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Technology: Its Impact on the Future Leaders of Tomorrow

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1 Technology: Its Impact on the Future Leaders of Tomorrow
Planning for Technology Project Spring 2004 Elyse Belanger Mark Karadimos Dawn Nielsen Barbara Poetzsch

2 Background Technological innovations affect all aspects of our lives, personal and professional. The children of today are the leaders of tomorrow Technology affects all our lives, whether working in K-12, higher education or the corporate world. Tomorrow's problems are developing today, and we need to develop possible responses to potential changes.. Society is experiencing a period of unprecedented change, our decisions today will have a significant effect tomorrow. (Weingand, 1995)

3 Audience Composition The target audience for this presentation is the community. It includes teachers, parents, local board of education, superintendent of the district, and local community businesses. It may also be used as a tool to assist grant acquisition (if necessary) for obtaining monies for a technology center. Local business & community members for financial backing Administrative officials who control the funding for new programs Administrative officials who are contemplating severe budget cuts Administrative officials who control the funding of teacher professional development PTA board of officers who sponsor school fund drives School administrators who control capitol improvement funds

4 Main Issue How can we best prepare our students to be informed, conscientious leaders in a technologically advanced society?

5 Key Issues - Political What effect will educational standards have on student achievement? Will regulations determine what technology will be available to deliver education How will the No Child Left Behind legislation affect how technology is utilized in the classroom?

6 Key Issues - Social How does technology affect the “at risk” population of students? Are children in lower socio- economic strata at a potential disadvantage regarding technological advances? 44% children and teenagers overall use computers and 42% use the Internet to complete their homework and school assignments 41% of blacks and Hispanics use a computer at home, compared to 77% of whites 31% students from families earning less than $20,000 use computers at home, compared to 89% of those from families earning more than $75,000

7 Key Issues - Technological
What qualifications will be required of teachers in a technologically advanced classroom? How can we ensure adequate teacher preparation? In 1994, 3% of classrooms in U.S. public schools had access to the Internet; in the fall of 2002, 92 % had access In 2002, 86% of public schools reported they had a Web site or Web page, up from 75% in % of public schools with Internet access indicated that their school or school district offered professional development to teachers in the schools to help them integrate the use of the Internet into the curriculum.

8 Key Issues - Environmental
How will rising education costs affect lifelong learning? How will changes in delivery of education impact the preparation of leaders of tomorrow? Will technological advances make distance learning the new paradigm? Educational institutions of the future will be tailor made to suit students and teachers by creating online content designed around learning styles, teaching styles, specific areas of content, and past student interests. Future areas of anticipated need, alignment with specific modes of employment, and ties to current university courses are examples of areas that will be included.

9 Key Factors High Importance Predetermined 1. NCLB
2. Rising education costs 3. Technological advances Uncertainties 1. Student access to technology 2. Teacher qualifications Low Uncertainty High Uncertainty Low Importance

10 Axes of Uncertainty

11 Scenarios

12 Scenario 1: Highly qualified teachers, unlimited access for all
Technology affords teachers and learners the opportunity to enhance their knowledge and computer skills. Every home will be equipped with a computer and internet access and we will have students staying at home to get their education, even in kindergarten. Implications: Opportunities: To train teachers to teach technology and stay abreast Provide students the opportunity to enhance their technology knowledge. Threats: Being unable to train all teachers in the field of technology due to several factors: cost to teachers, cost to school districts older teachers who might not want to learn due to retiring in a couple of years the belief that training won't enhance their life or their way of teaching schools unable to keep up with the ever changing field of technology in terms of equipment or software

13 Scenario 2: Highly qualified teachers, some students technologically handicapped
A student without the access to the latest technology skills classes will not be employable in future markets. Schools & communities must provide technology hardware in sufficient quantities and of advanced quality so that highly qualified teachers may educate their students. Schools must provide resources in order that teachers may pursue continuing professional development in the area of technology skills and instruction. Implications: Opportunities and Threats

14 Scenario 3: Poorly qualified teachers, unlimited access for all
A minimum standard will be expected from professionals expecting to teach at the elementary, middle and high-school levels Competencies in subject matter that will be taught will be essential to avoid failure resulting from students receiving education from less than qualified teachers. Technology and Scientific-research will facilitate future teaching, learning, and monitoring of the the student’s academic achievement. Implications: Opportunities and Threats

15 Scenario 4: Poorly qualified teachers, some students technologically handicapped
Abandon 'Lone Wolf' Spending Tactics to Afford Technology Begin Educating Teachers on Technology Usage and Integration into Curriculum Begin Educating Students on Technology Through Specific Courses and/or Personal, Individualized Discovery Provide Students with Access to Technology Centers Beyond School Day Implications: Opportunities and Threats First obtain a technology center, then train teachers, and finally train students. Training need only be done for teachers who are in need of training. Other teachers who show that they can use technology may perform some other task, say curriculum development.

16 Concluding Remarks Technological advances impact every part of our lives. Schools must plan for and arrange adequate training of faculty. Schools must anticipate and accommodate for the needs of all students.

17 Desirable Scenario: A Vision for the Future
Teachers will be trained to effectively operate modern word processors (word), spreadsheets (excel), presentation devices (PowerPoint), and various software packages geared toward teaching aids. Higher order technology will be imparted on teachers as well. Website development software, methods of searching/evaluating websites, graphing calculator usage, and other specific technological devices will be addressed. Teachers will be made proficient with these tools. The education process will shift toward students. Students will use technology centers for either specific classes or the integration of their usage in existing classes. A system will be developed to allow student use of technology centers. Students will be allowed access to these centers after school and on weekends, so long as staffing during these times can be procured.

18 References

19 List Department of Education: Retrieved May 9, 2004 from Reddy, M. N. & Challa, J. (2004). 2nd faculty development programme in advances in educational technology. Paper presented at the meeting of the National Academy of Agricultural Research Management, Cleveland, OH. Retrieved May 10, 2004 from Rice, J. K. (2001). Cost framework for teacher preparation and professional development. Washington, DC: The Financial Project. Retrieved May 10, 2004 from Technology Briefs for NCLB Planners (2004). Retrieved May 10, 2004 from U.S. Department of Education (2003). Meeting the Highly Qualified Teachers Challenge, The Secretary's Second Annual Report on Teacher Quality. Washington, D.C. The Achiever (2003). No Child Left Behind, The Achiever. December 15, 2003, Vol. 2, No. 18. Ed Pubs, Jessup, MD. U.S. Department of Education (1996). Getting America's Students Ready for the 21st Century, Meeting the Technology Literacy Challenge. Washington, D.C. Weingand, D.E. (1995, August). Futures Research Methodologies: Linking Today's Decisions With Tomorrow's Possibilities. Paper presented at the meeting of the International Federation of Library Associations in Istanbul, Turkey. Retrieved May 12, 2004 from

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