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Tools for Action & Advocacy Connecting CGCPs & School Improvement Plans Northwest Nazarene University Monday, February 10 th, 2014 Materials & Handouts.

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Presentation on theme: "Tools for Action & Advocacy Connecting CGCPs & School Improvement Plans Northwest Nazarene University Monday, February 10 th, 2014 Materials & Handouts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tools for Action & Advocacy Connecting CGCPs & School Improvement Plans Northwest Nazarene University Monday, February 10 th, 2014 Materials & Handouts available at:

2 Game Plan for Tonight What is a SIP? Why does the SIP matter for PSCs? Real-Life Pretend Activity Discussion & Questions

3 Doris Heritage 14 US Track titles 5 World Cross Country titles Competed in multiple Olympics Coached multiple Olympic teams

4 What is a SIP? School Improvement Plan 2002 NCLB ▫ “No Child Left Behind requires each state to define adequate yearly progress for school districts and schools, within the parameters set by Title I. In defining adequate yearly progress, each state sets the minimum levels of improvement--measurable in terms of student performance--that school districts and schools must achieve within time frames specified in the law. In general, it works like this: Each state begins by setting a "starting point" that is based on the performance of its lowest-achieving demographic group or of the lowest-achieving schools in the state, whichever is higher. The state then sets the bar--or level of student achievement--that a school must attain after two years in order to continue to show adequate yearly progress. Subsequent thresholds must be raised at least once every three years, until, at the end of 12 years, all students in the state are achieving at the proficient level on state assessments in reading/language arts and math.” From

5 NCLB Trigonometry 200220142010 “proficient” Student Achievement

6 Trickle-Down Theory Federal Government (NCLB) State Government LEA/School District

7 SIP Content Areas Non-Negotiables ▫Reading & Math Additional Academics ▫Writing, Science, etc. Other ▫Welcoming Environment/Diversity ▫Safety ▫On-Time Graduation ▫Attendance ▫Title I Plan Integration

8 WA State Guiding Template

9 District Template



12 Paperwork Burden Statement “The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 336 hours per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collection.”

13 Washington NCLB Waiver Relieves AYP rules Eliminates school choice financial requirements As an alternative to AYP, goals are measured in terms of achievement/proficiency gaps States applying must: ▫College & Career-ready ▫Accountability & Support ▫Effective Instruction ▫Reducing Duplication

14 Idaho Star-Rating for Schools and School Improvement SMART Goals Similar focus on academics & other areas (e.g. climate) e/schoolImprovement

15 So Why Does the SIP Matter? Federal Mandate Title I (money & helicopters) Vision ▫Guiding Document for Staff ▫Shelf-marker or living document? PSC Advocacy ▫Principal Evaluation ▫SIP is the “New Data” ▫ESEA/NCLB Waiver Requirements


17 A Starting Idea WASL deficit in Science area of “Systems” SIP identified supporting activities Classroom Guidance Lessons ▫Primary  Reinforce vocabulary and GLAD TPR ▫Intermediate  Providing social situations as a context


19 Connecting CGCP to the SIP PROsCONs Intentional activities Aligned with site mission (SIP) Accountability Advocacy Lots of work Correlation ≠ Causation Who cares? No fanfare

20 Real-Life Pretend Activity Elementary LevelJunior/High School Level Increase student attendance Reduce classroom behavior / discipline referrals Implement grade-level formative assessment for reading curriculum Create/implement intervention support for new district math curriculum Reduce number of drop-outs Increase enrollment in advanced placement (IB) courses Target intervention support for state assessment sub- groups (i.e. ELL, SPED, etc.) Refine processes to insure students are placed in appropriate math classes



23 Real-Life Pretend Activity Elementary LevelJunior/High School Level Increase student attendance Reduce classroom behavior / discipline referrals Implement grade-level formative assessment for reading curriculum Create/implement intervention support for new district math curriculum Reduce number of drop-outs Increase enrollment in advanced placement (IB) courses Target intervention support for state assessment sub- groups (i.e. ELL, SPED, etc.) Refine processes to insure students are placed in appropriate math classes

24 Recap The School Improvement Plan (SIP) is a guiding document for the school. PSCs can align and connect their CGCPs with the SIP for data, accountability, energy, momentum and advocacy.

25 Thank You Richard E. Cleveland, PhD Accreditation/Assessment Assistant Adjunct Instructor Seattle Pacific University (206)281.2384 Twitter: RichieKinz

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