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Activate Your Colleagues
Good morning , I’m Sean Brock from The Alliance for a Healthier Generation and we are here today to discuss physical activity and how to best integrate into the classroom. We hope to come up with some easy ways to integrate activity into the classrooms and have you be the school “expert” and be able to assist teachers at your home schools. Sean Brock National Physical Education and Physical Activity Advisor Alliance for a Healthier Generation
This presentation was created to introduce you to the Let’s Move
This presentation was created to introduce you to the Let’s Move! Active Schools Program. LMAS is a collaborative effort between three managing partners. Let's Move Active Schools (LMAS) is a national collaboration between the Alliance for a Healthier Generation, SHAPE (Society of Health and Physical Educators formerly AAHPERD) and the President's Council on Fitness, Sports, and Nutrition. LMAS is a comprehensive program that empowers school champions to create active environments that enable all students to get moving and reach their full potential.
Think-Pair-Share Why is physical activity important?
Find someone seated near you who will be your “summarizing” partner for the morning. Designate who will be a “1” by determining who has been in education the longest. The runner-up is the “2”. If you tied, who got up first this morning? Share your thoughts on what you think of when you hear the term physical activity and why is it important.
Why is Physical Activity Important?
Children are Less Fit Cardiovascular Risk Factors Inactivity = Health Issues Low Self-Esteem Physical, Psychological and Social Benefits Inactive Children = Inactive Adults Children in the United States today are less fit than they were a generation ago. Many children engage in behaviors, such as physical inactivity and smoking, which contribute to cardiovascular risk factors such as excess weight and higher blood cholesterol, high blood pressure Inactive children, when compared with active children, weigh more, have higher blood pressure and lower levels of heart-protective high-density lipoproteins (HDL cholesterol). Blood sugar control leads to diabetes. Even though heart attacks and strokes are rare in children, evidence shows that the process leading to those conditions begins in childhood. Goes beyond physical, mental aspect of overweight students, we have all witnessed how these students are impacted by peers. We know that we have to develop a love and value for activity because behaviors learned as a child translate into adult sedentary behavior.
Overview Why Benefits of PA Obstacles/Barriers/Ideas PA vs. PE
Resources/Examples We have identified why PA is important, we will also take a look at the benefits, obstacles, how it differs from PE, give some resources and practice time and wrap things up.
Let’s start with a simple question: how many of you enjoy sitting still in meetings or presentations for long periods of time? We all know how it feels to have to sit still for long periods of time… I’m sure that nearly all of us have found ourselves in a long meeting where we’ve sat for time periods that exceed our attention span. Well, students are no different, in fact, students need more opportunities to be physically active each day than adults, and short activity breaks can be very beneficial for students. Current recommendations state that children need 60 minutes of physical activity each day, and short breaks in your classroom can help bring them closer to that goal. The benefits of regular physical activity have been recognized by many professional organizations, and have been backed-up by years of research. Regular physical activity can help both children and adults maintain a healthy weight, reduce the risk of many chronic diseases, strengthen bones and muscles, and improve mental health and mood. But regular physical activity doesn’t just benefit your body, it’s good for your brain too! Regular physical activity can help to keep thinking, learning and judgment skills sharp.
Benefits of PA - School Day
Increases positive behavior and cognitive functioning. Increasing time for PE/PA, does not negatively impact achievement in other subjects. Classroom PA breaks may improve on-task behavior during academic instruction. On this slide is three powerful statements, cited from current research, that would attract the attention of any teacher.. Look at number 2 – time in PE has not been shown to negatively impact other subject areas. NCLB, accountability, pay for performance all have impacted PA time. Students in double block reading and math. Sources: Tomporowski PD. Cognitive and behavioral responses to acute exercise in youths: a review. Pediatr Exerc Sci. 2003;15: Coe DP, et al. Effect of physical education and activity levels on academic achievement in children. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2006;38: SallisJF, et al.. Effects of health-related physical education on academic achievement: project SPARK. Res Q Exerc Sport. 1999; 70:127. Mahar, et al. Effects of classroom-based program on physical activity and on-task behavior. Med Sci Sprts Exer
Impact On Student Achievement
CDC Report and Texas Education Agency Attendance and test scores Cognitive skills, attitude and concentration NCLB/ Accountability More and more research is being released on the tie in with academics, this is a strong statement that school administrators will have to pay attention to. A lot of national attention came to Naperville, Il level 1 and 2 students had to go to fitness lab for 30 minutes before reading and math class. Forum example of Juan Munoz (Principal at Wilkerson Elem School) right outside of LA, lowest performing school in the district when he took over, integrated PA, test scores, attendance, discipline. Common sense approach. Texas Education Agency. Physically Fit Students More Likely to Do Well in School Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The association between school based physical activity, including physical education, and academic performance. Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; 2010.
