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1 DrYUpdxU&feature=related 1

2 Janet Hindman, Ed.D. Highland Park ISD September 1, 2011 5:30-6:00 p.m. 2

3  Parents are the true heroes!  Please be sure to sign in for your child’s school on the sign-in sheets that have been provided.  We’re glad that you are here! 3

4  Welcome!  Parents as Partners with Highland Park ISD  No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB): Title I, Part A  The Critical Importance of Parent Involvement  Opportunities for Parents 4

5  NCLB has raised the level of parent involvement to a whole new level.  Parents have a new role as learners, as teachers, as supporters, and even as consumers.  Parents now have to understand data when looking at how schools are doing as well as how their own students are doing.  NCLB provides a way to show how we’re doing! 5

6  Title I, Part A provides financial assistance to school districts and schools with high numbers or high percentages of poor children to help ensure that all children meet challenging state academic standards.  Schools in which poor children make up at least 40 percent of enrollment are eligible to use Title I funds for schoolwide programs that serve all children in the school. 6

7  More than 50,000 public schools across the country use Title I funds to provide additional academic support and learning opportunities to help low-achieving children master challenging curricula and meet state standards in core academic subjects.  For example: Funds support extra instruction in reading and mathematics, as well as special preschool, after-school, and summer programs to extend and reinforce the regular school curriculum. 7

8  Title I is designed to help students achieve proficiency on challenging Texas academic achievement standards through a schoolwide program to upgrade the instructional program for the whole school.  Parents have a right to know about all of the pieces that are going on in the school through annual report cards, how students and their school are doing, and how we compare with other schools. 8

9  Highland Park ISD needs you!!!  NCLB offers parents a real opportunity to be involved in the decision-making that goes on in our school.  Through training and other types of support, parents can learn how to become even more effective partners in making decisions that affect not only their child, but all of our children.  With your help as our partners, all children can be successful in school! 9

10  Across the nation, when teachers are asked, what are the most critical barriers to the achievement of all children, in many cases, it’s the parent involvement role that comes to the forefront.  Research tells us that the most important factor in student success and the success of their schools lies in parental involvement.  We need you to help us in improving our school at Highland Park ISD! 10

11  Ways you can help:  Join our campus and district educational improvement councils;  Communicate with your child’s teachers and your child about their expectations for them and their academic success in the classroom;  Follow our Parent Portal on our website for updated information;  Ask questions! Become more involved in supporting our school in as many ways as possible! 11

12  School/Parent Compacts  Shared Responsibility and Shared Success  Simply, it is impossible to reach the highest levels of achievement that we would like to meet for all of our children and for our school without your help!  We invite you to become engaged and involved partners with us this year!  Thank you! 12

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