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Educational Policies 2002 -Present Zachary Schrage.

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Presentation on theme: "Educational Policies 2002 -Present Zachary Schrage."— Presentation transcript:

1 Educational Policies 2002 -Present Zachary Schrage

2 No Child Left Behind (NCLB) O Implementation of state standards O Proficiency in Math and Reading O No federal funding for schools that don’t make adequate yearly progress (AYP)

3 Did NCLB Work? Pros Cons Minimal gains Teaching to the test Uniform accountability Rigidness Increase in funding State’s rights issues

4 Cartoons from



7 Race to the Top O Something New? O President Obama’s focus O Merit Pay O Teacher Competency O School Choice

8 What is Merit Pay? O Earning a raise based on performance O Two criteria O Teacher Evaluation O Student Performance

9 Merit Pay O Why merit pay won't work Why merit pay won't work O Does not mention socioeconomic differences.

10 Teacher Competency O Competency test on knowledge of content O Substance Vs. Pedagogy O Teacher Failure

11 School Choice O Georgia H.B. 251- Parents can send their kids to any school regardless of student achievement O Creates Competition O Problems?


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