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Concentric Circle Liver Distribution Models
Julie Heimbach, MD Transplant surgeon, Mayo Clinic UNOS Liver Committee
Current Distribution Unit 58 OPO/Donor Service Areas
PR & US VI DE MD MA RI HI Arbitrary, with wide variability in size, and population ( million people.)
Background During last year’s public comment period for broader sharing, multiple regions/individual public comments suggested looking instead at concentric circle model. This has been the long-standing model used in thoracic transplantation, modified in 2006 for hearts.
Adult candidates Pediatric candidates 1A Mechanical circulatory support (MCS): VAD/30 days; TAH; IABP; ECMO; MCS with complications; Mechanical ventilation Continuous single high-dose or multiple IV inotropes with continuous hemodynamic monitoring Ventilator; Mechanical assist device; Balloon pump; <6 months with reactive pulmonary hypertension >50% of systemic level; Single high-dose or multiple inotropes 1B MCS beyond 30 days; Continuous IV inotropes Single low-dose inotrope; <6 months old; Growth failure 2 All other active candidates There are multiple criteria for Status 1A and Status 1B; these are defined separately by age group. In addition to the specified criteria, there is an exception process for candidates with a comparable medical urgency who do not meet the stated criteria.
ZONE D: 1500-<2500 miles ZONE C: 1000-<1500 miles ZONE B: 500-<1000 miles ZONE A: < 500 miles LOCAL (DSA) Thoracic organs are distributed based on Zones, rather than a regional system as is done for abdominal organs. The local unit represents the donation service area of the OPO where the donor hospital is located. Beyond the local unit, geographic zones are determined based on concentric circles from the donor hospital. For example, Zone A includes all candidates at transplant centers within 500 miles of the donor hospital but beyond the local DSA. Other zones are determined similarly based on increasingly larger concentric circles. ZONE E: >2500 miles
Local Status 1A Local Status 1B Zone A Status 1A Zone A Status 1B Local Status 2 Zone B Status 1A Zone B Status 1B Zone A Status 2 Zone B Status 2 Zone C Status 1A Zone C Status 1B Zone C Status 2 Zone D Status 1A Zone D Status 1B Zone D Status 2 Zone E Status 1A Zone E Status 1B Zone E Status 2 Prior to the policy modification, a heart from an adult donor would be offered to all local candidates prior to being offered out to Zone A. Now only local Status 1A or 1B candidates receive offers before hearts are offered to Zone A 1A or 1B candidates. The changes on July 12, 2006, are shown in yellow. The allocation ordering is a bit more complicated for pediatric donors, due to additional categories based on the candidate age and a recent change combining local and Zone A for some statuses. The current analysis focuses primarily on adult candidates and recipients so the pediatric allocation is not described in detail here. 6
Status* Waiting era: 7/12/04-7/11/06 Waiting era: 7/12/06-7/11/08 # patients ever waiting # of deaths** Patient years (PY) at risk Deaths/ 100 PY STATUS 1A 2267 233 201.6 115.6 2713 205 270.5 75.8 STATUS 1B 3254 288 827.2 34.8 3748 217 857.5 25.3 STATUS 2 4936 268 4421.2 6.1 4359 222 3605.3 6.2 ALL COMBINED 7730 811 5549.5 14.6 7621 664 4811.9 13.8 Death rates per 100 patient-years on the waiting list are shown for all adult candidates on this slide, both the overall rate as well as stratified by medical urgency status. These rates are based on a 2-year waiting period prior to the policy implementation and a 2-year period following the implementation. When looking at the overall (all statuses combined), the number of patients ever waiting during the two eras are very similar but the actual number of deaths is substantially lower, as is the number of patient-years waiting. When the deaths per 100 patient years is computed, you can see a decrease from 14.6 in the pre-policy era to 13.8 in the post-policy era. Next let’s look at the death rates within each medical urgency status. As expected, the death rate decreases with decreasing medical urgency (Status 1A to 1B to 2) regardless of era. It appears that there is a decline in mortality within Status 1A and Status 1B in the most recent era compared to the pre-policy era. The rate for Status 2 is almost identical in the two eras. * Inactive (status 7) is combined with the previous active status ** Deaths include those reported to the OPTN or to SSDMF while on waiting list or within 7 days of non-transplant removal. 7
Transplant Era Age group TOTAL Adult Pediatric Pre-policy: 7/12/05-7/11/06 1902 324 2226 Post-policy year 1: 7/12/06-7/11/07 1887 322 2209 Post-policy year 2: 7/12/07-7/11/08 1820 331 2151 The total number of heart transplants is similar over these three eras, but has decreased slightly in the two post-policy years. The number of pediatric transplants is almost identical in the 3 eras. Any decrease that has occurred is in the adult recipients. But this may be a function of a more frequent use of LVADs (after approval of the HeartMate II) or other medical therapies, rather than as a result of the policy modification.
