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Bela Ronald And Micah Langerquist. The attraction to Progressivism  The wide range of issues in the late 19 th and early 20 th century attracted the.

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1 Bela Ronald And Micah Langerquist

2 The attraction to Progressivism  The wide range of issues in the late 19 th and early 20 th century attracted the attention of reformers.  The one issue that overshadowed all of these other issues was the fast growing modern industrial economy of the time.  All of the concerns of the reformers could in some way be traced to the influence of (corrupt) corporate America.  It came as no surprise that the main goal of these progressivists was to reinvent the behavior of the capitalist world.

3 Socialism goes electoral  In the period of the 1900-1914 was the only time in history that in the anti-capitalists received the most support.  During these year The Socialist Party of America grew with considerable strength but not enough to rival the other two major political parties.  In the election of 1900 it attracted considerable supporters.  In 1912 the socialist leader Eugene Debs received almost 1 million ballots.  The supporters camed from urban immigrant communities (Germans and Jews) as well as Protestant farmers in the South and Midwest.  Socialist won 1000 state and local offices votes.  Lincoln Steffens (intellectual), Walter Lippmann (journalist), Florence Kelley, Frances Willard, and other women and crusaders against municipal corruptions were attracted.

4 What to do with society  All socialists agreed that basic structural changes were needed in the economy.  There was a lot of disagreement on the extent of those changes and how to go about changing them.  Some agreed with the radical European Marxists goals while other thought that small enterprises should be protected so they could strive while major industries would be nationalized.  Some believed that the electoral politics should be reformed while other supported a militant direct action.

5 Socialism gets the “Wobblies”  One of the most radical groups was the labor union Industrial Workers of the World that were called the Wobblies.  William (Big Bill) Haywood was the leader and advocated that there should de a union of workers and that the “wage slave” system should be abolished.  They rejected political strikes and favored strikes.  This group is believed to have been responsible for exploding railroad lines and power stations as well as other acts of terror, although their use of violence was exaggerated a lot.

6 The rootless Wobblies  The IWW was one of the few labor organizations that was successful particularly in the West.  A large group of laborers such as miners, timbermen, and others workers found it challenging to creat order and sustainability for the unions.  The Wobblies accomplished a great feet since they not only created a union but also a social network and a home for the rootless laborers.

7 It’s too wobbly we’re going down  A strike by the IWW timber workers in WA and ID basically shutdown production in the industry in 1917.  Gaining them the wrath of the federal government that was mobilizing for war and needed timber for war production.  The IWW leaders were then imprisoned and lways were passed in 1917-1919 that outlawed the labor union.  Honorably the organization survived but not for very long.

8 Oh Socialism… you tried  A force within the Socialist party were the ones who supported peaceful changes through political struggles dominated.  They wanted the public to be educated on wht needed to change and the patience within the system for those change to occur.  The socialists did not support the war efforts and by the end of WWI socialist were met with enormous harrassment and persecution as the people became more antiradicalism.  Socialism stopped being a major force politically.

9 The need for progress  All reformers agreed that the nation’s economy with it’s corporate centralization and consolidation was a threat  Most progressivists were hopeful that they could reform inside of the capitalist system.  Instead of nationalizing industries they hoped to restore the economy to a more human scale.  They did argue that the federal government should disperse the largest combinations and emphasize balance between bigness and competition.

10 Brandeis shares his opinions  This was especially supported by the lawyer and later supreme court justice Louis D. Brandeis who expressed his opinions on the “curse of bigness”.  Brandeis and his supporters felt that bigness was not efficient, but their opposition had a moral aspect too.  Bigness was a threat to freedom. - Limited ability for individual to control their destiny - Encouraged abuse of power.  He insisted that the gorvernment regulate that large combinations did not emerge.

11 Progressivism turns to nationalist ideals  To most reformers the most important thing was efficiency and they believed economic concentration encouraged.  They argued the government should guard against power abuse by large institutions.  Distinguish between good and bad trusts and encouraging the good and unencouraging the bad.  A strong modern government was essential to continue regulating the economic consolidation since it was clear it would be a permanent feature in American society.  Herbert Croly was the most influential spokesmen for this emerging “nationalist” view point.

12 Progressivism falls closer to conclusion  The attention of the reformers focused on some form of coordination of the industrial economy.  Some though that businesses should learn new ways of cooperation and self-regulation.  To others regulating and planning economic life should be the job of the government.  Theodore Roosevelt became the most powerful symbol in the reform on a notional level, he said, “We should enter upon a course of supervision, control, and regulation of those great corporations – a regulation which we should not fear, if necessary, to bring to the point of control of monopoly prices.”

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