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Carol Swingle, Facilitator 2011-12
Putting the Pieces of Title I & School Improvement Together: Schoolwide Title I Improvement Plan Preparation Carol Swingle, Facilitator
2 3 4 5 1 9 10 8 7 6 13 14 15 12 11 HO#7 So how are you feeling about this process NOW???? Which figure best captures YOU?
What is a Schoolwide Program?
A total school reform Designed to generate high levels of academic achievement in core academic areas for all students, especially those who are not demonstrating proficiency in meeting the State’s academic content and achievement standards.
What will be different? Who can receive services and HOW?
Who can receive Title I supported training? Who can receive Title I supported supplemental materials? Which parents are included in Title I supported activities and Title I notification? The DESIGN of the Title I program will be revamped. What do you see as ADVANTAGES. HO#3 Compare/Contrast SW and TA
Schoolwide means “ALL”
If need be, go back to the PURPOSE statement of Title I.
Supplement NOT Supplant
Even though it “BLENDS”, the Title I program is STILL supplemental and can NOT supplant any aspect of the basic education program…or a school or district’s basic responsibilities.
Schoolwide & School Improvement
One Comprehensive Plan School Improvement Legislative Requirements (Public Act 25 of 1990) ALL Public Schools Title I Requirements Compliance with NCLB MDE Rubrics for SW and TA Display the MDE SIF/C.N.A. Manual
Primary Documents Used in a School Improvement/Schoolwide PLANNING Process
School Data Profile (Most of Comprehensive Needs Assessment) Four types of data must be analyzed Identifies Strengths/Challenges Determines Priorities for Goals School Process Rubric (Program/Process Data) 40/90 Indicators – Program/Process Data SA/SARS reports (if NCA school) School Improvement Plan/Additional Requirements (What Gets Submitted) Identifies the Goals, Strategies, Activities Additional Requirement Section addresses 11 required components 3 KEY parts of the SW Planning Process
The Schoolwide Planning Process
Step by Step
Step 1: Select a Schoolwide Planning Team
Recommended Members: Leadership Staff Representation Student Representation Parent Representation Community Representation These are the STAKEHOLDERS Suggested roles and responsibilities of schoolwide planning team members. Planning teams decide members’ roles and responsibilities depending on the needs of the planning process in the school. Take time to read the recommended planning team roles. They are broken down into leadership, staff, parent and community representation.
Step 2: Assess Needs (School Data Profile + Process Rubric = CNA)
Purpose of the Comprehensive Needs Assessment
Identifies strengths and weaknesses of a school from many aspects – Four types of data Serves as a starting point for prioritizing areas of concern Focuses efforts for improving student achievement and meeting challenging academic content standards Drives decision making with data, not intuition, history or convenience. (If there is NO data, it’s just an opinion.) School Data Profile handout
School Data Profile Questions asking what needs for improvement have surfaced are identifying “Gaps” Questions asking what factors have contributed to the needs for improvement are identifying “Causes Contributing to the Gaps”
Questions to Explore GAPS
Where are we now? Where should we be? Compared to AYP targets Compared to State Compared to District Compared to standards set by our curriculum Compared to “best practice” or research? Is there a trend—are we heading in a direction that is not productive or positive? What subgroups or “targeted populations” are performing below the rest? Do we have aggregate issues? What specific skills or competencies are identified as deficient? Gaps help us identify our focus for GOALS and the Objectives for our goals
Causes—Digging Deeper
What data can provide insights into the cause(s) for the gap(s)? Causes shed light on the research we need to examine. The research leads us to the strategies that need to be employed to address the gap(s).
Four Types of Data Academic Achievement Program/Process
Perception (Teacher, Parent, Student) Demographic Share Sources of Data by Type handout
Academic Achievement Data
MEAP/MME Reading & Writing Math Science and Social Studies Feeder School Info Subgroup Disaggregation Other Assessments K-2 Assessments Part of School Data Profile Turn, Talk, Share….assessments to examine for YOUR school?
Program/Process Data School Process Rubric (SPR)
5 Strands Teaching & Learning Leadership Personnel & Professional Learning School & Community Relations Data & Information Management 90 Key Characteristics & Rubrics OR 40 = Performance Indicators for Ed YES! Self Assessment (SA or SAR) (if NCA school) Results of On Site Reviews or other program “audits” The SIF & School Profile are the centerpiece of the needs assessment.
Perception Data Teachers, Parents, Students Surveys & Interviews
What are your needs? Here’s what we’re doing. Are we meeting your needs? If not, why not? What do you think is missing? What should we continue? What should we stop/replace? Focus Groups Part of School Data Profile The plan is about meeting needs and student achievement….so ASK the right questions. What would you ask…Teachers/Staff, Parents, Students, Community????? Depending on time, break up group to brainstorm some questions for one of the groups.
Demographic Data Students Community/Families Staff
Qualifications Turnover Attendance & Mobility Patterns Limited English Special Education Racial-Ethnic Economically Disadvantaged Gender Part of School Data Profile Identifying Subgroups is Key Point out the term “turnover” for teacher mobility.
