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Copyright © 2006 ServantLeader Ministries Jesus’ Five-Phase Strategy.

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Presentation on theme: "Copyright © 2006 ServantLeader Ministries Jesus’ Five-Phase Strategy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Copyright © 2006 ServantLeader Ministries Jesus’ Five-Phase Strategy

2 Copyright © 2006 ServantLeader Ministries Jesus’ Strategic Leadership: Five Phases I.______________ II.__________________ III._______________ IV.______________ V.______________ Preparation Picking potential leaders Enablement Empowerment Deployment

3 Copyright © 2006 ServantLeader Ministries “Regard your soldiers as children, and they may follow you wherever you may lead. Look upon them as your __________ and they will stand by you unto death.” Sun-Tzu beloved sons

4 Copyright © 2006 ServantLeader Ministries Jesus’ Strategic Approach I.Preparation Luke 2:40 (he was filled with wisdom) Luke 2:46 (sitting among the teachers...and asking them questions) Matthew 3:13 (Jesus be baptized) Matthew 4:1 (Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted) Luke 4:21 (Today this scripture is fulfilled)

5 Copyright © 2006 ServantLeader Ministries Jesus’ Strategic Approach II.Picking potential leaders Matthew 4:19 (Come, follow me...) Luke 5:27 (Follow me) Luke 6:13 (called his disciples to him and chose twelve of them)

6 Copyright © 2006 ServantLeader Ministries “The eight laws of learning are explanation, _____________, imitation, repetition, repetition, repetition, repetition, repetition.” John Wooden demonstration

7 Copyright © 2006 ServantLeader Ministries Jesus’ Strategic Approach III.Enablement Personal, small group (talmidim) teaching Taught by example Luke 8:10 (you…to know the mysteries) Matt 13:51 (Have you understood…?)

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