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The English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) MODULE 2 ELPS and Assessments Presented by the Brownsville Independent School District Bilingual Department.

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Presentation on theme: "The English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) MODULE 2 ELPS and Assessments Presented by the Brownsville Independent School District Bilingual Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 The English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) MODULE 2 ELPS and Assessments Presented by the Brownsville Independent School District Bilingual Department Reference: Texas Education Agency and Region One Education Service Center

2 Identification Home Language Survey (HLS)(HLS) If the HLS indicates a language other than English then testing must be initiated to determine English proficiency* *Parent permission for testing is not required. 2

3 END-OF-YEAR LPAC: Assessment DATA for Review CPALLS(PK) TPRI/TEJAS LEE (K - 3) APRENDA/STANFORD 10 (1 - 2) STAAR (3-12) STAAR L (3-12) STAAR-M (3-12) STAAR-ALT (3-12) TELPAS (K-12) SELP/SSLP (PK-12)

4 Stanford Spanish and English Language Proficiency Tests Copyright 2005 by Harcourt Assessment, Inc. SIX TEST LEVELS Readiness/PreEscolarPre K Preliteracy/PrePrimaria K Primary/Primario 1 — 2 Elementary/Elemental3 — 5 Middle Grades 6 — 8 High School 9 — 12 4

5  Scaled Scores (Printouts)  Five Performance Levels 1 -- Pre-Emergent 2 -- Emergent 3 -- Basic 4 -- Intermediate 5 -- Proficient Note: See Sample Label Types of Scores Reported for the Total Test 5

6 Key SELP label Information (provided in the report section) Social = ORAL Listening and Speaking (LPAC Identification Purposes & for End-of-Year Review) Writing = Proficiency in writing NEW (LPAC End of year Review Purposes) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Total Composite = Combines LSRW Data can be checked against TELPAS composite (LPAC End of year Review Purposes) Comprehension (NCLB Requirement) Listening and Reading (Document on SPF) Refer to SPF

7 Language Categories BEGINNER: Understanding is limited to occasional isolated words, such as borrowed words and high-frequency social conventions. INTERMEDIATE: Understands some of what is said in class and comprehends the context of only very simple material when slowly presented. Has difficulty with syntax and grammar. ADVANCED: Understands formal and informal conversation very well. Note: See Chart on LPAC Initial Designation of Language Categories for LEP Students 7

8 All students in grades K–12 who are identified as limited English proficient, including LEP students with parental denials, are required to be assessed.  In rare cases, a LEP student served by special education may be exempted from TELPAS by the ARD committee. TELPAS Eligibility Requirements 8

9 9 ELPS and TELPAS The English language proficiency standards are closely aligned with the Texas English language proficiency assessments (TELPAS). Together, the standards and assessments promote the English acquisition that ELLs need to succeed academically. Effective implementation of the ELP standards should support not only better English acquisition but better academic achievement, which should be evident in state assessment results. Source: TEA Assessment Division

10 10 ELPS and TELPAS TELPAS assesses the English language proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing of K-12 ELLs TELPAS measures how well ELLs understand and use English for everyday use and academic purposes. TELPAS reports four English language proficiency levels:  Beginning  Intermediate  Advanced  Advanced High *Meets Requirements of NCLB Source: TEA Assessment Division

11 11 Beginning Level: Little or no ability, uses high frequency, routine words; in writing, typically lists, labels, copies. Intermediate Level: Limited ability, understands and uses short, simple sentences. Uses present tense. Advanced Level: Typically have grasp of basic verbs, tenses, grammar features and sentence patterns/ partial grasp of more complex verbs, tenses, grammar features and sentence patterns, needs support Advanced High Level: Ability, with minimal support very close to native English speaking peers Listening Speaking Reading Writing Key Features of Each Proficiency Level Source: TEA Assessment Division

12 Goal # 2 English Language Proficiency English Language Proficiency beginning intermediate advanced Advanced High Best teaching practices TELPAS Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System 12

13 Six Ways TELPAS Reinforces Quality Instruction 1. TELPAS encourages teachers to provide more opportunities for ELLs to use and practice their developing language. 2. TELPAS encourages teachers to collaborate about the needs of ELLs. 3. TELPAS gives teachers a common vocabulary to use with one another and with parents  in describing the language levels and language needs of the students, and  in setting goals for progress. 13

14 Six Ways TELPAS Reinforces Quality Instruction 4. TELPAS helps teachers see the need to differentiate instruction according to the English language proficiency levels of ELLs. 5. TELPAS helps teachers understand the importance and benefit of building the communication skills that get students to the next proficiency level. 6. TELPAS supports academic achievement goals because ELLs learn academic content more readily when they understand the language of their instruction. 14

15 15 ELPS and LAT NCLB requires students in grades 3-8 &10 for whom the LPAC had granted a LEP exemption from testing, to be assessed in reading, mathematics, and science. All LEP-exempt students in grades 3-8 and 10 participate in STAAR L math. All LEP-exempt students in grades 5,8 and 10 participate in STAAR L science. Linguistic accommodations are made in order to assist students in overcoming language barriers and provide a meaningful assessment of academic knowledge and skills.

16 16 ELPS and STAAR L Linguistic accommodations are part of quality instruction for all ELLs and should be taking place all year long. Only those accommodations that have been used routinely in instruction and assessment may be afforded to students during their STAAR L administration. Linguistic accommodations help students learn academic content.

17 STAAR L Eligibility Eligibility criteria for math/science vs. reading/ELA differ somewhat. STAAR L math and science Given to all LEP-exempt students whether it is their 1 st, 2 nd, or 3 rd school year in the U.S. 17

18 STAAR L & AYP STAAR L examinees in their first school year of enrollment in U.S. schools are included in AYP participation measures. Their results do not count in AYP performance measures. STAAR L examinees in their second and third school years of enrollment in U.S. schools count in both AYP participation and performance measures. 18

19 Determining STAAR L Accommodations Multiple accommodations will often be appropriate. Decisions must be based on the individual needs of the student and whether the accommodations are used 51% of the time in math/science instruction and testing. 19

20 Allowable Accommodations Linguistic simplification Oral translation Reading assistance Bilingual dictionary Bilingual glossary 20

21 ELPS and STAAR Language Appropriateness Decisions about whether to give STAAR in English or Spanish are guided by— the language of the student’s instruction, and the language in which the student is best able to demonstrate academic skills. The decision to administer STAAR in Spanish or English may vary by subject area. Page 13 21

22 Rules Spanish STAAR may be taken for 3 years. Years of STAAR L exemption plus Spanish STAAR may not exceed 3. Years of taking Spanish STAAR are counted in terms of years of STAAR administrations. That is, grades 1 and 2 don’t count because STAAR is not administered in these grades. 22

23 CONTACT INFORMATION: Bilingual Director: Alma Cardenas Rubio548-8271 Lead Teachers Maricela Camarillo 698-3195 Norma Lopez 698-1326 Pat Segura 698-0083 Dr. Paty Quesada 698-0081 Questions? 23

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