Gaps and Causes GAPS Achievement Data Demographic Data
Which content areas? Which skills or GLCE’s? Who is NOT meeting standards (subgroups or aggregate)? How big is the gap? How do we compare to other schools in district, county or State What is lacking in our programs and services? Causes Why is this happening? What is missing? What needs to be adjusted? What needs to remain? What needs to be added? Achievement Data Demographic Data Program Process Data Perception Data Take a moment and reflect on what each type of data can contribute to the GAPS and Causes. Elicit comments from audience.
Gaps and Causes Keep in mind:
Gaps inform our decisions about GOALS and the OBJECTIVES we must establish to meet the GOALS. Causes direct us to seek out the RESEARCH and STRATEGIES needed to address the “Gaps”.
Step 3: Set Priorities & Determine Goals
Develop recommendations for improvement
Use the schoolwide planning team to analyze the findings of the needs assessment, identify priorities, create goals based on the priorities, and identify scientifically based strategies to address needs. Develop recommendations for improvement What needs to change? What needs to remain? Who or What is the target?
Step 4: Creating the Plan
Required Components of a Schoolwide Title I Plan In Michigan = SIP + Additional Requirements
HO#5 Rubric
Required Components of a School Improvement Plan In Michigan
Provide the PA Legislation and MDE Checklist
PA 25 of 1990 Requirements Michigan School Code Section 380.1277
Mission Academic Goals Strategies Curriculum Aligned Evaluation Processes Staff Development Develop & Utilize Community Resources Role of Colleges, Libraries & Adult/Community Ed Building-level Decision Making Alternative/Authentic Assessments Technology Use On the Job Learning--Career Awareness Participation of Required Stakeholders HO#4 Provide Copy of PA 25 Legislation and MDE Checklist
School Improvement Additional Requirements in Michigan (10 federal & 2 state Title I Requirements)
Provide the PA Legislation and MDE Checklist
Index (State Requirement)
Index now generated by online template Schools may add their own Index if they want to direct the reader more specifically Online Index is sufficient to “pass”
#1 Comprehensive Needs Assessment
Identifies the 4 types of data Program/Process Achievement Demographic Perception (Teacher, Parent, Student) Must document how needs assessment was conducted, findings and conclusions GOALS must align with needs that have been identified & prioritized
#2 Schoolwide Reform Strategies =Your SIP
Scientifically based research effective methods and instructional strategies that; Strengthen the core academic program Increase amount and quality of learning time Include strategies for meeting needs of underserved populations Strategies to address all children, yet target low-achieving Requires evaluation-determine effectiveness Nds/Gls/Obj/Strat/act/Res handout The legislation states: “Scientifically based research effective methods and instructional strategies that; strengthen the core academic program of the school, increase amount and quality of learning time such as providing an extended school year and before and after school and summer programs and opportunities, and help provide an enriched and accelerated curriculum; and and include strategies for meeting needs of historically underserved populations.”
“Highly Qualified” #3 Instruction by “highly qualified” teachers & instructional paraprofessionals #4 Strategies to attract highly qualified teachers to high needs school (retaining teachers, also) “Highly Qualified” #3 Instruction by “highly qualified” teachers Instruction by “highly qualified” teachers. All core academic teachers should have met the HQ requirement by June 30, 2006. #4 Strategies to attract highly qualified teachers to high needs school Strategies to attract highly qualified teachers to high needs school. Title II, Part A funds may be used as incentives for attracting Highly Qualified teachers to high needs schools. Highly Qualified stratus must be reported in the annual education report/report card.
#5 High Quality and Ongoing Professional Development
Teachers, principals and paraprofessionals If appropriate-pupil services personnel, parents and other staff Devote sufficient resources to carry out effectively Support the findings of the C.N.A. and the resulting goals & strategies Embedded in SIP as activities Professional Development handout
#6 Strategies to Increase Parent Involvement
Must involve parents in planning, review and implementation of the SW plan (Stakeholders) Must have a school-level parent involvement policy reviewed annually Must address the other requirements of Title I regarding parent involvement Parent Compact Required meetings & notices Describes how the school will provide individual student assessment results, including interpretation, etc. Parents must have input #6 Strategies to Increase Parent Involvement – Parent Involvement Checklist A schoolwide program must involve parents in the planning, review, and improvement of the schoolwide program plan. A schoolwide program must have a parental involvement policy that includes strategies, such as family literacy services, to increase parental involvement and describes how the school will provide individual student academic assessment results, including an interpretation of those results, to the parents of students who participate in the academic assessments. Parental involvement is best encouraged through regular, two-way, and meaningful communications about student learning and other school activities. Effective strategies may include (1) promoting the understanding that parents are true partners in their children’s education and communicating the need for parents to help their children succeed in school, and (2) providing parents with specific suggestions, on an ongoing basis, about ways to encourage learning at home and ways to be actively involved in their child’s education at school.
