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A National Active Lifestyle and Wellness Program Developed by the Rod Dixon's KiDSMARATHON Foundation ® “Finishing is Winning - Winning is Finishing”

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Presentation on theme: "A National Active Lifestyle and Wellness Program Developed by the Rod Dixon's KiDSMARATHON Foundation ® “Finishing is Winning - Winning is Finishing”"— Presentation transcript:

1 A National Active Lifestyle and Wellness Program Developed by the Rod Dixon's KiDSMARATHON Foundation ® “Finishing is Winning - Winning is Finishing”

2 W E NEED TO TRUST WHAT WE SEE AND KNOW There are some things we just know… How we choose to acknowledge, confront and address what we know and see around us is what defines us As a community, a society and country we can choose to tackle the hard stuff or leave it to someone else.. Here’s what we now know and a whole lot of smart people have spent $25 million over 7 years to try and convince us - what we do with this knowledge is up to each of us – individually

3 T HE W ORLD IS SLOWING DOWN Just a few generations ago, physical activity was an integral part of daily life. In the name of progress, we've now chipped away at it so thoroughly that physical inactivity actually seems normal. In less than two generations, physical activity has dropped by 20% in the U.K. and 32% in the U.S. In China, the drop is 45% in less than one generation. Vehicles, machines and technology now do our moving for us. What we do in our leisure time doesn't come close to making up for what we've lost. “By the end of this decade, most Americans will exert only slightly more energy per week than if they slept 24 hours a day.” ©Nike, Inc. (2012), DESIGNED TO MOVE: A Physical Activity Action Agenda.™

4 The World is slowing down Research shows that developed economies have reduced physical activity levels (as much as 32% in 2 generations). By 2030 economies such as the US, the UK and NZ will be almost half as active as they were in 1965. 1965 2009 2030 Projection -32% -46% USA UK 1961 2005 2030 Projection -20% -35% Total Decline in Physical Activity (MET hours per Week) ©Nike, Inc. (2012), DESIGNED TO MOVE: A Physical Activity Action Agenda.™

5 Human and Economic Costs will be Crippling Research shows that the effects of declining phyiscal activity levels is already draining Economies Total SPEND (US$) IN 2008 2008 Direct Costs (US$) 2008 Indirect Costs (US$) 2030 Direct Costs Projection (US$) % Increase in Direct Costs (US$) 2008-2030 USA $147 -or- 2 x the Federal Budget for Education $90.1B$56.5B$191.7B  113% UK $33B -or- Close to National Health Annual Efficiency target $16.1B$16.7.B$26.0B  61% CHINA $20B -or- Almost 1/3 of Mainland China’s Total health care budget $12.2B$7.5B$67.5B  453% ©Nike, Inc. (2012), DESIGNED TO MOVE: A Physical Activity Action Agenda.™

6 THE HUMAN COSTS ARE UNFORGIVABLE Inactive KiDS score up to 40 percent lower on achievement tests than their active friends. Today, sports, physical activity and physical education are seen as optional or extra-curricular, rather than the powerful investments that they are. “ Today's 10 year olds are the first generation expected to have a shorter life expectancy than their parents. ” ©Nike, Inc. (2012), DESIGNED TO MOVE: A Physical Activity Action Agenda.™

7 Physical Inactivity is a Deadly Cycle Today’s KiDS are dropping out of sport and physically active play at a young age. Studies show that European KiDS aged 9-15 showed a 50% drop in physical activity by age 15. 92% of children in China got no physical activity outside of school. The effects start early and have a DRAMATIC consequences over the lifetime of the individual. Physical inactivity perpetuates a deadly cycle that begins to take hold very early in life Higher obesity risk More missed school days Lower test scores Earns less money Higher Health care costs More sick days INTERGENERATIONAL CYCLE 2 X AS LIKELY TO BE OBESE ADULTS MAY LIVE UP TO 5 YEARS LESS DRAINS ECONOMY KiDS of inactive parents are ½ as likely to be inactive PHYSICALLY INACTIVE CHILDREN 5.3 million premature daeths/yr (USA) EARLY CHILDHOODADOLESCENCEADULTHOOD Componding costs of physical inactivity over a lifetime ©Nike, Inc. (2012), DESIGNED TO MOVE: A Physical Activity Action Agenda.™

8 A Critical Window Nature made children perpetual motion machines for a reason. As they head into adolescence, children draw the blueprints for their adult lives. Not just their adult bodies, but their adult intellect, character, emotional resilience and social skills. Early childhood Adolescence Adulthood Intergenerational Cycle A physically active kid is likely to stay that way... And so will an inactive one. LOWER Physical Activity Levels HIGHER Intergenerational Cycle Development of fundamental movement skills for foundation of physical activity A Brain Function & Reward Centers Cardiovascular function links to brain function Bones get stronger with bone- strengthening activities

9 Early childhood Adolescence Adulthood Physical activity perpetuates a prosperous cycle that begins to take hold early in life. ©Nike, Inc. (2012), DESIGNED TO MOVE: A Physical Activity Action Agenda.™ The Compounding Benefits of Physical Activity over time

10 OUR KID’S FUTURE A national education program targeting youth, ages 7–12, and their parents/caregivers in school, home and community settings to meet the overall goal of preventing lack of fitness, overweight and obesity.

11 THE PROGRAM – it’s SIMPLE 8- 10 week in school program The goal is to run the distance of a Marathon 26.2 miles KiDS do this mile by mile, day by day – a KiDSMARATHON Program packs for teachers include training guide for every child and classroom activity sheets. KiDS have option to run their “Final Mile” at a major event (the last mile of the Marathon) in their town and/or they can complete their “Final Mile” at school. Every child who completes the program receives a certificate Every child that does their “Final Mile” Celebration at a local event receives a medal

12 THE PROGRAM DELIVERS Throughout the program, KiDS learn the value of exercise and nutrition habits for healthy living and community involvement The program is completed as each child finishes the “Final Mile” of their Marathon distance in front of hundreds (sometime thousands!) of cheering fans, friends, and family at a local event Because the goal of the program is to “FINISH,” KiDS of all shapes, sizes, and ability levels can participate and be successful. The “Final Mile” Celebration events are a great way for families to enjoy a day together—KiDSMARATHON is unique because it helps children develop a lifestyle of healthy habits, and Inspires and Empowers them and their communities with the knowledge and character to Achieve. Best of all, they have fun!

13 KEYS TO SUCCESS Our motto, “FINISHING IS WINNING - WINNING IS FINISHING,” creates an environment where KiDS, who might otherwise shy away from physical activity, feel secure in their ability to succeed. By developing relationships with schools, community and youth organisations, we create a safe and productive environment where KiDS learn, have fun, and improve their individual health and fitness. The involvement of running legends such as Rod Dixon, Bill Rodgers, Frank Shorter, as well as inspiration from NBA Lakers Legend A.C. Green who will actually meet and run with the KiDS at training sessions and/or at the “Final Mile” Celebration. Training guides, Parent seminars, goodie bags, and special Race Day medals make every kid feel like part of the team. For many KiDS, this may be a first-time experience. Imagine the great impact this will have on their future involvement in physical activity.

14 “It’s about getting back to values and nature, getting active, outdoors, in the sun and sharing as a family it is about goodness in the things we do, eat and believe. It’s about community” Rod Dixon Olympian and NY Marathon winner 1983

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