Learning … The Retention, Application, and Transfer of Knowledge and Skills
Learning Activities Our Involvement Level We Tend To Learn 10% of what we read Verbal Receiving Reading 20% of what we hear Hearing Words 30% of what we see Looking at Pictures Visual Receiving Passive Watching a Movie 50% of what we hear and see Looking at an Exhibit Watching a Demonstration Seeing it Done on Location Talk about the Learning Pyramid. Start with the top statement – Learning … Does this match with your definition? Most of the time, participants have heard “we tend to learn” – start there and then point out the involvement level. The learning activities are examples – not all inclusive. Max Thompson example – What should I tell PE teachers about LFS story Coaching example Bloom s taxonomy higher order thinking skills: analysis, synthesis, evaluation For example take the volleyball unit, divide into teams, scout opponent, develop gameplan, strengths weakness, serving as an official to evaluate performance. 70% of what we say Participating in Discussion Receiving and Participating Giving a Talk 90% of what we both say and do Doing a Dramatic Presentation Doing Active Simulating the Real Experience Doing the Real Thing
How Active Should Young People Be?
Ages 6-19 Accumulate 60 minutes per day. Most days of the week MVPA Leading organizations (CDC, USDA, NASPE, AHA) all recommend that youth accumulate at least 60 minutes of MVPA per day for most days of the week. Sources: USDHHS, USDA; Strong et al. (2005); NASPE How much activity? Not training to be tri athletes, accumulate 60 minutes per day. Laws in Florida – 30 minute segments.
RPE Scale for Children and Teens
Hopefully by now, we all know that a sedentary (minimal movement) lifestyle is unhealthy, so when we discuss physical activity, our goal is to encourage people to get up and get moving. So often times, the question that first comes up is “what counts as physical activity?” It’s important for students to realize how to pace themselves and what happens to the body during exercise. Primary students run a mile they would all take off sprinting, talk in terms of time rather than distance. Well the answer is that there are a lot of things that can count as physical activity. Physical activity can be fully weight-bearing (like walking, skipping or jumping), partially weight bearing (like biking and rowing), or non weight bearing (like swimming). Fully weight bearing activities are generally the best option for wellness: they require the body to fully support itself during all activities. Weight bearing activities provide good exercise for muscles to develop both strength and balance, to help build and maintain bone density, and are good calorie-burners too! Try to get your students (and yourself) up and out of their chairs for physical activity periodically throughout the school day. A moderate level of physical activity should increase both heart rate and breathing rate. The best way to tell if an activity is in the “moderate” range is to use the Talk Test. During activity, you should be able to talk. If you’re too out-of-breath to talk, you’re working too hard… if you can sing, you need to pick up the intensity!
