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Reading Intervention – Reading Across the Curriculum By Michelle Morris June 2011 1.

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1 Reading Intervention – Reading Across the Curriculum By Michelle Morris June 2011 1

2 Special Education Teacher at Marion County High School  I am entering into my 8 th year and 2 nd year of teaching Reading and collaborating with the Language Arts Department.  I am expecting a very challenging year.  I plan to build upon my past year and teach students who want to progress with Reading Fluency and add new students depending on Reading needs.  I want to add more A-Z Reading and projects to my Reading class and collaborate more with my Language Arts Department.  Students and Reading are my Passion! Background on Me 2

3  MCHS did not meet our reading goals for the 2009-2010 KCCT assessment.  NCLB results show a decline in proficient/distinguished.  Novices have increased. Apprentice have remained stable.  Out of 100 special education students, 42 were novice in Reading on the KCCT.  Free/Reduced lunch did not meet NCLB requirements in reading. 3

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6  In June and August of 2010, we at MCHS had to attend a mandated 2 day PD on Reading across the Curriculum.  Every teacher, teaches free/reduced lunch students!  Reading specialist is working with teachers in middle and high school.  Assessments are being used to collect data, to present to staff for total buy – in. 6

7 REWARDS is an acronym for Reading Excellence: Word Attack and Rate Development Strategies. It is an intense, short-term intervention reading program that is specifically designed for students in fourth through twelfth grades who have mastered skills associated with first- and second- grade reading but have difficulty reading long words and/or who read slowly (i.e., 60 to 120 correct words per minute). A-Z reading is a program that provides leveled reading, reading assessments and audio books. 7

8  Marion County High School, in partnership with the community, will ensure that every student graduates with the skills to be successful. 8

9  All students in every setting should be literate and should acquire a capacity for life-long learning, leading to success and satisfaction as good citizens and productive workers in a knowledge society. 9

10  In July of 2011, I plan to share the developments of my Reading Fundamentals class with my Special Education Department.  I want to develop an interested teacher group, set up trainings with CKSEC on A-Z Reading. Assess students before implementation of REWARDS and A-Z Reading and then assess again.  I want to set up another meeting time and include the reading consultant and analyze our results by December.  I would like for teachers to graph results to present to the board of education and the community. 10

11  Learn and implement new changes in the classroom by using the new Senate Bill I Reading Standards as my guide.  10.3 – Instruct colleagues on Reading Program. By implementing a plan for engaging in leadership activities.  2.3 – Collaborate with the Language Arts Department to implement new core content standards. Plan assessments to guide instruction and measure learning objectives. 11

12  Meet with Special Education and Language Arts department to assess reading results from the 1 st year of the Reading Fundamentals class.  Implement new standards with student- centered curriculum and instruction.  Plan, develop, implement, assess, revise and reflect.  Share with staff results of data.  Continue to assess, progress to success! 12

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