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California English Language Development Test (CELDT) and Reclassification Palm Middle School 2012-2013.

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Presentation on theme: "California English Language Development Test (CELDT) and Reclassification Palm Middle School 2012-2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 California English Language Development Test (CELDT) and Reclassification Palm Middle School 2012-2013

2 CELDT Laws and Regulations  Local education agencies (LEAs) administer test of English proficiency in modalities of listening, speaking, reading, writing to:  1. new students whose primary language is not English  2. students who are English learners based on annual assessments

3 Primary Home Language Determinations  LEAs make a primary home language determination for all students in kindergarten through grade twelve upon first enrollment in California public schools  Once established, primary language can only be re- determined if results disputed by parent/guardian only  Determined by home language survey

4 Purposes of the CELDT  Identify pupils who are ELs  Determine the level of English language proficiency of pupils who are ELs  Assess the progress of EL pupils in acquiring the skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing

5 Uses of CELDT Results  Initial Assessment  Annual Assessment  Accountability: Calculate annual measurable achievement objectives (AMAOs 1 and 2) which classifies ELs into three categories: English Learners, Initial Fluent Proficient, RFEP (Initially identified as ELs, but later meet English proficiency requirements)

6 Accountability  AMAOs for EL students are as follows:  AMAO 1- Annual progress in learning English based on CELDT performance  AMAO 2: Attaining English proficiency on CELDT

7 Accountability (cont.)  AMAO 3: Meeting Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) for the EL subgroup at the LEA level on the California Standards Test (CST), California Modified Assessment (CMA), California Alternate Performance Assessment (CAPA); California High School Exit Examination (CAHSEE)

8 Reclassification  Multiple Measures are used to reclassify students:  Assessment of English proficiency (CELDT)  Evaluation of performance in basic skills (CST, CMA)  Teacher evaluation  Parental opinion and consultation

9 Guide to the 2012-2013 Performance Report There are five performance levels for measuring a student’s proficiency in English, based on CELDT scores:  Advanced (5)  Early Advanced (4)  Intermediate (3)  Early Intermediate (2)  Beginning (1)

10 How To Read Report: Overall and Domains  The CELDT results report the performance level and score for the student’s overall performance in column 1. The overall score is the average of all domains. Columns 2 through 5 show the performance level(s) of the four domains tested: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing

11  More than 50% of our English Learners speak Spanish  Samoan  Rumanian  Filipino (Pilipino or Tagalog)  French  Khmer (Cambodian)  Arabic  Japanese  Urdu  Other non-English Language (Severely disabled students) What languages do the students at Palm Middle School speak?

12  115 students are on either year one or two of monitoring after being Reclassified  123 students are currently designated as English Learners  49 students have Reclassified this year; 2 are pending How are our students progressing?

13 CELDT Performance Level Report 2012-2013

14 CELDT Performance Level 2012-2013 vs. 2011-2012 CELDT Overall 2012-2013  ADVANCED: 11.4%  EARLY ADVANCED: 35.6%  INTERMEDIATE: 34.9%  EARLY INTERMEDIATE: 8.1%  BEGINNING: 10.1% CELDT Overall2011-2012  ADVANCED: 8.3%  EARLY ADVANCED: 45.6%  INTERMEDIATE: 34.4%  EARLY INTERMEDIATE: 6.1%  BEGINNING: 5.6%

15  ADVANCED: 8.93%  EARLY ADVANCED: 26.79%  INTERMEDIATE: 41.07%  EARLY INTERMEDIATE: 8.93%  BEGINNER: 14.29% 2012-2013 6 th Grade (Incoming 5 th Grade Students)

16  ADVANCED: 2.56%  EARLY ADVANCED: 51.28%  INTERMEDIATE: 33.33%  EARLY INTERMEDIATE: 10.26%  BEGINNING: 2.56% 2012-2013 7 TH Grade (Coming from 6 th Grade)

17  Advanced: 20.37%  Early Advanced: 33.33%  Intermediate: 29.63%  Early Intermediate: 5.56%  Beginning: 11.11% 2012-2013 8 th Grade (Incoming from 7 th Grade)

18  55.3% of English Learners increased at least one level on CELDT. This fell short of the goal by 2.3%  This goal was not met. AMAO 1: 2011-2012

19  Students with less than 5 years of EL instruction was 20.1% which did not meet the target goal  Students with more than 5 years of EL instruction was 45.1% which did not meet the target AMAO 2: 2011-2012

20  ELA AYP was 36.5% which did not meet the NCLB target of 78.4%  Math AYP was 31.6% which did not meet the NCLB target of 79.0%  English Learners met participation rates AMAO 3: 2011-2012

21  Reclassification rate was 39%  This did not meet the district goal of attaining a 10% increase from a 44% baseline. The difference was - 1.5%. Reclassification Results: 2011-2012

22 Thank you!

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