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Socialism By: Josh Cohn Political and social system where the state owns all means of production Originated in late 19 th century during working class.

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Presentation on theme: "Socialism By: Josh Cohn Political and social system where the state owns all means of production Originated in late 19 th century during working class."— Presentation transcript:

1 Socialism By: Josh Cohn Political and social system where the state owns all means of production Originated in late 19 th century during working class movement Considered a transitional system between Capitalism and Communism

2 Types of Socialism Marxism Revisionism Fabiansim

3 Marxism Mid 19 th century Karl Marx and Freidrich Egnels develop their own version of Socialism Called themselves “scientific socialists” Outcome of a class struggle between proletariat and bourgeoisie

4 Proletariat Working and poorest class citizen Derogatory term before Karl Marx made it into a term for the working class

5 Bourgeoisie French word meaning “Burgess” Middle class Theory of Marxism primarily concerned about property values Opposite of proletariat Marx believed that the Bourgeoisie should be overthrown by the working-class

6 Revisionism Founded in the late 19th century by Eduard Bernstein and Karl Kautsky Revision of Marx’s doctrine Term has been taken negatively for denying past events In the 1940’s and 1950’s Revisionism was used to describe Communists

7 Fabiansim Originated in late 19 th century British theory of Socialism Named after Roman general Fabious Maximus Verrucosus Believed that education and information was the key to Socialism Some Fabians include H.G. Wells, George Bernard Shaw, and later, Bertrand Russell.

8 Socialism in the USSR Stalin took control of the USSR and made it a Socialist nation 1948 the USSR became a Socialist country Communism was forming in the USSR at this time

9 Socialism in the United States In 1901 Socialist Democratic Party of America joined the Socialist Labor party to make the Socialist Party of America Party included moderate and radical socialists Right-wing side of the party opposed the Russian Revolution In 1919 over 10,000 Communists and Anarchists were arrested in the Palmer Raids

10 Socialism in Europe Socialist countries in Europe include France, Germany, and Great Britain France had a weak moderate Socialist post- 1870, but trade unions adopted an approach of desired social reforms Germany had some degree of unity under August Babel and by 1912 was the biggest political party in Germany Great Britain had a Fabian Society and trade unions that sought better pay and unite the Trades Union Congress

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