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RAFSA AGM 15 Jan 09. Aims of this AGM Endorse Executive Committee Members. Approve annual accounts Inform the Membership of the need for Incorporation.

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Presentation on theme: "RAFSA AGM 15 Jan 09. Aims of this AGM Endorse Executive Committee Members. Approve annual accounts Inform the Membership of the need for Incorporation."— Presentation transcript:

1 RAFSA AGM 15 Jan 09

2 Aims of this AGM Endorse Executive Committee Members. Approve annual accounts Inform the Membership of the need for Incorporation and the changes this will bring. Approve required changes to the RAFSA Constitution. Endorse dissolution of RAFSA IAW new constitution Endorse updated Membership Administration structure. RAFSA ECM – 15 Jan 09

3 Minutes of Last Meeting No comments received VOTE NEEDED

4 Matters Arising Membership requirements for Chartering RAFSA Yachts

5 Endorsement of Executive Committee Members

6 Executive Committee ADMIRAL - Air Marshal Sir Christopher Moran COMMODORE - Gp Capt Steve Bailey VICE COMMODORE - Wg Cdr Simon Crockatt RC OFFSHORE - Wg Cdr Clive Blount RC DINGHY - Wg Cdr Tom Whittingham RC WINDSURFING - Gp Capt Nick Cox HON TREASURER - Sqn Ldr Karl Mahon HON SEC - Wg Cdr Neil Cummins RC(SAFETY) - Sqn Ldr Brian Sadler PRO - Wg Cdr Ron Ousby HON MEMBERSHIP SEC - Sqn Ldr Martin Owen-Hughes HON ASSOC MEMBERSHIP SEC - Wg Cdr Kim Garvey DSB(RAF) - AVM (Rtd) Chris Davison Sponsorship Advisor – Air Marshal (Rtd) Sir Dusty Miller VOTE NEEDED

7 Approval of Annual RAFSA Accounts Year Ending Oct 08

8 Treasurer’s Report Divisions Income FYsExpenditure FY 06/0707/0806/0707/08 Offshore£56,500£60,782£57,500£60,723 Dinghy£38,200£30,440£37,900£30,276 Windsurfing£25,000£25,233£24,700£25,046 Safety£1,600£18,010£1,600£18,010 Management£18,964£22,380£18,786£22,109 Overall RAFSA£139,994£156,845£140,486£156,165 FY 06/07 Loss £492 FY 07/08 Profit £680 VOTE NEEDED

9 Registration and Incorporation of RAFSA as an Charitable Company Within definitions of Charities Act 2006

10 Changes within RAFSA Charities Act 2006 – Change of Status? Corporate Approach by RAF Sports Board towards Registration. RAFSA to become Charitable Company under Charities Act 2006 – May 09. Trustees Appointed from ECM This will be last AGM.

11 Effect on Members? No effect on Sailing Activities. No need to ratify ECM (Now 3-yr cycle) No need to approve Accounts (Trustees) No need for AGM approval of Plans. Annual Conference to replace AGM. Increased use of OICs as Conduits to Members.

12 Role of OIC Sailing (1) Understand and Communicate role of RAFSA in supporting Unit sailing activities & expeds. Encourage newcomers to the sport and help progress talented sailors to highest level of competitive sailing.

13 Role of OIC Sailing (2) Promote RAFSA Membership and Unit use of facilities & opportunities. Act as link between RAFSA Trustees and Membership. Support development of RAFSA’s longer-term strategy and goals.

14 Trustees COMMODORE - Gp Capt Steve Bailey VICE COMMODORE - Wg Cdr Simon Crockatt RC OFFSHORE - Wg Cdr Clive Blount RC DINGHY - Wg Cdr Tom Whittingham RC WINDSURFING - Gp Capt Nick Cox HON TREASURER - Sqn Ldr Karl Mahon HON SEC - Wg Cdr Neil Cummins

15 Approval of required changes to the RAFSA Constitution New Constitution VOTE NEEDED

16 Endorsement of Executive Committee decision to dissolve RAFSA Sep 08 – Commodore writes to Stn Cdrs advising of RAFSA OIC Briefing and intent to incorporate RAFSA. Hon Sec follows up with email to unit PEd staff. 21 Oct 08 - RAFSA OIC Briefing –Brief on intent & date of AGM 12 Nov 08 – RAFSA Website updated with AGM details & outline incorporation proposals 11 Dec 08 – RAFSA Website updated with constitution changes and resolution for dissolving RAFSA

17 Dissolution Resolution THAT the decision to dissolve the Association and to transfer the undertaking, assets and activities of the Association to the new charitable company, the Royal Air Force Sailing Association (company no. to be added when the company is established), be approved and pursuant to the Constitution of the Association, the Executive Committee be authorised to take all necessary steps to dissolve the Association and effect the transfer of the undertaking, assets and activities on a date to be decided by the Executive Committee. VOTE NEEDED

18 Updated Membership Administration

19 Issue of Membership Cards Divisions Nominate those authorised to Issue Membership Cards (Membership Administrators) Common process for Membership Administrators Membership Sec issues cards and batch numbers Reduced detail contained on database, with original applications kept by Membership Sec for the new 2 year duration. –Could allow for some membership details to be made available through secure area of website

20 Honorary Membership VOTE NEEDED

21 AOB Toe In The Water

22 DONM RAFSA Conference Sep/Oct 2009

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