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© 2004 CCSSO ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Findings on Alignment of Instruction using Enacted Curriculum Data Rolf K. Blank Director, Education Indicators

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Presentation on theme: "© 2004 CCSSO ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Findings on Alignment of Instruction using Enacted Curriculum Data Rolf K. Blank Director, Education Indicators"— Presentation transcript:

1 © 2004 CCSSO ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Findings on Alignment of Instruction using Enacted Curriculum Data Rolf K. Blank Director, Education Indicators AERA, April 2004

2 © 2004 CCSSO ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Surveys of Enacted Curriculum Data: Design, Multiple Uses Rolf K. Blank Director, Education Indicators AERA, April 2004

3 © 2004 CCSSO ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Surveys of Enacted Curriculum Now available, K-12: English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science

4 © 2004 CCSSO ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. SEC Collaborating Organizations Council of Chief State School Officers Wisconsin Center for Education Research Learning Point Associates/NCREL TERC Regional Alliance DEC Project

5 © 2004 CCSSO ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Key Question addressed by SEC Tool: How can Educators obtain reliable, valid data to determine degree of alignment of instruction with state standards and assessments? Then, How can the Data inform strategies for improvement?

6 © 2004 CCSSO ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Rationale Assessment Standards Curriculum


8 Content Maps

9 © 2004 CCSSO ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Curriculum Analysis: Enacted Intended Curriculum Analysis: Enacted Intended What teachers teachWhat standards require

10 © 2004 CCSSO ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. SEC Content Topics Math, Science, ELA The SEC provides a neutral, research- based language to describe content of English language arts, mathematics, and science. NCLB anyone?

11 © 2004 CCSSO ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Expectations (Cognitive Demand) for Students

12 © 2004 CCSSO ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Descriptive results can be reported using a variety of graphic displays

13 © 2004 CCSSO ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. School & Class Description Instructional Activities General Problem Solving Activities Pairs & Small Group Work Use of Hands-on Materials Use of Calculators/Computers & other Ed. Tech. Assessment Use Instructional Influences Instructional Readiness Teacher Opinions Professional Development Types Content Focus Active Learning Collegial Participation Coherence Time Span Teacher Characteristics Instructional Content Survey Sections




17 SEC Applications--NCLB Alignment analysis (instruction, standards, assessments) Instructional improvement in schools Needs assessment/ Evaluation Indicators – monitoring change over time

18 © 2004 CCSSO ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Data on Enacted Curriculum PROJECT DESIGN Five Urban Districts—40 Mid. Schools Standards Assessment Curriculum Science/Math Initiatives Professional Development Improved Student Achievement Teacher & School Data Reports Assist Schools/ Professional Development Teacher Data Measure Change Assist Schools/ Professional Development

19 © 2004 CCSSO ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. To view Surveys, Reporting, Methods at CCSSO web-based Survey at WCER at Learning Point/NCREL

20 © 2004 CCSSO ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Surveys of Enacted Curriculum A neutral content grid with cognitive demand The intended curriculum: State content standards— What students should learn The enacted curriculum: What teachers teach The learned curriculum: Student outcomes based on school learning The assessed curriculum: State (and other) assessments— tested learning

21 © 2004 CCSSO ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. SEC Alignment Analysis Intended— standards Enacted— taught Assessed— state tests

22 © 2004 CCSSO ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Analysis Objectives Purpose: Use by District, Schools, TA providers What Topics, Expectations are taught, as compared to Standards, Assessments? To what extent? Which are NOT taught? How does Instructional content relate to Achievement? Analysis Methods: A) Descriptive -- Content Maps % Instructional time by Emphasis of Standards/Assessments B) Correlation -- Alignment Index

23 © 2004 CCSSO ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Results from 2 Districts/States Miami-Dade:12 Middle Schools (6-8) 219 Teachers Y1, 171 Y3 (Math,Sci) Winston-Salem: 10 Middle Schools 136 Teachers Y1 (Math,Sci)

24 © 2004 CCSSO ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Alignment Analysis  Topic Differences in Alignment  School Differences  2 State Standards by Instruction  Change over time: Year 1 to Year 3

25 © 2004 CCSSO ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Alignment Level Alignment index (0 to 1): Miami, Math, 6-8  Gr 6 FL Standards x Instr =.19  Gr 8 FL Assessment x Instr. =.22  School Level, Gr. 6 Stands =.20 to.17  School level, Gr. 8 Assess =.22 to.24

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