Parent Involvement State Requires NCLB Requires Title I Schools to:
Parent Involvement Plan Public Dissemination Parent Input State Encourages Parent, Teacher & Student “Contracts” Voluntary NCLB Requires Title I Schools to: Include Parents Inform Parents Gather Input from Parents Support Parents Create a School Level Policy Create Parent, Teacher & Student “Compacts” Conduct Mandated Activities HO# 6 PROVIDE Parent Involvement CHECKLIST
#7 Transition Plans for Preschool Children
Assist preschool children in the transition from early childhood programs to local elementary school programs Head Start Even Start Early Reading First State-run preschool Does not apply to MS and HS programs or elementary programs not receiving PreK students into K #7 Transition Plans for Preschool Children Plans for assisting preschool children in the transition from early childhood programs, such as Head Start, Even Start, Early Reading First, or a State-run preschool program, to local elementary school programs. We encourage transition between each phase of education but transition plans are only required from early childhood programs to elementary school programs.
#8 Teacher Involvement in Academic Assessment Decisions
Include teachers in the decisions regarding the use of school-based academic assessments Include teachers in the analysis of student achievement data to improve academic achievement of all students #8 Teacher Involvement in Academic Assessment Decisions Which is defined as “Measures to include teachers in the decisions regarding the use of academic assessments in order to provide information on, and to improve, the achievement of individual students and the overall instructional program.” Engaging teachers in the process regarding selection of academic assessments and the use of these assessments in providing information on the individual student as well as the overall instructional program is a critical element in an effective schoolwide program.
#9 Timely Additional Assistance
A process is in place to identify students who need additional assistance Effective, timely, additional assistance for students having difficulty mastering the proficient or advanced levels of academic achievement standards Differentiated instruction is an integral part of the schoolwide program Should speak to all four core academic areas #9 Timely Additional Assistance Activities to ensure that students who experience difficulty mastering the proficient or advanced levels of academic achievement standards shall be provided with effective, timely additional assistance which shall include measures to ensure that students’ difficulties are identified on a timely basis and to provide sufficient information on which to base effective assistance. This could be called a school safety net, catching students who are failing or risk of failing to meet the core academic standards.
#10 Coordination and Integration of Services and Programs
Coordination and integration of Federal, State and local funds, services and programs including programs supported under NCLB, violence prevention, nutrition programs, housing programs, Head Start, adult, vocational and technical education and job training. Requires a listing of the resources available to the school and how they are used #10 Coordination and Integration of Services and Programs Coordination and integration of all programs or initiatives within the school building. This may include any programs under No Child Left Behind and Individuals with Disabilities Education Act such as; Reading First, 21st Century Community Learning Centers and Title IV, Safe and Drug Free.
#11 Evaluation (State Requirement)
Annually evaluate Implementation of the plan Student achievement results using data from State assessments and other indicators Modify Plan When Needed #10 Coordination and Integration of Services and Programs Coordination and integration of all programs or initiatives within the school building. This may include any programs under No Child Left Behind and Individuals with Disabilities Education Act such as; Reading First, 21st Century Community Learning Centers and Title IV, Safe and Drug Free.
The Next Steps…
Planning Considerations
WHEN should this take place? WHO must be involved? HOW do we get input? 4 measures of Data Student Achievement/Assessment Program/Process Perception (Teacher, Parent, Student) Demographic WHERE will we find other information needed? Budget & Resources Available Policies Staff Qualifications Transitions Research-Based strategies/Best Practice Curriculum & Assessment HOW will we break up the work and distribute responsibilities? Some information requires the participation of central office. Let’s discuss those….
5 Required Meetings with Facilitator
Overview Needs Assessment = Gaps and Causes Goal Writing (objectives, strategies, etc) Parent Involvement Other sections Final Sign Off by Facilitator
Expectations for the Staff
Each participant supports the efforts of the school to solicit input from ALL stakeholders Take on the role of a stakeholder/team member: Needs Assessment Goal Writing and Research & Selection of BEST Strategies Parent Involvement Coordinating all Parts Be prepared to review PLAN Be accountable for the implementation Participate in evaluation WHAT role will YOU PLAY?
DEADLINE for submitting SW Plan (SIP including Additional Requirements) to MDE for approval: May 15th, 2012 Materials Districts Must Submit handoutThe Schoolwide Title I Plan will be submitted for review and approval. If we meet the deadline, we will have feedback by June 15th or earlier. Modifications may be required, but our goal will be to submit a totally approvable plan.
Annual SWP DEADLINE September 1, 2011 submission on MDE/AdvancEd website
School Improvement/Schoolwide Plan Template handout The Schoolwide Title I plan and the School Improvement Plan will be ONE, single submission.
We’re NOT done yet!
Available Support Documents
Schoolwide Plan Rubric Schoolwide Reviewer “Look Fors” Document Parent Involvement Checklist Schoolwide Planning Clarification Document
Opportunity to ask questions….
2 3 4 5 1 9 10 8 7 6 13 14 15 12 11 HO#7 So how are you feeling about this process NOW???? Which figure best captures YOU?
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