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The Monitoring Process
Arizona Department of Education Office of English Language Acquisition Services The Monitoring Process Good Afternoon! I am here to walk you all through a monitoring of your LEA and answer any questions you may have about the process. How many of your LEAs have been monitored in the last few years? How many of you are from an LEA that has not been monitored recently? I would like to answer all your questions along the way as this is a fairly short PowerPoint presentation. Does that sound alright with everyone? Good…let’s get started…
Why We Monitor? Compliance regarding Federal statutes: (NCLB* Section – 3304). (Title III) Compliance regarding State statutes: (A.R.S.* – ). (HB* 2064/Task Force/SEI Models) Compliance regarding State Board Rule (Administrative law): (R and R J). Review ELL* programs Analyze programmatic effectiveness, to include prior year’s data. Our office is required by state and federal statutes to monitor LEAs for compliance and program effectiveness. The next slide will show you how we look at LEAs around the state to choose for monitoring. The formula you will see has been in process since 2000, when the Flores Consent Order required ADE to monitor the LEAs in Arizona with a particular formula. *NCLB = No Child Left Behind *A.R.S. = Arizona Revised Statutes *HB = House Bill *ELL = English Language Learner
District Selection…. A.R.S (HB 2064) (effective 9/21/06) Minimum Requirements: completed annually The top 50 LEAs* with the highest # of ELLs will be monitored every 4 years. The top 50 were divided beginning in into a year cycle. At least: 12 LEAs chosen from the top 50 LEAs with the largest number of English language learners (ELLs). (Category 1) At least: 10 LEAs that are not included in the top 50 LEAs described above. (Category 2) At least: 10 LEAs that are not required to provide instruction for English language learners (ELLs) for a majority of their grade levels. LEAs that report 25 or fewer ELLs. (Category 3) As you can see, every four years the top 50, meaning those with the highest number of ELLs, are monitored. The current list was taken from data in SAIS , for 2012 to 2016. Additionally, ADE chooses LEAs that are not in the top 50 from the categories listed; those with a large number of ELLs, but not high enough to be in the top 50 and those that report 25 or fewer ELLs. *Data Extracted From SAIS , August 15, 2008 ►ELL Counts are from SAIS* *LEA = Local Education Agency (District or Charter) *SAIS = Student Accountability Information System
Additional Monitorings…
If a district was placed in Corrective Action in a prior year, the office is required by statute to conduct a “follow up evaluation” of the LEA within one year. (ARS (I) If an LEA is in Corrective Action, our office is required to “follow up” in the next school year to make sure the action items are being implemented. This may be through an on-site visit, it may be done with a meeting or through a desk audit of the paper work that was required to be revised. For the monitorings I’ve done this school year, several will not have schools visited next year. Rather the office will conduct meetings with the ELL Coordinator and Administration or our office will ask for revised forms to be sent to our office for review.
ARS (J) In conducting the follow-up evaluation, if the department finds that the school district or charter school is not in compliance with state and federal laws applicable to English language learners, the department shall refer the school district or charter school to the State Board of Education for a finding of noncompliance.
