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 ¿Cómo se dice en español…?  2 years  5 weeks  8 months  6 days  3 hours.

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Presentation on theme: " ¿Cómo se dice en español…?  2 years  5 weeks  8 months  6 days  3 hours."— Presentation transcript:


2  ¿Cómo se dice en español…?  2 years  5 weeks  8 months  6 days  3 hours


4  You and your partner are the president and vice president of a school club or team.  You need to recruit members to your club, so you are making a poster.  On the poster, include the name of the club along with the following information:  A description of your club.  3 sentences describing what your club does (include information about competitions)  When your meetings/rehearsals/practices are


6  Talking about how long someone has been doing something. HaceTimeQue Conjugated Verb

7  How long have you been…?  ¿Cuánto tiempo hace que ______?  Conjugate verb based on who you are asking (usually tú form)

8  En los libros  pga. 58 act. 18-1

9  How would you ask…  …how long Señorita Hittie has been speaking Spanish?  …how long your friends have been practicing cheerleading?  …how long the band has been rehearsing for their next (próxima) competition?  …how long since the football team won a game?

10 Persona A 1. Greet your partner and ask how they are. 2. Say how you are, then ask your partner what activities interest him/her. 3. Give your opinion about that activity, then ask how long your partner has been doing that activity. 4. Say what activity you like most. 5. Say how long you have been doing that activity and give some information about what you do with that activity. Say you have to go to a meeting/rehearsal/practice for that activity right now. 6. Say goodbye. Persona B 1. Respond with a greeting, say how you are, and ask your partner how they are. 2. Say what activity you like most. 3. Say how long you have been doing that activity and give some information about what you do with that activity. Ask what activities your partner likes to do. 4. Give your opinion about that activity, then ask how long your partner has been doing that activity. 5. Say that you have to do something for your activity as well. Say goodbye.

11  Complete the worksheet practicing the vocabulary and hace + time + que.

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