistently meet the holistic* need of people and God’s expectation.

5 Four conditions Conditions of Membership Based on the Lord’s teachings A regenerated heart A confession of faith The reception of baptism A Christian lifestyle

6 Run this race with patience Member Goals: Lonoke Sam Member Goals: Lonoke Sam As a born again Christian. To be a devoted church member. To worship regularly. To have mature Christian knowledge, understanding, and conviction. To walk by Faith. To live like Christ. To know my Purpose.

7 What the member owes to its church Members to Church Your Best Efforts to Serve Your Influence to win souls Fraternal Love Goodwill to each other Respect after leaving

8 What the church owes to its members Church to Members Public instruction in the Gospel, Training for Christian service; Compassion for each member, Discipline, because of love, according to the laws of Christ.

9 Our Corporate Vision is to have Mature, Ministering Members 5.To have support groups helping one another through life’s difficult experiences. 6.To have members sacrificing to be available and to provide resources for developing ministries. 7.To coordinate individual members, their skills, and their talent in committee work, which will glorify God and lead others to a salvation experience. 1.To effectively train converts into Christian beliefs, character, and behavior. 2.To be united in purpose and devoted to Christ. 3.To have love, respect, and obedience to God which is dominant in our life styles. 4.To speak prophetically and have our Lord’s message influence community planning. Connected in carrying out the “Great Commission”

10 The Great Commission Matthew 28:18-20 PURPOSE Reach Teach Baptize/Enroll Curriculum The Great Commandment Matthew 22:37-40 Love God Love others

11 Corporate Objectives (Overlay Key) 1. Christian Conversion - To lead each person to a genuine experience of the saving grace of God through Jesus Christ. (Luke 19:10; 2 Peter 3:9) 2. Church Membership - To guide each Christian into intelligent, active, and devoted membership in a New Testament Church. (Acts 2:47) 3. Christian Worship - To help each person make Christian Worship a vital and constant part of his expanding experience. (John 4:24) 4. Christian Knowledge and Conviction - To help each person grow toward mature Christian knowledge, understanding, and conviction. (2 Timothy 2:15; 1 Peter 2:1-3)

12 5. Christian Attitude and Appreciations - To assist each person in developing such Christian attitudes and appreciations that he will have a Christian approach to all of life. (Romans 8:28) 6. Christian Living - To guide each person in developing habits and skills which promote spiritual growth and in applying Christian standards of conduct in every area of life. (Galatians 5:22-23; 2 Peter 1:5-8) 7. Christian Service - To lead each person to invest his talents and skills in Christian service. (Matthew 25:24-30) -Victory through Jesus Christ-

13 Key Topics Worship Worship Administration Administration Education Education Outreach Outreach Fellowship Fellowship Finance Finance

14 Worship Goals and Problems Worship - Is the praise and exaltation of God. Worship - Is the praise and exaltation of God. Objective - To help each member make Christian Worship a vital and constant part of his expanding experience. –How do we get people to love, reverence, and obey God? –How do we get members to participate in corporate worship on a regular and consistent basis? –How can we include those who can’t come to us?

15 Administration Goals and Problems Administration - Is the “people processes” or ministries which help us to manage our resources well. Administration - Is the “people processes” or ministries which help us to manage our resources well. Objective - To lead each member to invest his/her talents and skills in Christian service. –How do we get members to participate in different ministries? –How do we get members trained to be effective in their service? –How can we know what their talent and skills are?

16 Education Goals and Problems Education - Is a program of Christian nurture by which our members may be built up in their faith and love. Education - Is a program of Christian nurture by which our members may be built up in their faith and love. Objective - To help each member grow toward mature Christian knowledge, understanding, and conviction. –How do we teach basis Christian beliefs and bible knowledge to new comers? –How do we get new believing members from a mere believer to a ministering Christian? –How can we be more systematic to include busy people?

17 Outreach Goals and Problems Outreach - Is a program of Christian missions seeking to win the lost to Christ, by personal effort; and by all other methods sanctioned by the gospel of Jesus Christ. Outreach - Is a program of Christian missions seeking to win the lost to Christ, by personal effort; and by all other methods sanctioned by the gospel of Jesus Christ. Objective - To lead each person (not just members) to a genuine experience of the saving grace of God through Jesus Christ. –How do we identify who and where the lost are? –How do we get the word to them or them to the word? –How can we package the message to make a persuasive point to none Christians and the un- churched?

18 Fellowship Goals and Problems Fellowship - Is a program of Christian social interest. It is developing and promoting fellowship circles among and between the members of the Church. Fellowship - Is a program of Christian social interest. It is developing and promoting fellowship circles among and between the members of the Church. Objective – To develop the bond of common purpose and devotion that binds Christians together and to Christ. – How do we discover similar interest for grouping and scheduling? – How do we define what circles are needed? – How can we develop a strategy to expand our efforts in departmental vision?

19 Financial Goals and Problems Finance – Is to under gird the budget of the church. Finance – Is to under gird the budget of the church. Objective – In addition to tithes; in the area of offerings, what ways and means will be effective in soliciting subscriptions for the revenue of the Church. –How do we determine our financial potential? –How do we get financial participation from non- subscribers? –How can we best manage our funds? –How can we forecast our future donations?

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