Number TXed N with ischemia time Median (minutes) 5th and 95th %-iles Pre-policy: 7/12/05-7/11/06 1902 1786 192 94, 293 Post-policy year 1: 7/12/06-7/11/07 1887 1775 201 98, 302 Post-policy year 2: 7/12/07-7/11/08 1820 1755 199 100, 300 Post-policy partial year 3: 7/12/08-3/11/09 1154 1076 197 97, 308 In spite of an increased number of transplants performed outside of the local area (from 36% to 45% on prior slide), the median ischemia time has increased only slightly for adults: from 192 minutes to minutes in the post-policy eras. The 95th percentile has also increased slightly for adults, from 293 minutes pre-policy to 308 minutes in the most recent era. (Only 5 percent of transplants have a longer reported ischemia time).
SURVIVAL WITHIN 1 YEAR: Adult recipients: All statuses combined
We examined survival for a 20-month cohort transplanted pre-policy and a 20-month cohort post-policy. Post-transplant survival was almost identical in adult recipients in the two eras when all statuses were combined in spite of a greater percentage of transplants performed in Status 1A recipients. There was no statistical difference in these rates through 1 year. The survival rate at 1 year was 88% for both eras. Please note that the survival scale has been expanded (as it is on the following slide). NOTE: Scale of survival axis has been expanded.
SURVIVAL WITHIN 1 YEAR: Adult recipients: Status 1A at transplant
Though the survival rate for adult recipients transplanted in Status 1A is slightly higher in the post-policy era, it is not statistically different from the pre-policy survival rate. The 1-year survival rates was 85% for the earlier era and 87% for the later era. Though not displayed here, the survival rates for recipients in Status 1B and Status 2 were also not significantly different pre- and post-policy. NOTE: Scale of survival axis has been expanded.
CONCLUSIONS The policy modification appears to be meeting its goals:
Waiting list mortality has declined for adult candidates. A larger percentage of transplants are being performed in urgent candidates. Post-transplant survival has not been adversely affected. The results we have seen to date are consistent with the modeling predictions that were used in the policy development process.
Liver Concentric Circle Model:
Using LSAM, the SRTR modeled a system using concentric circles for distribution units for all adult and pediatric donors. Additional runs were performed with sharing only for MELD > upper thresholds of 35, 32, 29, 25, and 22.
Methods Endpoints: deaths (pre and post) median distance traveled
Study Population Data from listed candidates and available donor organs from 1/1/2006 to 12/31/2006 were included Analytical Approach LSAM was used to compare concentric circles for sharing above various MELD/PELD thresholds versus current. Results= average of 10 separate runs. Endpoints: deaths (pre and post) median distance traveled
1 nm=1.15 mi = 250 nm
1 nm=1.15 mi = 500 nm
Concentric Circles for Adult Deceased Donor Livers–
T:\slides\Liver-Intestine Committee\2009\ \LI_req_6637_v2.ppt Concentric Circles for Adult Deceased Donor Livers– Current System Regional – Status 1A/1B Local – MELD/PELD  15 Regional – MELD/PELD  15 Local – MELD/PELD < 15 Regional – MELD/PELD < 15 National – Status 1A National – Status 1B National – MELD/PELD Created By:_MKG_______________ Date: _07/15/09__ Contributing Analyst: _MKG_______ Date: _07/15/09__ 17
Concentric Circles for Adult Deceased Donor Livers– February 2010
T:\slides\Liver-Intestine Committee\2009\ \LI_req_6637_v2.ppt Concentric Circles for Adult Deceased Donor Livers– February 2010 Concentric 250: 35 (29, 25, 22) 0-250 NM – Status 1A then 1B 0-250 NM – MELD/PELD  35 (29, 25, 22) NM – Status 1A then 1B 0-250 NM – MELD/PELD (29, 25, 22) NM– MELD/PELD  35 (29, 25, 22) 0-250 NM – MELD/PELD < 15 500-1,000 NM – Status 1A then 1B NM – MELD/PELD (29, 25, 22) 500-1,000 NM – MELD/PELD  35 (29, 25, 22) NM – MELD/PELD < 15 1,000+ NM – Status 1A/1B 500-1,000 NM – MELD/PELD < 35 (29, 25, 22) 1,000+ NM – MELD/PELD Note: NM = nautical mile radii (w/ donor hospital at the center) Created By:_MKG_______________ Date: _07/15/09__ Contributing Analyst: _MKG_______ Date: _07/15/09__ 18
