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San Juan College Bookstore February 2010 Coordinator Edition.

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Presentation on theme: "San Juan College Bookstore February 2010 Coordinator Edition."— Presentation transcript:

1 San Juan College Bookstore February 2010 Coordinator Edition

2  The role of the coordinator is to review requisitions and approve them.  Once approved the bookstore will now see them as completed.

3  For more details on how to create requisitions or additional information about the system, review the additional PowerPoint presentations.  Faculty  Administrative Assistant  The Coordinator Edition was created as a detailed tutorial for using only the approval module.

4  Several options are available to search for completed requisitions.

5  The easiest way to see all requisitions is to click on term and select all for department.  This will only load departments that you are signed up for.  If departments are missing from your approval, contact the bookstore.


7  Click on search

8  All requisitions will now show up.  To filter click the buttons on the top  All  Open  Posted  Submitted  Rejected  Approved

9  Once you have found the requisitions, click on the view link next to it.  This will open the requisition and allow you to review it.


11  Approve  Reject


13   Bea  Ralf  Florizel

14  The system will automatically log you out if the session is inactive.  Approximately 10 minutes of non use will kick you out and you will lose all information unless you saved it.  Change your password once you login  If you doubting something, call the bookstore and make sure it’s correct.  Submit everything on time.  The term will be taken off the web at the end of the adoption period.  You will have to come into the bookstore to complete your requisition.

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