Communication Process
Beginning of school year Notification letters to selected districts for on-site monitoring visits Advance requirements for desk audits: school’s master schedule ELL class rosters sample ELD lesson plans Enclosures of items needed for on-site visitation: district monitoring notebooks district and school maps bell schedules a designated work area for ADE* monitoring staff. In August or early September, those districts that will be monitored in the fall are notified of the dates and schools that will be involved in the visit. Spring LEAs are notified by December. The office requests information from the district about the schools and classrooms to be visited so that we can plan our days of the visit more efficiently. Generally, we spend 30 minutes or so of the first morning at the district office or charter holder’s office to help us determine what to expect to see. At the end of the visit, we meet again with staff to go over our findings. *ADE = Arizona Department of Education
Desk Audit Process Desk auditor reviews/analyzes compilations of documentation: SEI Budget and Model adoption documentation Master schedules for schools with SEI classrooms identified Classroom rosters: (for classes with ELLs) Teacher qualifications (research and record) -updated teacher names, information in certification records AZELLA* scores for students AIMS* data Student progress on AIMS 2-Year academic achievement AMAO* information % of progress (21%) % of reclassification (21%) ELL Subgroup’s AIMS data (FFB; App.; Meet; Exceeds) Review utilization of funding for ELLs (Title III; Compensatory Instruction Carryover; Title I; and SEI Budget). LEA Improvement status This slide shows the items that we include in our review which are what helps to determine which schools will be monitored, as well. Please note that it is very important that all teacher records are updated with certification. Frequently, we find name changes due to marriage or…and other old information on record with district offices and certification. *ID = Identification *AZELLA = Arizona English Language Learner Assessment *AIMS = Arizona’s Instrument to Measure Success *AMAO = Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives
Prior LEA Review Geographic location of LEA How many schools?
Grade spans? Elementary; Middle; and High Student population Total student population ELL student count % of English language learners Determine length of on-site visitation The number of schools visited as well as the number of districts visited is sometimes determined by the amount of travel time required between Phoenix and the LEAs involved. Our office tries to visit as many schools as possible on each visit so that the overall district is well represented. A frequent question is, how did our school do? Our answer is always the same. Our findings are for the district overall. The purpose of the visit is not to evaluate teachers or schools, individually.
Choosing the School Sites…
High # of ELLs Low # of ELLs (ILLP* implementation) SAIS data inconsistencies School “AZ Learns” label; AYP* label; and AMAO determination LEA/School Improvement status Dual-language/bilingual programs Exemplary programs (i.e., literacy, reading, etc.) High # of Emergency Teacher Certificates Questions/concerns with NCLB plans (Title III portions) Questions/concerns with Title III Fiscal applications Written complaints received This is a list of items for consideration when choosing school sites. Please note that when a written complaint is received about a school concerning English language learners or ELL programs, our office is required to follow up on the complaint. Of course, we always enjoy going out to schools that would like to showcase their programs, as well. *ILLP = Individual Language Learner Plan *AYP = Annual Yearly Progress
Other Considerations…
School/district activities and/or programs designed to involve parents of ELLs Adult ELL classes parental literacy nights; homework help-lines and support services; etc. Does the LEA count immigrant students? How is the data collected? There is funding available for immigrant students. Parental involvement is as important to Title III as to Title I. Monitors ask how ELL parents are being involved in the students’ education during the teacher interviews and at the exit interview with the administration.
On-Site Visitation Pre monitoring meeting with district personnel
Classroom Observations (protocols on website) SEI (ELD*) classroom observations Bilingual/Dual Language classroom observations Mainstream with ILLP students Teacher Interviews Exit Interview with district personnel upon completion of LEA program analysis Our office always asks that the LEA administrator advise the schools of our visits, but that does not always occur. Our procedure is to check in at the office and make sure our information is correct as to classroom teacher assignments. We always ask if there are substitutes as we do not typically visit classrooms with substitutes. Classroom visits are generally done by one monitor, alone. We carry small computers with us to fill in the form you have a copy of. If this is a required four year monitoring and not a corrective action follow up visit, we are required to conduct teacher interviews which consist of 8 quick questions. Once all the schools are visited, we have an exit meeting typically with the Superintendent and ELL Coordinator. *ELD = English Language Development
File Review Process Student Cumulative Files Student ELL Files
The file review process is what takes the most amount of time for a full monitoring visit. We always recommend that any and all paperwork that is required for English language learners be contained in the students’ cumulative files. In this way, when students move, all of their paperwork moves with them. Tracking the paperwork seems to flow more smoothly in those LEAs that keep everything together.