Concentric Circles: March 2010
T:\slides\Liver-Intestine Committee\2009\ \LI_req_6637_v2.ppt Concentric Circles: March 2010 Con (32, 29, 25, 22) 0-250 NM Status 1A NM Status 1A 0-250 NM Status 1B NM Status 1B 0-250 NM MELD/PELD  35 (32, 29, 25, 22) NM MELD/PELD  35 (32, 29, 25, 22) 0-250 NM MELD/PELD (31, 28, 24, 21) NM MELD/PELD (31, 28, 24, 21) NM Status 1A NM Status 1B NM MELD/PELD  15 1000+ NM Status 1A 1000+ NM Status 1B 1000+ NM MELD/PELD  15 0-250 NM MELD/PELD < 15 NM MELD/PELD < 15 NM MELD/PELD < 15 1000+ NM MELD/PELD < 15 Note: NM = nautical mile radii (w/ donor hospital at the center) Created By:_MKG_______________ Date: _07/15/09__ Contributing Analyst: _MKG_______ Date: _07/15/09__
Concentric Circles for Adult DD Livers: March
T:\slides\Liver-Intestine Committee\2009\ \LI_req_6637_v2.ppt Concentric Circles for Adult DD Livers: March February March Con (32, 29, 25, 22) 0-250 NM – Status 1A, then 1B 0-250 NM – MELD/PELD  35 (29, 25, 22) NM – Status 1A, then 1B 0-250 NM – MELD/PELD (29, 25, 22) NM– MELD/PELD  35 (29, 25, 22) 0-250 NM – MELD/PELD < 15 500-1,000 NM – Status 1A 500-1,000 NM – Status 1B NM – MELD/PELD (29, 25, 22) 500-1,000 NM – MELD/PELD  35 (29, 25, 22) NM – MELD/PELD < 15 1,000+ NM – Status 1A 1,000+ NM – Status 1B 500-1,000 NM – MELD/PELD < 35 (29, 25, 22) 1,000+ NM – MELD/PELD 0-250 NM Status 1A NM Status 1A 0-250 NM Status 1B NM Status 1B 0-250 NM MELD/PELD  35 (32, 29, 25, 22) NM MELD/PELD  35 (32, 29, 25, 22) 0-250 NM MELD/PELD (31, 28, 24, 21) NM MELD/PELD (31, 28, 24, 21) NM Status 1A NM Status 1B NM MELD/PELD  15 1000+ NM Status 1A 1000+ NM Status 1B 1000+ NM MELD/PELD  15 0-250 NM MELD/PELD < 15 NM MELD/PELD < 15 NM MELD/PELD < 15 1000+ NM MELD/PELD < 15 Created By:_MKG_______________ Date: _07/15/09__ Contributing Analyst: _MKG_______ Date: _07/15/09__ 20
Key differences Feb. to March:
small circle for 1A, then 1B, then for MELD> 35 (or other). big circle for 1A, then 1B. back to the small circle for 15-35, then big circle >35(other), then to small circle for MELD <15. March: small circle 1A, then big circle for 1A. small circle 1B, then big circle for 1B. small circle >35 (or other lower), big circle >35 0-250 for 15-35, then , then national before for MELD <15.
Median Distance Between Donor Hospital and Transplant Center: February
Median Distance Between Donor Hospital and Transplant Center: March
total increase mi
Decrease in Total Deaths (vs. Current) - February
Decrease in Total Deaths (vs. Current)-
March Overall fewer deaths
Number of Transplants by MELD: March
*More 1A, MELD >20. Overall ~110 fewer transplants.
Number of Deaths by Type: March
*Overall ~ fewer deaths, slightly more post TX.
Number of WL Deaths by MELD- March
T:\slides\Liver-Intestine Committee\2009\ \LI_req_6637_v2.ppt Number of WL Deaths by MELD- March *similar small decrease in WL death in each MELD group Created By:_MKG_______________ Date: _07/15/09__ Contributing Analyst: _MKG_______ Date: _07/15/09__
Summary All of the two tiered concentric circle systems resulted in higher median distances traveled vs. current. The distance increased as the MELD score for the upper threshold was reduced All of the two tiered concentric circle systems resulted in fewer total deaths compared to current allocation rules in the simulations. The decrease in the number of deaths ranged from 83 to 105.
Median Distance vs. Decrease in Total Deaths
Reg Shr Benefit Five Zones Concentric 250_1525 National 250_1532 250_1529 15/25 15/29 250_1522 15/22 15/35 250_1535 Concentric 35 15/32 Shr Pos Benefit Reg Shr MELD 250_29 250_22 250_35 250_25 Shr35R, National 15 Concentric Current
Flight cost estimates: Life Source (MNOP) 2007-2009
=MNOP (MN, ND, SD) Region 7= MN,SD, ND, WI, IL 2nd Tier =IA, NE, KS, MO, MI, IN Local (MNOP) flight= $ 5,271 (n=520) Import region 7 flight= $ 5,617 (n=52) Import 2nd tier= $ 7,629 (n=22) Import national= $ 13,273 (n=55)
Number of Transplants by MELD: Feb
Number of Deaths by Type: Feb.
Number of WL Deaths by MELD- Feb.
T:\slides\Liver-Intestine Committee\2009\ \LI_req_6637_v2.ppt Number of WL Deaths by MELD- Feb. Created By:_MKG_______________ Date: _07/15/09__ Contributing Analyst: _MKG_______ Date: _07/15/09__ 34
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