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BCS Schoolwires by Brenda Luther. User Name and Employee Password.

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Presentation on theme: "BCS Schoolwires by Brenda Luther. User Name and Employee Password."— Presentation transcript:

1 BCS Schoolwires by Brenda Luther

2 User Name and Employee Password

3 Click on “Site Manager” at the top.

4 Current Pages Status: Active/ Inactive Template.

5 Simply click on the page you wish to edit.

6 Organize: click and drag.

7 Mrs. Brenda Luther’s Statistics...

8 “Tools” Tab: Files, Photo Gallery, etc.

9 Within “App Manager,” you can choose “New Photo Gallery.”

10 Name Your Photo Gallery App.

11 Before We Get Started... click “Let’s get started.”

12 Click on “Edit” to the right under Photo Gallery App.

13 Click on “Upload Photos” button.

14 Click “Browse” to locate your images.

15 Click “Upload” at the bottom of the pop-up window.

16 Click on “Publish” and “Yes.”

17 Click on “Insert Photo Gallery” Icon.

18 Select your photo gallery & save.

19 Code appears. Then “Save.” Click “View Website” at the top.

20 Click on “Mrs. Luther’s Photo Gallery.”

21 This is “Mrs. Luther’s Photo Gallery.”

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