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Masaccio (Tommaso Cassai) ( )

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1 Masaccio (Tommaso Cassai) (1401-1428)
K.J. Benoy

2 His Life His real name, Tomasso Cassai, comes from the name of the saint(Thomas) whose feast day he was baptized on and his family’s being from a long line of carpenters (from casse – chest – an object carpenters made). His own father was actually a notary. Beginning in 1422, he was trained in an artist’s guild in Florence and thereafter he worked in Tuscany and Rome. In 1428 he died in Rome, at the young age of 27.

3 Paintings of Substance
Masaccio revolutionized the art of painting by the time he was in his mid twenties. Many regard him as the first great painter of the Renaissance (if Giotto is not considered(. He was a contemporary of both Brunelleschi and Donatello.

4 Paintings of Substance
                                                             Madonna With St. Anne – His earliest work. Masaccio’s works display two dramatically new characteristics. His people have volume. He was aware of the anatomy beneath their clothing. He was conscious of light sources and played with shading to give greater three dimensionality to his work.

5 Paintings of Substance
The form of his images are created through the subtle use of light and shadow, rather than by using line – as is the case with Botticelli’s work. He also employed mathematical perspective as described by Brunelleschi.

6 Trinity This painting was the first major work of the Renaissance to employ mathematical perspective.

7 The Brancacci Chapel His most notable works are found in the church of Santa Maria del Carmine, in Florence. Located in the south transept of the church, the chapel has been significantly renovated since the Frescos were painted.

8 The Brancacci Chapel The frescoes that adorn this chapel were painted between and They were created by both Masaccio and another painter, Masolino and the final work was done by Filippino Lippi. The long gap between the early and final phase of creation can be attributed to the fall from grace of Felice Brancacci, the patron.

9 The Brancacci Chapel Scenes from the Life of St. Peter, c , completed c   Masaccio Expulsion from Paradise. Masaccio Rendering of the Tribute Money. Masaccio St. Peter Preaching in Jerusalem. Masaccio St. Peter Baptizing the Neophytes. Masolino Healing of the Cripple and the Raising of Tabitha. Masolino The Temptation of Adam. Filippino Lippi St. Paul Visiting St. Peter in Prison. Masaccio and Filippino Lippi Raising of the Son of Theophilus. Masaccio St. Peter Healing with His Shadow. Masaccio Distribution of the Goods of the Community and the Death of Ananias. Filippino Lippi St. Peter in Dispute with the Magician Simon and the Crucifixion of St. Peter. Filippino Lippi The Liberation of St. Peter from Prison.

10 Brancacci Chapel The original cross-vaulted chapel was lit by a tall, narrow window. Masaccio used this light source and accentuated it by shading his frescoes in concert with the window.

11 Expulsion From the Garden of Eden
His Expulsion was cut down in size when architectural changes were made. For a time, it was also debased by the addition of carefully placed vines, which were removed in a recent cleaning. The Expulsion from Eden

12 The Tribute money Despite its Medieval story telling method, with three scenes in one image, this painting could never be mistaken for a Medieval work.

13 The Tribute Money The main (middle) scene, shows Jesus and the apostles confronted by a tax collector. On the left, Peter to goes to the lake shore, as instructed by Jesus, and gets the necessary money from the mouth of a fish. In the third scene, on the right, Peter pays the tax collector.

14 The Tribute Money

15 St. Peter Healing the Sick With His Shadow
The play of light and shadow that Masaccio pioneered is referred to by the Italian term Chiarascuro. This is plainly seen in his shading of the textured surfaces of the rusticated stone walls and apostles’ robes.

16 The Baptism of the Neophytes
Here is a scene of physicality not seen before in art. In the 17th century, Vasari wrote of it: " ... a nude trembling because of the cold, amongst the other neophytes, executed with such fine relief and gentle manner, that it is highly praised and admired by all artists, ancient and modern."

17 An Early Death Masaccio’s career was cut short in 1428, when he died in Rome. Artists often improve with age, maturity and wisdom. One can only imagine what an artist of this gifts might have become.

18 Finis

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