Physical Activity vs. Physical Education
Physical Activity: bodily movement produced by the contraction of skeletal muscles and increases energy expenditure. Physical Education: planned, structured, sequential program based on standards. Students learn the skills/knowledge to be physically active for a lifetime. Many people use the terms physical activity, physical education and exercise as interchangeable terms. Physical activity is simply moving your body through space. Physical education is where students learn the skills and knowledge to be physically active throughout their lifetimes. Exercise is planned physical activity that is intended to improve or maintain fitness. Athletics is not PE
Inclusive – ALL Students
Leaping the Barriers Time Space Knowledge/Ideas Inclusive – ALL Students Time is often cited as the biggest barrier to making changes to a classroom schedule. Finding ways to incorporate physical activity into other subjects not only gives students a chance to get up and move, but also offers an opportunity to reinforce a lesson or concept and reach those students who learn best in a hands-on type of environment. Short, simple physical activities are also great ways to fill in small bits of downtime that may occur during a typical school day. *Click to reveal next bullet*Lack of space in a classroom can be a concern among some teachers, and a barrier to incorporating physical activity into the classroom curriculum. There are plenty of opportunities for physical activity that simply require enough space for students to stand next to or behind their chairs. Nearly every classroom can accommodate these kinds of activities. *Click to reveal next bullet* A lack of knowledge/ideas for incorporating physical activity into the classroom is another potential concern. This presentation is designed to help get teachers’ creative juices flowing. Many of the ideas in this presentation can be used as-is, or can be modified to best fit the needs of a specific classroom. Teachers can also access online resources (listed at the end of this presentation) as well as resources within their own school; namely their Physical Education teacher. Concerns over physical handicaps and special needs students (and adults) can best be addressed using a little common sense. Students (and teachers!) in wheelchairs can often still perform hand/arm motions, lean from side to side, toss and catch objects, and move around the room to participate in relay races, scavenger hunts, and other teambuilding activities. Students using walkers or crutches can perform most activities with a little modification (such as picking up relay race objects from a table instead of up off the floor) and extra time. Teachers have a number of resources within their schools that they can also utilize including the physical education teacher, special education teacher(s), school nurse, and individual student aides. *Click to reveal last bullet* It is understandable that some teachers may not be entirely comfortable incorporating physical activity into their classroom day. These next few slides are designed to provide a little knowledge (and confidence) to those who may not be familiar with some of the physical activity and exercise basics.
Classroom Atmosphere Conducive to PA Routines/Signals Safety
Rules/Reminders Positive Persistence Enthusiasm
Ideas to Increase PA Instant Activity Transition Times
Instructions Brief/Concise Challenges/Competition Easier Versions Persistence
Fitness Breaks Explain the Fitness Break Resource – The Fitness Breaks were created as an indoor recess activity, a way to infuse PA into the classroom and a station format. The movements require no equipment and can be done in small spaces. Activity Handout cards to each participant. Play music as they move around the room trading cards. When music stops, participants will find a partner. Ask them to do the activities shown on their 2 cards 10x. Ask them to discuss what they feel are the barriers to PA in the classroom. Do this 2-3 times. Bring them back to whole group. Have them share out a few of the barriers. As they are sharing out, ask the audience to come up with possible solutions and share. After the sharing out has concluded, show the next slide and discuss how to “leap the barriers”.
Eat Smart Move More – NC Energizers
Utilize one of the energizers for audience participation. Let’s take a look at energizers, these were developed in the state of NC due to similar legislation that required classroom teachers to provide PA. These fall into which category?
Have audience participate in a seated JAMmin’ Minute
Have audience participate in a seated JAMmin’ Minute. Schools can sign up for the JAM school program and receive weekly links to a new break.
Touch Spelling Equipment: Post the letters of the alphabet around the perimeter of the room. Create index cards with spelling or vocabulary words. Procedure: Instruct students to spell the word by moving around the room to touch the letters. When students have completed spelling a word, have them place the card in a hula hoop at the front of the room. When they have completed all 3 cards, they may select additional cards from the hula hoop. Pass out word cards to students; give each student 2 or 3 cards. Options: Instruct students to use various locomotor movements (walk, jog, hop, skip, jump, leap, gallop, slide). Instruct students to touch letters with right hand, left hand, right elbow, left elbow, etc.
Alliance Task Cards
NFL Play 60 Challenge Rock, Paper, Scissors Play the PA Way!