Review of Cumulative Files:
ALL – files will be strategically and systematically reviewed SAIS ID # Enrollment form Home Language Survey Form Both forms are reviewed to ensure that students are being identified as PHLOTE* Review: languages, dates & signatures Standardized Assessments; District Assessments; Report Cards; Progress Reports Please note that all LEAs are required to include the same one question that is now on the Home Language Survey or PHLOTE form, on their LEA registration form, as well. That question reads, “What is the primary language of the student?” The monitors review both forms to ensure this question is utilized. *PHLOTE = Primary Home Language Other Than English
Student ELL File Review
ELL Student File Review Initial and annual English language proficiency assessments Individualized Language Learner Plan (ILLP) (if applicable) Annual Parent Notification of student proficiency level and program placement Waiver Documentation (if applicable) Parent Withdrawal form (if applicable) Reclassification Notification (from LEP* to FEP*) English Language Learner After Reclassification (ELLAR) form (if applicable) 2-Year Monitoring Form WICP* This is a list of the documents we are hoping to find evident. All of the forms are available on our ADE website. For the language proficiency assessment documentation, we are looking for Rapid Reports or Student Reports from Pearson. If it is early in the year, we look for evidence of hand-scoring of assessments as please remember…parents are supposed to be notified of their student’s placement in an ELL program within the first 30 days of the school year. *LEP = Limited English Proficient *FEP = Fluent English Proficient *WICP = Written Individualized Compensatory Plan
Sample English Language Learner File Requirements
The ELL student file should contain the following information Student Name: _____________________ SAIS ID Number: ___________ Enrollment Form Home Language Survey* Parental Notification and Consent Form* Completed annually Signed and dated by parent Placement of student Parental Request for Student Withdrawal from an English Language Learner Program* (if applicable) Written Individual Compensatory Plan (WICP) Required for Compensatory Instruction Individualized Language Learner Plan (ILLP) (if applicable) Reclassified Letter to Parent (s)/Guardian(s) (if applicable) English Language Learner After Reclassification (ELLAR) form* (if applicable) Two Year Monitoring Form (if applicable) Assessments Rapid Reports AIMS/SAT 10 Report cards Miscellaneous This slide and the following slides indicate what information monitors are looking for when reviewing student files. Please note we are looking for signatures on the Parental Notification and Consent form and on the ILLP, where applicable. If the LEA separates ELL files from cumulative files, then we will look at both in order to complete all the information for a particular student. The paperwork is meant to follow the student from the initial enrollment and identification for testing through the reclassification and monitoring process. Note: Items with an * may not be altered. District/Charter must use ADE/OELAS documents which are located on the OELAS website.
Post On-Site Visitation Review
Review all classroom observation sheets Review cumulative and ELL file checklists Review teacher interviews Review ELL program data (This determines school and district ELL program effectiveness) Once the monitors have gone through as many classroom visitations as possible and as many files as needed, they gather to meet and discuss their findings. All the information that is presented at the exit interview to administrators is summarized in a report that is mailed to the Superintendent. If there are items that need to be corrected, the LEA fills out a “Corrective Action Plan” that must be approved before implementation. This is what may need to be followed up on in the next school year, which is why we may visit multiple years in a row. Are there any questions? Thank you for your time today!
Report to District Exit Meeting is held to detail findings.
The department mails a report to the Superintendent within 45 days after completion of the monitoring. If the district or charter has findings, it is required to complete a corrective action plan to resolve the findings within 60 days. If there are no findings, the district or charter is found to be in compliance and no further action is required.
Questions? Monitoring selection? Monitoring process? Exit meeting?
Contact Information: Kelly Koenig, Director of Monitoring 1535 W. Jefferson, Bin #31 Phoenix, Arizona There is a team of people in our office that go out on monitoring visits; however, Kelly Koenig is the Director of Monitoring. She is the person that sets up the yearly schedules and chooses the sites to be visited. Her contact information is listed here along with the website for our office where you can find the forms referred to in this PowerPoint. Thank you all for your time and attention this afternoon!
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