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Berry Shoals Jr. National Beta Club Friday, January 9 Open your Agenda to page 10 and 11.

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Presentation on theme: "Berry Shoals Jr. National Beta Club Friday, January 9 Open your Agenda to page 10 and 11."— Presentation transcript:

1 Berry Shoals Jr. National Beta Club Friday, January 9 Open your Agenda to page 10 and 11.


3 National Jr. Beta Club Pledge I hereby declare that I shall always strive To be honest and truthful at all times; To maintain a creditable scholastic record; To be of service to my teachers and fellowmen; To conduct myself in a manner to reflect credit Upon my school and community.

4 The reading of the minutes:

5 Beta Great Lamar Alexander

6 Service Points Everyone who was on time should have gotten their new card initialed. If you are wearing your pin or t-shirt today, you should have received an extra signature. Only one extra signature…not one for each. How the points system works:

7 Each member should have received a letter informing you of your membership status. –Active in good standing –Active on probation –Inactive These must be signed and returned to Mrs. Phillips by Wed. Jan. 14

8 If you have not met the expected grade criteria for two nine weeks, you have been placed on the inactive list.

9 If your conduct has not promoted the principles of the Creed of Beta Club, you have either been put on probation or you are now an inactive member.

10 If you have not meet your minimum 15 points requirement for participation you are on probation.

11 Probation means you will need to meet the expected standard by the end of third nine weeks. ( 15 + 7 = 22) If you do not meet this expectation, you will become an inactive member.

12 September Points Monthly Meeting ~ 1 or 2 points Adopt a Road ~ 2 or 3 points Canned Food Drive ~ 1 or 2 points

13 October Points Monthly Meeting ~ 1 or 2 points Packages for Patriots ~ 1 or 2 points

14 November Points Monthly Meeting ~ 1 or 2 points Adopt – A – Road ~ 2 or 3 points Holiday Letters For Heroes ~ 2 points

15 December Points Monthly Meeting ~ 1 or 2 points Donate Dollars ~ 1 or 2 points

16 So, you could have up to 22 points if you have participated in everything!

17 You will be responsible for remembering to bring your card to each meeting or activity. You will get your card initialed by an officer or an advisor each time you attend a club or committee meeting, participate in litter patrol pick up, or contribute to service projects.

18 National Beta Club Membership Junior Beta is divided into two divisions: Division I includes grades 4-5 and Division II includes grades 6-8. Senior Beta includes grades 9-12. Members must pay national dues of $15 at each level.

19 Therefore, if you are an active member in good standing and wish to continue to participate in Beta Club at Berry Shoals, you must pay $15 by our next meeting on February 13. This is a one time fee for Division II membership through eighth grade.

20 This month’s service opportunities:

21 January Service Homework Help begins. You must arrive by 7:10 and work until 7:40. You must be on time to receive your points. You must bring something to work on or read if no one is there to be helped.

22 How to sign up… Write your name on the sign up sheet located on the counter as you exit. –Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday –Record the date in your agenda –Tell your parents –Be on time (7:10) –Report to the room across from 5 th grade band room (ISS).

23 Winter Warmth Project Donate gently used or new coats, scarves, gloves, and mittens. All donations will go to the Middle Tyger Community Center. Drop off goods at the school store by Friday, January 23. You will receive 2 points for a coat and 1 point for scarves, gloves or mittens. (Maximum 4 points)

24 2015 Induction Participate in the Induction Service. Wear white on black with Beta pin. Report to Fine Arts Center @ 5:30 on Tuesday, February 10. Have a parent pick you up promptly at 6:30. Earn 2 points.

25 The next meeting will be: Friday, February 13 th @ 7:15 in the gym. Remember, the more you put into Beta, the more you get out of it! “Let us learn by serving others”

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