Physical Activity Opportunities
Incorporate into Content Alarms/Announcements Student Produced Videos Stream Videos JAMmin’ Minutes Voluntary PA Programs - Lunch Periods Open gym, Wii, DDR, Yoga, Pilates, Exercise Videos Physical activity can be integrated into the school day by various methods. I group PA into two categories: 1.. Integrating into academic content or 2. specific PA breaks, not necessarily focusing on academic content. Remember NCLB changed the landscape of education, schools, teachers and administrators are accountable for school grades and how students perform on the FCAT. So the logic has been to remove low performing students from PE and place them in remedial math/LA courses. Some of our schools utilize Fitness Alarms. For example, a bell rings at 10 and 2 every day and everyone engages in physical activity. Some schools have been successful by engaging students to choreograph and perform physical activities that are video-taped and re-broadcast to the whole school in for use in classrooms. One elementary school streams videos through their closed circuit TV so that teachers can access PA breaks when it is convenient. Over the next few slides, I will share with you free or low cost resources to assist schools with integrating PA into the school day. Examples of academic content and non-academic will be shared.
GoNoodle Classroom Brain Breaks
Five minute brain breaks for kids Activities for every part of the day Energize with running Focus with stretching Calm with deep breathing Stimulate with dancing 95% of teachers say GoNoodle improved academic performance Free access for all teachers
Deal or No Deal Equipment: 3-5 envelopes with one exercise listed on the outside Teacher makes a deal with one student. All students participate in each deal. Student chooses envelope - Deal or No Deal?” Deal – the entire class performs the physical activity OR “No Deal - student chooses a card from envelope and the students perform the new number.” Suggested exercises for the outside of each envelope: Seat crunches, pushups, elbow to opposite knee touches, jumping jacks, arm circles, jog in place, forearm jabs, heel raises, toe raises, weight training with textbooks: arm curls, overhead press. Inside each envelope, place repetition variations on separate pieces of paper or cardstock (e.g. One More, 5 more, 10 more, none, times 2, one less, -5, divided by, square root of 36).
Fit Sticks Jump rope Kick Hula hoop Half Jack Hop Triceps stretch Jump
Paddle a kayak Shoot baskets Tennis serve Baseball swing Baseball pitch Squat Lunge Kick Half Jack Triceps stretch Biceps curls Punch Shoulder stretch Elbow to knee March Backstroke Breast stroke High Knees Make Your Own Fit Sticks or Cards Materials: Popsicle Sticks, Tongue Depressors, or Cardstock paper Sharpies Cup or Ziplocs Movement Ideas
Tips to Use Participate Academic concepts Start/stop signals Music
Physical activity alarms DVDs for PA breaks Students produce PA videos Fun competitions Enthusiasm - Persistence KY example Minute Movers (Toolkit activities—each student does the card assigned for the day) PA Alarms – 11:00 am, get kids moving over intercom Let kids create PA breaks to show with morning announcements – Adults NOT Cool Competition using pedometers 28
Calling All PE Teachers
Engage colleagues, community partners and business partners to challenge kids to get moving Provide training and ideas for staff Create a school challenge for PA Walking challenge Time challenge During a mid-block break During assemblies Assist with PA breaks at the beginning of the class period Lead PA during homeroom or advisory periods These are proven practices that some of our schools have implemented.
A mighty maze! But not without a plan.
Summary Change takes time! Good Change = More Time! Think BIG…..start small l Any type of change in instructional practice may take time. Making positive, sustainable change takes hard work, dedication and a commitment from teachers and administrators. Communication is key. Start small: Select one class in which to administer an assessment. By selecting one class, a teacher can work out the kinks with the administration, collection, and input of assessment data with a smaller group of students. Once the assessment has been refined, then the assessment can be administered to all of your students. Assessment can seem like a mighty maze at times but, developing a plan and not being afraid to adjust and readjust, teachers can seamlessly integrate an assessment program into their current instructional practice. A mighty maze! But not without a plan. -- Alexander Pope
Contact Information Sean Brock Physical Education/Physical Activity Advisor Kari Senger Healthy Schools Program Manager - SD Please contact me for additional assistance or information.
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